Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Scott Eisen/Getty Images)

The Montauk Monster, the Great Clown Panic. . . What Else Is RFK Jr. Responsible For?

The third-party candidate copped to dumping a dead bear cub’s body in Central Park. Kat Rosenfield contemplates what else he might be hiding.

For ten years, New Yorkers have been wondering what kind of weirdo would leave a mutilated bear corpse in Central Park; now, we know the answer is. . . well, pretty much exactly the kind of weirdo you’d think. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., third-party presidential candidate and black sheep of the Kennedy clan, released a video on X on Sunday revealing that he was responsible for the 2014 incident, dumping the bear and staging the scene (badly) to look like a bike accident. The account must be seen to be believed—although I should note, having grown up in the part of rural New York where much of the action allegedly took place, that I do believe it, and furthermore guarantee you that is not the first time a wealthy person LARPing as a redneck has gotten into trouble with a bear carcass.

Photo from 2014 of Kennedy with dead black bear cub. (Photo via @ClareMalone/X)

Here’s the thing: this bear incident has been an unsolved mystery for a decade, and you just know it’s not the only story of its kind that RFK has been holding back. And so, under the circumstances, here are some other mysteries I think we should all be taking another look at:

The Montauk Monster

We already know the man likes to leave mysterious animal carcasses in public places; honestly, this one isn’t even a reach.

The Nightmare Clown Panic of 2016

What if this isn’t RFK’s first time wreaking havoc during an election year?

The Hijacking of Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 305

In 1971, a mysterious hijacker named D.B. Cooper stole $200,000 and jumped from the plane, never to be seen again. RFK Jr. raised $5 million and jumped off a cliff. Coincidence? Maybe. 

The Mothman

“So I was driving through West Virginia late one night after a dinner at Peter Luger’s steak house, and someone’s porch light was on. . . ”

The Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Look, everyone else is thinking it, so I’m just going to say it: What if there was a second gunman on the grassy knoll, but he was very, very small?

Kat Rosenfield is a columnist at The Free Press. Read her piece about Judy Blume and follow her on X @katrosenfield.

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