"In high school, my homeroom had an exercise where we made a T-chart dividing various ethnicities, religions, and other identities into the categories of “oppressor” and “oppressed.”" Dividing groups into oppressor and oppressed is not something we should be teaching in school. That's propaganda not education.

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That’s so sad, but also infuriating. All I can say is these vile little antisemites better not ask the rest of us to pay off that student loan for a degree I wouldn’t line my cat’s litter box with.

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I am Jewish and well armed. Come get some. Every Jew in this country needs learn how to shoot safely and have weapons at the ready. Never again.

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You should read “Social Justice Fallacies” by Thomas Sowell. It just came out. Fun fact the Eugenics movement of the 1910’s and 20’s was pushed by left wing progressives from elite universities. They used the term Social Justice back then too. They also had the same air of moral superiority and the believe that history is on their side.

It’s the exact same the thing just an adjustment in ideology.

Read the book!!!

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This evil comes from the pit of hell and smells of smoke. I am older (65), and am stunned by the breadth and vehemence of anti-Jew sentiment. As a military “brat” I learned a lot from growing up in a variety of locales and cultures. I am a Christian, who understands that G-d chose the Jewish people to shine a light and lead all others to Him; I cannot claim to be a Christian without honoring His chosen people.

I appreciate your explanation of how “identity politics” have led our youth to this generation’s Kristellnacht. I hope it is not too late to course-correct.

I will continue to pray for, and do what I can, to support Israel and all Jews.

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Welcome to the most racist generation -- at least in my 65 years.

Really, I doubt there is a time in the past 100 years where 1/2 of all college students would have supported the kkk and its objectives. hamas is more virulent and bigoted than the kkk. In one day, hamas murdered more Jews than the kkk murdered in any decade.

So yeah, this is a substantially failed generation. A generation which, ironically, considers itself the most moral.

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Cancel the check to Stanford, denounce them, leave, and finish at a state school. You'll save money and likely get a better education. Anyone smart enough like yourself to get into Stanford will be successful with or without the brand name diploma.

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Thank you Julia. Thoese pro-Hamas (pro-rape, pro-beheading) people at Stanford are vile and evil.

But I'm afraid I have some harsh words for you: If you're at Stanford, paying them money, you're part of the problem.

Drop out NOW and finish your degree at San Jose State University. Or even De Anza College -- the nearby community college. Why are you going to Stanford anyway? So you can tell people the rest of your life you went to Stanford? A morally bankrupt institution. I will never hire anyone out of Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, or any other "elite" school. What has Stanford brought us lately? Theranos?

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Reason #537 to homeschool.

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What we are seeing is the ugly side of liberalism, bastardizations of the beliefs of individualism and collective will.

It is nothing more than the braying mob, missing only the guillotines.

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Thank you Julia for this very important message that needs to be read widely. It’s a tragedy what has taken hold of our educational system and through social media. We need action against this and your essay is a valuable contribution.

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Fight Back, Julia. Don't take this shit sitting down. This essay is a powerful start!

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Julia, nice work here on an awful subject. It is terrifying that "smart" people are so stupid and that so many of our youth--and adults-- are so lazy and easily led. I have been putting together a primer of links for my own teens/early 20 year olds because I cannot bear to try to discuss when they really DONT KNOW WHEREOF THEY SPEAK. I make sure to select sources they can't say are crazy people conservative sites so my evidence isn't undermined before it is even evaluated (which is pretty sad because their estimation and mine of said sites do differ). Of course now I have overloaded my primer so I have to select the most important and get them out so we can have an actual discussion because I cannot bear for my children to parrot racist genocidal idiocy. The links comprise a range of specific subjects such as the creation of the modern Israeli state and Hamas' role in Gaza and the history behind it coming into existence (PLO etc etc) as well as accounts and video evidence from the horrific terrorist attack on 10/7. Because these kids are fed a lot of stuff and doubt the truth -- and these are MY kids whom we raised to question and be open minded and who went to a charter where the education is based on the Great Books and the emphasis is on America (as represented by our diverse sending districts) as melting pot, and so on. UGHHHH.

None of my business but I have been reading some accounts by other students here and there and I wonder, will you continue on there? I mean it is a huge deal to have gotten into Stanford and kudos to you all the way. But will there come a point where you will feel unsafe to the point that it isn't worth returning and/or the return? Or would you view leaving as giving the ideologically warped a win? I think this is going to become an issue sooner than later for many . The fact that you have vehement protestors who have no idea what they are actually saying or sticking on their computers tells me that these sheep can be led and are being led and no end of trouble as you know can come from this. I am very very scared for our world.

Anyway Julia very nicely done please keep up the good work and incidentally, how did that in-person meeting with Nellie go for your "performance project"? w⁠(⁠°⁠o⁠°⁠)⁠w Looking forward to proof of life in the form of her TGIF tomorrow (kidding, I'm kidding, if we can't laugh here together although in the midst of nothing funny at all where can we-- I hope you agree...) Stick to your convictions and stay true to your faith and know that you are not alone even though it may certainly feel like that on campus. Be safe and God bless.

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The modern liberal is morally bereft. He rejects the Biblical notions of evil and focuses on Hitler. Hitler was indeed evil in the extreme, but no one man can embody the manifold expressions of evil in the world. The devil is a seducer and a deceiver. He appeals to your best nature and perverts and debases it. Many of the vectors of this evil are identity-oriented leftist groups that Hitler would have hated merely for their ethnicity, so the modern liberal is blind to the evil within them.

So very superficial are the liberal's moral sentiments. It's all about feelings and slogans and social approval. So quick to condemn the use of the wrong pronoun, but so clueless in the face of actual genocide. So quick to ridicule those Americans that he deems unsophisticated. They try to deny and excuse this in public, but those of us who knew them when we were young and unguarded know what they really think.

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Ms. Steinberg, young people like you give older people hope.

Don't let the bastards get you down.

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The author got right to the point in this essay.

“In high school, my homeroom had an exercise where we made a T-chart dividing various ethnicities, religions, and other identities into the categories of “oppressor” and “oppressed.”

God help us all. We are being slowly destroyed from within. And anyone who falls into these so-called oppressed groups should consider how they would be treated in any Arab nation not named Israel.

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