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Now the world sees how much it cost to liberate the hostages.

It took one man's life to rescue four hostages. That is a lousy return on investment.

Of course, it's great to see the hostages liberated and to read about the celebrations.

But I'm speculating that Israel will be pretty reluctant to attempt more liberations. Instead, Israel will continue its winning ways in the Gaza Strip until Hamas is totally defeated.

Meanwhile, President Biden will dither and meddle while Netanyahu's political opponents will focus on ousting him instead of on winning the war.

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Praise the Lord they were rescued. Now I pray that the Islamists there and the one's here will be defeated. I'm talking to you Tlaib and American university anti-Semites.

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They weaponize the fact that we weak Israeli's value human life and they do not. They use this to their advantage in the face of a credulous and primarily antisemitic Europe and U.N. Is this the 21 st century or the 13th century? Europe deserves to be boycotted by Israeli's and also worldwide Jewry. Don't travel there and or spend money there. Their economy is already weak, it deserves to get weaker still!

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Godspeed, IDF. Prayers for the families of the hostages who were murdered by the Palestinians and for the hostages who remain and their families. Prayers for the State of Israel against genocidal Islamism and the depraved subhumans in the West who enable it.

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My heart goes out to the Zamora family. I can't imagine being the mourning family in a time of national rejoicing, but it was good to hear that their sacrifice is known too.

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If a writer's agent tried to sell Hollywood producers a movie script of these events: from the invasion to stories like this, they would be laughed out of every office... Outlandish, corny, unrealistic, not believable.... I mean: a beautiful girl taken away on a motorcycle who is the rescued months later by Jewish Jason Bournes'..? Fahget about it!

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Don't expect Hollywood to make that movie. Like a lot of politicians, academics and pundits, most Hollywood movie makers are intimidated by Jew haters.

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Incredible story of heroism, bravery, and sacrifice.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

I can't imagine what it feels like to be one of those IDF Special Operations soldiers. They risked everything they had. And they saved innocent people. These soldiers are young but their lives have already had meaning that will last forever. God bless them. And God bless Arnon Zamora and his family. R.I.P. Grant eternal rest unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

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The tales of heroism and kindness, large and small, are heartwarming.

On the "small" side, my daughter heard from her husband in Gaza that the wife of one of his comrades had spent a miserable night in their shelter in Nahariya with the children, because of attacks from Lebanon. My daughter found a pizzeria in that town and had it deliver pizza and ice cream to the woman and her kids.

While she was doing that, she got a message that her siblings had arranged a babysitter for her and movie tickets for her and a friend (whom they had already contacted).

And when her office-mates heard her order the pizza, they did something similar for her.

All that is on the personal level, and it's great. The political... not so much. Making a big deal out of how the PM hasn't "accepted responsibility"? I'm not sure what exactly that would mean, but I'm quite sure that the people calling for it the loudest would be the first to say, if he did accept it, "See? It's all his fault! He has to step down immediately!" Maybe he does, but the reasoning here is circular, or close to it. One could also point out that we didn't hear these people -- the Israeli Left -- demanding an accounting from the politicians who brought us Oslo and the ensuing Second Intifada.

Myself, I'm not very interested in pointing fingers; what's vital is that we improve our practices to minimize the chance of the next catastrophe, as was done in the wake of The Yom Kippur War. I'm not pointing a finger at Gantz either, but his statement that “Netanyahu prevents us from getting a real victory" is meaningless without an explanation of the mechanism by which he's doing it and specific decisions that were obviously wrong at the time.

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It's my understanding that Gantz was not popular and his departure is fine with most Israelis. I say this with very little knowledge of the political dynamics of the region.

My visceral response is one of tremendous joy that four hostages were saved from captivity and that Noa was able to see her mother. Reports state that her mother is gravely ill but I pray that even if she couldn't register recognizing her child, that she knows that she is safe. RIP Arnon Zamora and God bless the father who did not live to see the return of his son.

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I smell the US state dept and administration doing everything they can to get rid of Bibi. You don't have to love Bibi to be outraged by this meddling. Everyone is forgetting that this is/was a Unity Government. And removing Bibi isn't getting Israel a leftist government. The Israelis can figure it out for themselves.

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I'm not outraged by the meddling (though I agree that there's meddling); I'm outraged by the stupidity. I also think there's a decent chance that we 𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗹 get a leftist government - or at least one that the US and EU can cow into new concessions to the Palestinians.

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The Jewish community in Brazil celebrated massively the rescue operation. Long live the IDF !!

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This is the way. Thank you for sharing your story. God bless the people of Israel.

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Perhaps the New York Times will also publish a report of the billions killed in Gaza during the hostage rescue.


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Because of Hamas, of course.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

My prayers were answered. Glory Hallelujah!

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Israel should lessen dependence on the US as we have been infiltrated and compromised. Unless there is a deep cultural renewal in the US, we are a treacherous ally and a toothless enemy. Finish it, Jews.

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That will not work in my opinion. The next war will be with Hezbollah and if America is not fully behind Israel then Iran will attack Israel directly. Israel must continue to kiss America's behind a bit longer. This is a very dangerous moment for Israel and the world. America must be one with Israel and that alliance cannot look feeble to Iran. Americans must stop wringing our hands about the civilians Hamas intentionally sacrifices for political gain. It is awful that civilians die in Gaza, but it will be horrible beyond imagination if American delicacy leads to a war between Iran and Israel. That guarantees that American troops will die in the Middle East.

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The liberal populous is not intelligent enough to understand this. They are hypnotized by Iranian propaganda.

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"Am Yisrael Chai!” Indeed!

In the meantime, "Is there nothing feckless Joe Biden cannot screw up?!" He's deliberately trying to undermine Bibi's clear-eyed, existential survival-focused wartime leadership. Blinken is meeting with the coward Getz to impose a Hamas-legitimizing two-state solution while Biden now seeks a unilateral release of the five allegedly living American hostages. All this to prevent the Saudi's from abandoning the petrodollar. Sheesh!

Israel cannot survive with Iranian armed genocidal Islamists on its borders, insistent on the annihilation of all things Jewish, worldwide.

Maybe God is counting noses? Maybe our beloved United States has truly lost its way.

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I get where leadership is hard but I really don’t understand the opprobrium thrown at Bibi. Does anyone really think he’s not doing the best that he can? It’s basically the entire world against Israel. Inside and outside he seems damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. If I recall correctly, Bibi was one who thought turning Gaza over to the Palis was a bad idea. And indeed, it turns out that it was. Give the guy a break.,

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Yes the world against Israel. Including the cursed Biden administration.

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