Gimeniz/ICE- Gee, Carlos, I dunno, maybe the solution is for you legislators to pass bi-partisan compromise legislation that removes the bad guys and legalizes the good guys? Nah, that looks a lot like work, plus playing gadfly is too much fun.
If the people who might get shipped back are concerned about disrupting their lives, they forget that they disrupted their lives when the came here in the first place. LIfe's tough. They didn't need to come here. They could have gone to another place in the Americas, where Spanish is spoken. I have no sympathy for them.
Not difficult to figure out where Ben and Austin (excuse me, Austyn) are coming from. A couple of questions I haven't heard posed in the videos: "Did you emigrate to this country legally?" and "Do you think it is fair that these "migrants" did not have to abide by the same laws that you did to enter the USA?"
Ruy Teixera's list of recommendations to Dems to navigate the next 4 years is good. It's pragmatic and addresses obvious issues. But after watching 'highlights' of the DNC chair election conference, there is a ZERO percent chance Dems will heed the advice. ZERO.
"ICE raids cause panic". This article appears out of character for The Free Press. Those interviewed on the street supported deportation for illegals with criminal records but sympathized with those only guilty of entering America illegally. Yet the author of the article did not differentiate between those being rounded up for processing as illegals and those actually being deported. This is an important difference unless the purpose is to create sympathy in the reader for all those being rounded up. The MSM lost the trust of the public by not considering essential details, intentionally or unintentionally.
The immigration situation is untenable. I completely understand why anyone here illegally can be deported, I also completely understand the outrage over deporting people that have been here for years working hard for peanuts.
Anyway, the real reason I’m commenting is to complain about Austyn Jeff’s video. Not the content per se. He went all the way to Bakersfield to record himself on sidewalk talking about all the people he purportedly interviewed?? Are you kidding?? Such an amateur move. Sounded like he doesn’t speak Spanish either. Leave the man-on-the-street stuff to Ben
The article on Nderitu being fired is typical. The U. N. Is anything but a United Nations. It’s full of corrupt countries that hate Israel and spill antisemitism. It should be dismantled or at the very least charged a ridiculous amount of rent for having the privilege of that location. David Jisha, Beaumont Texas.
Canada hasn’t committed to ‘10,000 troops’. The Prime Minister has promised ‘10,000 personnel’, which undoubtedly includes some military but mostly border security officers, RCMP, provincial police and other civilian law enforcement officers.
Hopefully there will be a more robust policing of the border by a better funded, better equipped and better manned security force. Just not a military one.
Yeah, some pretty shoddy reporting there. Never mind that deploying the military along the border would achieve nothing given that a) law enforcement isn't a job for combat troops, and b) the amount of fentanyl and illegals crossing from Canada is miniscule.
The liberals who remain in the Democrat Party are going to have to purge it of the Marxist inspired neo-progressives who have taken control.
Until Democrats can reestablish the debate and pragmatism that brought about social evolution (as opposed to neo-progressive revolution), they will remain a collection of conceited ideologues who believe they know what is best for the great unwashed.
Liberalism and progressivism are similar interwoven political suasions that academic Marxists made use of to birth the neo-progressivism.
The acceleration of result that this aggregation appeared to bring appealed to many liberal progressives as a natural progression of their political objectives.
It also seemed to endow them with the belief that they shared the academic stature of their indoctrinators as well as their fellowship - this is what precipitated the closure that enveloped centres of higher learning and the sense of moral and intellectual superiority the recruits to neo-progressivism assigned to themselves.
The movement did what it was intended to do - it stoked victimhood and created a system of re-education and punishment for those identified as victimizers (a Marxist orthodox).
What the movement lacked, however, in is incredible rise to control (not only the Democrat Party but also of government, education and other public institutions) was simply common sense.
Inevitably, its slavish embrace of its social theories was rejected by American and the neo-progressive agenda folded like a wet paper bag as a result - and, for the second time, the Democrat Institution seems unable to control the left-of-left activists who want to perfect humanity now no matter how authoritarian the means.
Until these social perfectionists are brought under control of a moderate constituency and have their conceit confronted by people possessed of greater reason, the Democrats will remain an untenable shambles.
This is what is really going on. If the Free Press misses this they are losing the plot:
Gimeniz/ICE- Gee, Carlos, I dunno, maybe the solution is for you legislators to pass bi-partisan compromise legislation that removes the bad guys and legalizes the good guys? Nah, that looks a lot like work, plus playing gadfly is too much fun.
Several uninformed takes here. Not what I expect from the FP.
TFP- looking forward to the debate! Just throwing it out there, birthright citizenship would be a very interesting topic for a future debate.
American Eagle? Do you mean American Airlines?
If the people who might get shipped back are concerned about disrupting their lives, they forget that they disrupted their lives when the came here in the first place. LIfe's tough. They didn't need to come here. They could have gone to another place in the Americas, where Spanish is spoken. I have no sympathy for them.
Not difficult to figure out where Ben and Austin (excuse me, Austyn) are coming from. A couple of questions I haven't heard posed in the videos: "Did you emigrate to this country legally?" and "Do you think it is fair that these "migrants" did not have to abide by the same laws that you did to enter the USA?"
Ruy Teixera's list of recommendations to Dems to navigate the next 4 years is good. It's pragmatic and addresses obvious issues. But after watching 'highlights' of the DNC chair election conference, there is a ZERO percent chance Dems will heed the advice. ZERO.
"ICE raids cause panic". This article appears out of character for The Free Press. Those interviewed on the street supported deportation for illegals with criminal records but sympathized with those only guilty of entering America illegally. Yet the author of the article did not differentiate between those being rounded up for processing as illegals and those actually being deported. This is an important difference unless the purpose is to create sympathy in the reader for all those being rounded up. The MSM lost the trust of the public by not considering essential details, intentionally or unintentionally.
Lol. Because there is no/will be no differentiation.
The immigration situation is untenable. I completely understand why anyone here illegally can be deported, I also completely understand the outrage over deporting people that have been here for years working hard for peanuts.
Anyway, the real reason I’m commenting is to complain about Austyn Jeff’s video. Not the content per se. He went all the way to Bakersfield to record himself on sidewalk talking about all the people he purportedly interviewed?? Are you kidding?? Such an amateur move. Sounded like he doesn’t speak Spanish either. Leave the man-on-the-street stuff to Ben
Sorry. This is what you voted for.
The article on Nderitu being fired is typical. The U. N. Is anything but a United Nations. It’s full of corrupt countries that hate Israel and spill antisemitism. It should be dismantled or at the very least charged a ridiculous amount of rent for having the privilege of that location. David Jisha, Beaumont Texas.
"Another told Ben people were afraid to leave their homes, while Trump voters explained why they now regret their vote."
Wasn't this issue screamed from the top of rooftops? I'll just chalk that up to things that never happened. Nice job, Reddit.
Hogg is a pipsqueak demagogue, complete with the pointing finger, self-righteous tone, and totalitarian body language.
You are kinder to him than I am.
Market is doing great
Oh wait...
Canada hasn’t committed to ‘10,000 troops’. The Prime Minister has promised ‘10,000 personnel’, which undoubtedly includes some military but mostly border security officers, RCMP, provincial police and other civilian law enforcement officers.
Hopefully there will be a more robust policing of the border by a better funded, better equipped and better manned security force. Just not a military one.
So the border will be run by the equivalent of “Do Nothing Dems”??
works for me.
Yeah, some pretty shoddy reporting there. Never mind that deploying the military along the border would achieve nothing given that a) law enforcement isn't a job for combat troops, and b) the amount of fentanyl and illegals crossing from Canada is miniscule.
Illegals yes, fentanyl no.
Didn't we catch a total of 19kg of Fentanyl on the northern border in all of 2024? Isn't that like per hour from Mexico?
You are correct. I stand corrected.
Far more illegal guns come north than anything going south.
The liberals who remain in the Democrat Party are going to have to purge it of the Marxist inspired neo-progressives who have taken control.
Until Democrats can reestablish the debate and pragmatism that brought about social evolution (as opposed to neo-progressive revolution), they will remain a collection of conceited ideologues who believe they know what is best for the great unwashed.
Liberalism and progressivism are similar interwoven political suasions that academic Marxists made use of to birth the neo-progressivism.
The acceleration of result that this aggregation appeared to bring appealed to many liberal progressives as a natural progression of their political objectives.
It also seemed to endow them with the belief that they shared the academic stature of their indoctrinators as well as their fellowship - this is what precipitated the closure that enveloped centres of higher learning and the sense of moral and intellectual superiority the recruits to neo-progressivism assigned to themselves.
The movement did what it was intended to do - it stoked victimhood and created a system of re-education and punishment for those identified as victimizers (a Marxist orthodox).
What the movement lacked, however, in is incredible rise to control (not only the Democrat Party but also of government, education and other public institutions) was simply common sense.
Inevitably, its slavish embrace of its social theories was rejected by American and the neo-progressive agenda folded like a wet paper bag as a result - and, for the second time, the Democrat Institution seems unable to control the left-of-left activists who want to perfect humanity now no matter how authoritarian the means.
Until these social perfectionists are brought under control of a moderate constituency and have their conceit confronted by people possessed of greater reason, the Democrats will remain an untenable shambles.