In recent days, we’ve been working around the clock to bring you the clearest sense possible of exactly what is happening in Israel. Our goal is to bring you the best on-the-ground reporting, analysis, and firsthand accounts of this war.
Throughout all of this, we have tried to do something difficult: look evil in the eye. It’s important to understand what just happened in order to understand what will come. It’s important to understand what just happened so that it never happens again.
That’s what I spoke about in two interviews yesterday on MSNBC and Fox News.
Here’s MSNBC:
And here’s Fox News:
To follow all of our reporting on this subject, please click here.
Israel is our focus right now, but there are other urgent stories unfolding. Also in The Free Press today, Rav Arora reports on a disturbing new law that could mean Canadians can no longer access popular Spotify podcasts. Read “Justin Trudeau Is Coming for Joe Rogan.”
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I'm fine admitting there is much about international politics and global economics that I don't understand. When it comes to judging a U.S. President's ability to promote stability abroad and economic development at home, I thus take a very simple approach. Is the economy doing well right now? Then whoever is president right now is doing a good job. Is the world growing more violent or more peaceful? I judge the president accordingly. I do this because no matter who is president and no matter how the economy is doing, people will always create narratives to attribute blame to previous presidents and credit to the current president when they like him, and the opposite when they don't.
So here it is: all major cities in America are now prohibitively expensive and rife with crime, and the world is burning. I almost pity the people who are contorting themselves 12 times over to defend the absolute dumpster fire that is the Biden administration. For me it's simple. Biden plainly sucks because *gestures everywhere*
Rather than pay money for hostages - money which will be used to fund more terrorism, how about this idea?
Dear Hamas: For each hostage killed, we will bomb a 1000' X 1000' section of Gaza city, without warning, and we will bomb it until not one stone stands on another. We will repeat this action as many times as required. Have a nice day.