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Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo at the Richard Nixon Presidential Library (Kent Nishimura / Los Angeles Times via Getty Images)

Honestly: Power and Politics with Mike Pompeo

With everything going on here at home you can be forgiven for not focusing on what’s going on in Mariupol or Hong Kong.

With everything going on here at home you can be forgiven for not focusing on what’s going on in Mariupol or Hong Kong.

But what’s going on in those faraway places has a profound impact on us. For evidence of that truth, look no further than Wuhan. Or at the current price of gas.

The point is that there is little distinction between domestic and foreign politics. If you are the world’s superpower—and at least for now we still appear to be—they are profoundly connected.

That’s the case former CIA head and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo makes in my conversation with him today.  In this wide-ranging and frank conversation, Pompeo answers my questions about China, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and Iran. But also: the stop the steal movement, the future of the GOP and whether or not he’s running for president.

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