
Tucker reminds me of Rodney Dangerfield's character Al Czervik in CADDYSHACK.

The X Show is like that big yacht he purchased... remember that scene? Dangerfield's got the Captain hat on, but get's that yacht going too fast and can't stop it. "DROP ANCHOR!!" -Right onto his reputation!

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I really liked Tucker Carlson at his brilliant moments, but he got crazy/inflammatory quickly other times. He had interesting guests I would not have heard of otherwise. People doxed him and picketed his house! He was the first person on any broadcast news venues I follow who mentioned there was a virus in China that we should be paying attention to. Didn't like his views on guns or abortion. For a while I recorded his broadcasts and Rachel Maddow's shows on MSNBC. I would listen to them back to back. That was fun until Maddow got bogged down in Trump conspiracy theories.

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It's a giant leap from "Hunter Biden's laptop was real" to "the information purported to be from the laptop is accurate and untainted." I think it's the unknowability of the latter that makes the whole thing suspect

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Thanks eli lake

i actually have a brain and appreciate tucker for interviewing a lot of people.

I can decide when to listen and when not to and don't need you to typecast tucker. you are not in his league at all.

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I watched an interview yesterday of Tucker by Joe Rogan. I have been a Tucker skeptic for a while, never having been a watcher of him in his earlier role. This was the first time actually listened to him for a prolonged interview. To say it simply, he is a nut! Much of the first part of the interview with Rogan was Tucker expounding on the nature of UFOs. His view is that they are not extraterrestrial, but somehow have been present since before biblical times.

My impression of Tucker after nearly three hours of listening is that like a broken clock he is right twice a day. There have been issues I have heard him expound on in the past where I was in agreement with him, but these were brief clips posted on YouTube or other video sources. Tucker seems, like a lot of commentators, to need the discipline of a structured editor to keep him on the rails. He is unquestionably intelligent, but intellectually undisciplined, and more than likely to trail off into lala land when not subject to external control. I am reminded of a relative of mine who lived alone and fed on her own weird ideology. When there was no one there to challenge an idea that occurred to her she perseverated on it and allowed it to develop on its own. This to my way of thinking was psychosis, something that Tucker doesn't seem far from displaying.

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I was on the fence about this cat until his recent idiot comments about WW2. He said that, "dropping nuclear bombs is evil." Of course it is, but so is a world war! I'm blown away at these modern idiot savants who think they could have ended wars better than generals and presidents of the past. So let's hear it Tucker, how would YOU have ended WW2? Just because you have journalism degree, doesn't mean you're smart.

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Why people want to listen to a man who just seems to yell at you and tell you how stupid you are for not seeing his 'truth' is beyond me. Sorry, but there is no 'truth' in his show. He is, however, very good at twisting facts to fit a story that he wants to tell. Just because there are facts present doesn't make the story true. The problem we face today is 'sensemaking' which is really dependent on personal values, beliefs and experience. Exposing his audience to individuals whose perspectives are, shall we say, off the beaten path doesn't necessarily mean they add value to the national dialogue. I think they mostly they serve to distract, anger, and confuse his audience. He's like the National Enquirer for TV. ugh.

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Pitch perfect.

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Tucker Carlson has become a vile crackpot.

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Tucker has the right to say what he thinks and platform who he pleases. This editorial doesn’t have anything to do with the dislike he has for Bari Weiss , does it? If you don’t agree with Tucker, just don’t listen to him.

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First, Tucker is not a proponent of the war in Ukraine. As a libertarian, I believe he does not like in general, foreign involvement unless it clearly is to our interest as in a real time threat. And while it’s two different issues, there’s clearly an underlying frustration in contributing billions to Ukraine’s border integrity, and ignoring ours. That said I believe he was trying to demonstrate the sanctions are having very little effect on Russia and that the overall political leadership in Ukraine is still corrupt. An interview with Putin by any measure is a journalistic coup and I’m sure there were some restrictions on his questions. I don’t agree with everything Tucker Carlson says, but he certainly provides an alternative to the political and lapdog media.

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Thanks for writing this. I was very tired of Tucker and was glad Fox took away his platform. He was probably fired because he had gone so far off the rail. Hopefully he will fade away into obscurity.

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The interview of Putin would have run on broadcast 40 years ago. American journalist rushed to interview Castro, Khomeini, and bin Laden that were all similar to Carlson and Putin. Lake dislikes Carlson’s views on Israel and Ukraine. As to the CIA and JFK, there were more agents and ex-agents in Dallas on November 22nd of 1963 than any other place on earth.

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Eli, as a former Dem voter and a clear-headed thinker and former journalist I’ve found I enjoy watching Carlson. Not for agreement but out of interest for his guests. I have conservative family and friends and none are blindly agreeing with him, so your opinion lost credibility when you tried to make him into a dangerous talking head that’s misleading a group of people. Step back from your black and white thinking on Israel and America and its bloody hands and think for a moment. Most people aren’t against Israel or Ukraine, many intelligent people simply know from history there’s many stories, many experiences and no one side is free of responsibility. I support Israel’s retaliation. But I do not support paying for it. And you have no right to ask me to pay for a bullet or bomb that kills another human. Step back.

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Apr 18Edited

Why won't Tucker "fight evil tyrants" ?

Firstly, as a predicate, let us look objectively at the real existing world and its history. An objective student of history then discovers a total Hobbesian jungle, with constant war among various states, regions, religions, and even various criminal and insurgent movements. These "actors", constantly fight, at every level, driven by greed for resources, land, and freedom, or fear of defeat, genocide and slavery. Further, in this zero sum game of geopolitics, all the competitors undertake constant research and innovation in the arts of war and industry, searching for relative advantage over each other.

For many years, since 1945, the united states has been a the most productive, rich and secure player in the great game. Mostly this is a because of our favorable geography, which keep our homeland and industrial base secure, while we built up a vast fleet of ships and became the preeminent naval power on the planet. Our naval power then allowed us to blockade Germany and Japan, strangling them, while keeping our own homeland safe. Our, 'allies' in the conflict, Britain, France, China and the USSR (now Russia), took the brunt of the losses. Shortly after the war ended, we backstabbed the USSR and China, and took control of Japan and Germany, and then, with our Nato vassals in tow, we began a fight for global dominance over them. After some close calls, finally managed to win the cold war in 1989. This history of bravery, merit, luck, treachery and violence, left citizens of America with a lot of money and power. A very fortunate place, at least relative to citizens of other jurisdictions on the planet. Now, in 2024, 35 years later, we still are a major power, but we have declined in relative terms, and we have allowed our army and navy, industrial base and technology to atrophy. China is now the dominant land power in Asia and has more warships than us, and is rapidly building more warships. It is our equal or even better in terms of technology. If the trend continues a few more years, china will unambiguously control many key technologies , and also the key indo-pacific trade logistics. For example they will have ability to cut our access to computer chips or block our trade access to southeast Asia and Singapore. On the domestic front, our pampered overpaid and corrupt elites, blind to any danger, have opened our borders to infiltration by anyone with a motive, both friend and foe. All this even though lower class families and small businesses are highly vulnerable to crime, theft, extortion, fraud, and inflation. Even though our children are vulnerable to the drugs and predators that stream across effortlessly. Even though our research labs become open to Chinese, Russian and Iranian espionage and theft of our intellectual property. Even though our universities are vulnerable to the actions of malevolent foreign professors, visitors and exchange students, who indoctrinate our vulnerable youth to hate their own society and culture, and to commit violence against other students and even to promote various sexual perversions among young children. This is simply anti-american propaganda designed to subvert and delegitimize our politics by promoting racist hate and slander among black and white Americans and between and various immigrant ethnic groups (latinos, asians, jews, Russians, muslims). It is the old game of divide and conquer.

All this ultimately means that our continued status as a relatively wealthy nation depends on maintaining internal security and promoting political cohesion in education, and also a strong border wall and defensive force to filter friend from foe. In the current international climate of chaos, border security takes precedence over everything else, including charity to the limitless needy refugees and economic migrants tht beg to come here. This is why we need to make peace with Russia, despite the fact that Putin is a ruthless killer of his enemies, and claims much of Ukraine as Russian territory.

Statesmen understand that rigid dogmatic rules and alliances lead to instability and war. To achieve global peace and security we simply must start by recognizing that mother Russia is not a liberal tolerant democracy and never will be, and that we cannot change this. Yet, despite her tyrannical ruler, we must have good relations with her, in our own vital interest. This is because we have a common enemies and a common interest in avoiding nuclear war, and in keeping our citizens safe from terror and extortion. Our hubristic and insane warmongering elite, must thus stop trying to dictate the boundaries and modes of governance among the Slavic peoples of Europe. It none of their competence or business, nor nato's business, and it is enormously expensive, and we have little to lose or gain, regardless of what happens to Ukraine. This idiots war of elitist greed and folly has much lower priority, by any measure, than our need for Russian support against China, and our need for border and internal security, and our need to rebuild our technology and military industrial capacity. It is thus best for America to let the fate of Ukraine be decided locally by European powers within the confines of their continent. To quote Gladstone after first Crimea war, we should "let sleeping dogs lay".

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I think you guys need to issue a correction bc Tucker actually did bring up Navalny is Putin interview. You guys wouldn’t intentionally lie about something that is so easy to fact check, right?

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