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CIUDAD JUAREZ, MEXICO - MARCH 05: Hundreds of migrants from various nationalities arrive in Ciudad Juarez, located on the border with the United States, Mexico on March 5, 2024. These individuals crossed the Rio Grande and subsequently attempted to navigate through the barbed wire installed by the Texas National Guard. Some succeeded, reaching Gate 36, where they will undergo processing by the Border Patrol. (Photo by David Peinado/Anadolu via Getty Images)
Hundreds of migrants of various nationalities arrive in Ciudad Juarez, located on the border of the United States and Mexico on March 5, 2024. (David Peinado via Getty Images)

What Should We Do About the Crisis at the Border?

A debate on immigration—in Texas—that you won’t want to miss.

By The Free Press

March 12, 2024

As the crisis at the southern border rages on, there is more discord than ever over what to do about it. Today, the Supreme Court extended a pause on Senate Bill 4, a Texas law that was set to take effect on Wednesday, which would allow the police to arrest migrants suspected of entering the country illegally. The law has been described as one of the toughest state immigration laws in U.S. history—and was heavily protested earlier this week.

Immigration continues to top the list of the issues most important to voters in the upcoming presidential election. Americans on the left and right agree that our immigration system is broken. 

But how do we fix it? 

That’s what we’ll debate live on April 11 at the Majestic Theatre in Dallas, Texas. 

Best-selling author Ann Coulter and Sohrab Ahmari, founder and editor of Compact, will argue that the U.S should shut its borders. They will face off against Nick Gillespie, editor-at-large for Reason magazine, and Cenk Uygur, founder of The Young Turks. 

Head here to purchase tickets to the debate–and to the exclusive debate after-party. Get your tickets now! You won’t want to miss this. 

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