Keep up these reports. Substack will be the only source of truth here. You are needed more than ever.

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Please God give Israel the strength and moral courage to defeat this once and for all.

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This time, the world will see a different Israel. This time, the calls for "restraint from Israel" from the world will fall on deaf ears in Israel. The bickering left and right in Israel will have a reason to come together for the sake of all Jews, if only for the moment.

This war, this time, Hamas will find an Israel committed for as long as it takes and at whatever cost to say to the world "never again", without restraint. This time, Hamas will be destroyed.

The Biden administration can add this sad day to their long list of appeasement and support for the worst of the worst terrorists the world has to offer with Iran at the top of the list. The six billion dollars released to Iran only days ago serves to show the world that once again, the United States leadership have no moral compass.

God bless the State of Israel... they need our help and our compassion more than at any time since their founding.

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I’m not Jewish, I’m not American, and I’m not a Conservative which I see many commenters are. But I have been to the region and seen and heard with my own eyes and ears what Israel has had to endure for decades, not just defending itself from its hostile neighbors, but being maliciously and ignorantly labelled an “a-thx” state that brutally slaughters innocents and children. May Israel’s malicious enemies in this conflict be defeated.

I stand with Israel.

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Thank you. Well done.

Pardon my cynicism, but my go-to comment whenever a bad actor repeats his crime (typically a criminal who was released early or with low bond) is that at least nobody’s feelings were hurt or rights violated.

Of course, there’s a murder victim, a raped woman, or someone with his head bashed in facing a long recovery…but at least we know the person who did this is ok.

The west has been afraid to offend Islam for the last 50 years (yes…at least 1973), and certainly the last 22. Even today ‘The Squad’, absolutists and blatant antisemites that they are, are ‘calling for restraint on both sides’.

The ‘good news’ (if there is such a thing today) I heard is that two hostages were freed and four terrorists were killed, but decency keeps me from saying what should happen next.

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Something similar coming to America soon I fear - violence perpetrated from within as so many military aged male illegals have walked into our country and been put up in hotels at taxpayer expense. Think about it.

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Israel absolutely must strike a deadly blow to Hamas, once and for all. There is no happy ending for either side. So worried for the Israeli hostages abducted to Gaza, so many youngsters and so much brutality by Hamas and its supporters.

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Mr. Netanyahu

I’m 65 years old and can shoot. In good shape. I’ll fight for your side. Just pay my expenses.

Full disclosure: I’m not Jewish. Not a problem for me. Hopefully not for you.

Call, email, or text anytime

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May I point out that unknown persons have been infiltrating our own country by the millions, ever since Biden took office. If a surprise attack is planed by Russia or China or by a terrorist group, then agents among this illegal population will be activated to spread chaos and killl civilians and sabatoge military and communication and transport. Our domestic defenses will be our only defense and meanwhile, with our political system paralyzed, China and Iran and Russia will attack in three directions at once.

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Thank you Bari.

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There has never been a time when not being Jewish matters less. When barbarians breech the gate civilized people either fight on the same side or perish. I read and listened to it all. The only appropriate response is, I guess ... love you, Bari. And thanks.

Israel will win.

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Excellent, informative, deeply analytic interview providing background to a war that has been declared on Israel. Keep helping us respond to the massive assault about to be unleashed on Israel by the main stream media.

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Wow !

This is a great interview.

Thank you both.

Am Yisrael Chai.

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I’m crying with you, Bari.

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Ooooh the price these subhuman brutes should be made to pay. No lame excuses. They don’t belong among human beings. They should be extinct

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