Here in 2023: Angry Harvard and Penn alums suddenly have billions of dollars of unallocated donation money for some odd reason. Just sayin... :D

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Please grow a brain

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God bless you in your pursuit, I fully believe and support your cause.

I Thank God that you exist and are willing to stand up to the opposition you face!

Thank you!

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I don't see a single Indian or Chinese origin person in your list of named faculty. That bothers me since most of Enginerring Business and Science programs at major universities are from these demographics. I think as a former UT Austin graduate, Austin is indeed a great place to start such an initiative but please extend it to the fields of Technology, Science and Business in order to get wider traction.

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My second home in Santa Fe is just a stone’s throw away from St. John’s other campus. While I don’t know their present political milieu, what has always impressed me is their ongoing dedication to classical learning and the Socratic method of teaching which I’d think produces a superior graduate compared to spoon fed grads of schools they have little more than a series of multiple choice exams and term papers graded by graduate assistants.

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My second home in Santa Fe is just a stone’s throw away from St. John’s other campus. While I don’t know their present political milieu, what has always impressed me is their ongoing dedication to classical learning and the Socratic method of teaching which I’d think produces a superior graduate compared to spoon fed grads of schools they have little more than a series of multiple choice exams and term papers graded by graduate assistants.

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This is great to hear. as a financial planner, I have been - and with this news will continue - to emphasize that people plan for college differently with their young children. No need to join the rat race to enter a 'prestigious' university if those same universities are lowering their standards in all areas. There are so many option B's and it's a good thing that 529s were made a bit more flexible. Good luck on this most excellent venture. I know that I would like to attend a college with that caliber of faculty and advisors.

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I only just discovered this! Great to see... and I will be following closely as my now 13yo approaches college age.

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Sir; high marks for your intellectual vision statement. It is similar to those that began the legacy universities of the U.S. and western Europe. Socratic teaching opens the door to relativism and liberal association - the very thing that opens the door for a teacher to say what I heard numerous times, which is "I am going to challenge everything your parents taught you." Rather than spend hundreds of thousands on 'seeking the truth' in university, I believe the leading criterion of students seeking higher education now emphasize learning the facts of science and mathematics and, or, knowledge leading to the application of enterprise processes.

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I wish the founders of University of Austin well and excellent luck. However, it is impossible to have a career in management nowadays and openly oppose or be non-committal about Affirmative Action or racist rhetoric. The facist revolution won and is consolidating its victory (you can see that in posts here on Common Sense), and these fine people at the new university are fighting against very long odds.

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Experience taught me this, If people are NOT taught how to identify, own, and control their emotional system they will NEVER be truly successful and cannot handle the responsibility of Freedom. I taught a modem of Surviving Your Feelings under the umbrella of Military thinking, through the fence of macho super stud expressions of life. Men and women, young and old, educated and not. all in this process came out stronger, bright eyed, enthusiastic and a joy to watch grow successfully based upon historically proven truths and values. This idea of Surviving Your Feelings is NOT done through the intellect because people have never been taught how to take responsibility for the garbage collected and denied. It can only be done in a group process. No its not a distance circle where the facilitator plays, OH YOU POOR BABY. It a facilitated discussion of questions asked in a sequence and manner that does NOT invade anyone's World of "stuff". The outcome is thrilling to watch as everyone comes up and out of their own pit and sees the rest of us as valuable entities. Yes, it works, counselors and Phd's have described it as fantastic.

I am a super nothing, a retired SCPO who was given the task of cleaning up a large command, quickly, solidly and not destroying the very people who were needed to perform our mission. I will share ALL THE DETAILS AND SKILLS TO a people person who has the skills to ask life questions and accept the answers without exception. I do not need remuneration, accolades or any stuff.. Interested?? Call me, email me, cleanoil@outdrs.net, 360-507-2594

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If it's hard to be a conservative on the elite campuses, it will be hard to be on the left at UoA. When or where will we ever have rigorous and civil debate not just between capitalists that don't like each other but in an arena that can accommodate and engage the (respectful if also militant) articulation of any and all views?

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Mar 6, 2022·edited Mar 6, 2022

It's clear that UATX is being created in response to corrosive political correctness and authoritarian tendencies in today's formerly liberal universities, and that's great. But will genuine, open inquiry exist in every discipline?

You do not mention, for example, how funding from pharmacuetical companies has made the mere questioning of the safety and efficacy of vaccines verboten at most universitites. Will examination of the history of the pharmaceutical industry's liability-free golden goose be permitted? Will the corrupting influence that powerful industry has on government be encouraged? eg https://ethics.harvard.edu/files/center-for-ethics/files/capturedagency_alster.pdf

If you bristle at these questions, you need to revisit your definition of free thought and your commitment to truth and scientific integrity.

But if Steve Kirsch would be welcome to discuss vaccines at UATX, then you're doing better than MIT:


Hillsdale seems to have the right idea:


Good luck UATX. And while you're at it, make sure students learn about sociopaths and narcissists, because any graduate tasked with course correcting the ship will need this wise info:




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I thought of the following quote after reading this piece:

“…an intelligentsia that was once considered a nearly priestly class of intellectuals dedicated to the belief that the truth shall set you free—an objectivity-seeking, competitive, intentionally rigorous, and yet freethinking “noetic culture” or framework for knowledge—had undergone a paradigm shift. He saw dire warning signs that our current noetic culture was exhibiting concerning internal contradictions. The intelligentsia that had once valued and encouraged independent thought, was now teaching people what they can and cannot say.”

Robert Conan Ryan, PhD. in the forward to Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom, by Michael Rectenwald, 2019, New English Review Press.

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I assume each faculty member will be granted tenure immediately upon hiring, to guarantee they can fiercely pursue truth without fear of being fired.

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