
Muslims on campus (especially the fake progressive ones), are much louder, aggressive and threatening than the Jews. Campus Admin and non Jewish Progs respect the in your face Islamist muscle, it's exhilarating. These indoctrination centers are run by the loudest in the room, DEI, BLM, Trans, Islamists. Conservatives and Jews have no chance.

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Many of the "protests groups" aren't muslim at all. White liberals, progressive minorities, and faculty activist are thick as thieves on these campuses. Collectively fueling the new hatred of the Jewish people.

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Yes, from the videos looks like a mix of freaks to me. The LGBTQ (H), the angry oppressed Muslims, the progressive blonde babe from Nebraska, and the post Jewish "as a Jew" leftist looking to get some points. I never thought a 52nd Islamic supremacist apartheid state would be the progressive cause of 2023.

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Where are Muslims oppressed? Criticizing an evil supremacist ideology is not oppression. Muslims have the same legal rights as everyone else.

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Because they only control 99.8% of land area of the middle east and have the world's fastest growing religion

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I believe there was strong sarcasm in j p m’s use of the term “oppressed Muslims”, hence the inclusion of the word “angry” before it. Comment writing makes it difficult to convey “tone”.

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Thanks. I’m also a grad. I will follow up.

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These protest groups are lead by the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), which is directed by Hamas and funded by Iran/Qatar. Every student who joins SJP or participates in one of its rallies should face disciplinary actions, including explusion. Parents of students who are involved with SJP should withhold tuition money for their children and write their children out of their wills.

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Lead? Do you mean led?

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Yes, Of course, led.

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or did she mean that their butts ought to be filled with lead? :-)

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For Christ's sake! They are neither liberals nor progressives. They are left wing neo-Nazis.

Here is another thing. If one of these vile swine calls you an Islamophobe, say, "Hell yes I am an Islamophobe and you should be too.". Islam is the antipathy of everything I believe in. Every Islamic country is a brutal dictatorship. They are misogynist who murder women and homosexuals, They torture and murder dissentients. They practice slavery. They slaughter non-Muslims and any Muslim that is not of their sect. Sunnis murder Shias and visa a versa. Islam is a brutal murderous religion so yes, I am an Islamophobe. If they have their way, they will convert the world to Islam and if you do not convert, they kill you and not in a very pleasant way.

Only the deluded loony left, in their own perverted way, worships Islam.

Why any Jew still clings to the Party of Evil is beyond me. Maybe Bari and Nellie can write an article on "Why I am still a glassy eyed Democrat."

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By your own admission these people aren’t libs or even progressives, for the most part, and they’re certainly not Democrats.

They are far left neo-Nazis. It’s Protest du Jour.

in this case many of them swapped BLM for Free Gaza as those protests, and the vast amount of people who apparently cared, vaporized, except for the occasional sign in a window.

The Dems here aren’t the problem. These protestors, or whatever you call them, hate the Democrats. They want to “burn it all down.”

People like me, centrist moderate Dems, are the new fascists. A pro Palestinian commenter on Instagram, when we were arguing about antisemitism and she was frustrated with my disagreement, wrote “OK, Lib.”

I found it surprising as nobody had used the term “Lib” pejoratively who came from somebody on the left of me. Then she wrote “scratch a Lib and out comes a fascist.”

So no. These aren’t Dems.

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You are caught in the middle.

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Exactly. But, so are many Dems, including younger ones. The media would like to portray us all as raging leftists, waving our pronouns around, smoking weed while researching our next protest location. Hardly. But that does not make good fodder for media.

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Have you considered changing sides. I am not a Republican. I think both parties are despicable. However, I think the Dem/Soc Patry is more despicable. With more and more leftists siding with the terrorists, Hamas, I don't know how anybody that knows the history of Israel can support these brutal murderers, Hamas.

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You could have fooled me because these non-Democrats, vote Democrat and elect left wing tyrants.

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Vote Republican and You elect right wing tyrants. No matter what You vote for You'll be stuck with tyranny.

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Here are examples of left wing tyranny: PC/Woke censor free speech, dictating what we can say and what we can't say, like what pronouns to use. and firing those who don't comply. The ever senile Joe during the Covid madness, ruling by mandate (which was later overturned by the Supremes.) The dept of Homeland Security had for a brief time a misinformation bureau to stifle "misinformation". Guess who was going to determine what was misinformation and what wasn't?

The Dem/Soc allowed men to compete in women's sports. Dem/Soc turned a blind eye to BLM and ANTIFA , both Marxist organizations, to burn out cities down and not condemning them.

I've got more example if you want to hear them.

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Thank you for being so direct- and correct, as usual! And yes, everyone needs to abandon the Democrat party en masse. They are coddling these extremists- BLM, SJP et al- and should be made to pay for it. So what if the Republican Party isn’t perfect? It’s way better than the alternative.

P.S.- the term Islamophobia was invented by CAIR, a Muslim brotherhood-run organization, to shut down any criticism of their murderous, anti-American, anti-Semitic ways. It’s not a phobia if it’s true! We should all be very afraid.

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I think you mean antithesis. If your going to write a screed, at least get your wording correct.

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Come on Sharon. How about you refute what I wrote point by point.

Prove to me that Islam isn't a bloody, misogynistic, murdering religion.

When the armies of Islam invaded India, the religion of peace slaughtered about 50 million Indians, depopulating entire provinces. The great 20th century historian Will Durant, wrote prior to WW II, it was the bloodiest slaughter in recorded history.

Islam hasn't changed. It is still the religion of brutal murder.

Is what I have just written "screed" or is it historical fact? If it is historical fact, which it is, then maybe you should change your mind when it comes to Islam.

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Come on Sharon. Show some backbone and reply to my posts below. Give me a point by point rebuttal without insults or a non sequitur.

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Come on Sharon. Tell me where my "screed" was wrong. Did I say anything that wasn't true? If I didn't, I guess my post wasn't a screed after all.

I promise I won't correct your grammar or misuse of words.

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1. a deep-seated feeling of dislike; aversion:

"his fundamental antipathy to capitalism" · "a thinly disguised mutual antipathy"




1. a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else:

"love is the antithesis of selfishness"

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I think I used the correct word. I do have a deep aversion to the brutal religion of Islam.

You did what every left wing fanatic does when approached with an idea they don't like. You insulted me as a way of dismissing me and not entering into an honest, civil debate.

Did I say anything about Islam that wasn't true and if I did please tell me where I failed. Below you will find my "Screed". How about a point by point rebuttal? I know it will be hard but try and be civil. OK?

Every Islamic country is a brutal dictatorship. I consider Turkey quasi democratic. Islam is misogynistic that murders women and homosexuals. They torture and murder dissentients. They practice slavery. They slaughter non-Muslims and any Muslim that is not of their sect. Sunnis murder Shias and visa a versa. Islam is a brutal murderous religion.

Give debating instead of insulting a shot. You might find it rewarding. I do.

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Also, she used “your” when she meant “you’re” (she may go back and edit it, but here’s the original cut and paste from her post “If your going to write a screed, at least get your wording correct.”).

It certainly undermines someone’s overly picky criticism when they are guilty of exactly what they criticize. I hate nitpicking. Comment writing is prone to errors, given that it’s often carried out on one’s phone.

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I would be willing to bet a simple peek into influential faculty bank accounts would reveal the motivation for a lot of this madness. It's all part of the plan to destroy this country from within and the current administration is the facilitator.

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You believe the rich are anti-capitalist and want to make the country poor. How would they benefit from that? Goofy.

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Not really- just look what much of The Left has become ...the VERY THING they despised Republicans for being. I can easily make a list but it's all so obvious.

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To clarify, I am saying that foreign interests are paying school administrations and faculty to promote leftist propaganda.

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Depends on what rich people you are referring. I am talking about foreign and domestic interests that are promoting communism to form a global society of "slaves" that serves their wealth and power. It's not a conspiracy theory anymore. The WEF is not hiding the fact that this is their goal.

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I often wonder what happens if Biden gets crushed by Trump or another next year, what happens to these people. In the past, they got over it and went on to the next issue. These people are not that type and wonder what they will do and what kind of response they will demand. They are dangerous and stupid—a bad combination.

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Personally, I wish Trump would go away. That's because the havoc that Leftists will wreak if he gets re-elected will make the summer of 2020 look like a backyard BBQ.

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You are right Celia. The GOP should dump that nut case and he is nuts. If they don't, the Dem/Socs will crush us in the next election and we will have four more years of faild policies and open borders.

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Your comment is hysterical. I prefer DeSantis but Trump is not responsible for the irrational behaviour of the Left.

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Trump is not *responsible* for the irrational behavior of the Left, but he is definitely the primary focus of that irrational behavior. The Left NEEDS Trump as their punching bag. If he is re-elected, they will use that as an excuse for every act of violence they commit.

I think it would be better to take their favorite toy away.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

In the four years following the 2016 election, I often said that the problem wasn’t really Trump, per se, but rather people’s REACTION to him. Trump Derangement Syndrome is absolutely real. His personality literally drives people insane. I have a theory... I think his narcissism is the key: since narcissism is a common trait in our culture (see Christopher Hitchens), those who are somewhat narcissistic themselves tend to look at Trump and “project” their own hatred of that part of their personality onto him. This causes them to have an outsized reaction.

Edit: I wrongly left out the other part of my theory… people who have been harmed by narcissists are also driven absolutely bonkers by Trump. Obviously, his personality brings up a lot of trauma for them.

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My youngest daughter was so deeply convinced that Trump was "literally Hitler" that, out of respect that she might be seeing something I wasn't, I watched his actions very carefully for any signs that he was *any* variety of dictator, much less a fascist one.

The evidence was just not there. Bush II was more of a dictator after 9/11 than Trump ever attempted to be. And when the TDS people pointed to stuff they said was "proof," it was invariably on the same level as saying static on the radio "proves" there are UFOs.

I've never been a fan of Trump (nor did I vote for him in 2016), but the TDS stuff was over-the-top LITERALLY INSANE. Insane enough that I ended up voting for him in 2020, because a party as bat-shit-crazy as the Democrats had become could not be trusted with power (which they have since demonstrated in spades).

I think you're onto something with that narcissism theory.

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Celia, sometimes I wish I can meet you in person, and we can have a cup of tea and destress together from all the madness.

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Nov 8, 2023·edited Nov 8, 2023

God knows, we could all use a “sani-tea” party right about now! Save me a seat — Louis Carroll knew: what good is a tea party without a rabbit?! 🐰😉

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Trump is not responsible for the irrational behavior of the left - true in legal sense, but he surely provokes them into the state of madness that may put all of us in danger. I agree with Celia that the risk of our country burning outweighs any goodness Trump may bring to the table if any. Some of his policies were in the right direction. But look at our country: we have reached the boiling point, when Muslim extremists are ready to attack the White House and TDS has united more than half of the country in their frenzy. We need someone who can help cooling the temp down a few degrees. Is there anyone? 🤷‍♀️

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I honestly think all the Wokesters just want to watch things burn. And the Trumpers gives no fuck anymore except putting Trump back in the WH to stick it to the Left. Neither bloc gives a crap about the country.

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Have you been reading the news about Trump's trial? He has gone off the rails . They may put him in a straight jack and gag him.

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He's reacting to the obvious political witch hunt prosecution being applied to him.

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I don't know. He's despicable megalomanic who cannot control his ego.

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Very true. Trump in fact was fading away after midterm. His announcement of his run didn't even excite his base that much. Then the Dems prosecutors went unhinged and the hundred lawsuits galvanized his base and more all over again, solidifying his block of voters as nothing else could. Now we're all stuck with either the circus or the hospice in White House for 4 more years. Thanks a lot.

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Coining a new expression which describes why this is is happening: it’s the ideology, stupid.

Muslim students are taught that Islam will dominate the world and they have a right and duty to impose their religion by any means. Jewish students are not taught such evil ideas.

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In 1953, in a high school in small-town Indiana, I was taking an elective called "World History." The teacher summarized the world views of Islam and Christianity this way: Islam instructions were to spread Islam by the Sword. Christianity's dogma was to be spread by the Word. Neither edict has been followed to the letter by its followers, but recent events speak for themselves.

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Jews have much to fear, America’s elite are just as bad as Muslims but in their own way: more hidden and smoothed over, but still hate.

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Not sure about where your area, but here in North Carolina there seem to be 2 camps:

Traditional christians who seem to be in unified full throated in support of Israel.

Activist/woke christians that seem to either be completely silent or supportive of the Palestine movement.

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Toronto: left-wing politics in Canada so the sympathy for the Jews is now being displaced by a pro- Palestinian narrative.

I would say we have no traditional Christians, or rather, traditional Christian ethos is viewed as regressive ignorance.

Canada is lost.

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Neither Canada or the United States are lost. The majority is not insane.

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Good! I need your optimism, thank you

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Those woke Christians that have drag shows, and BLM and pride flags, right?

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

I’m supportive of the Palestinian movement. They should leave all of Israel including the West Bank and Gaza to people whose ancestors came to the area 3500 years ago and settle in a place where they wouldn’t be obsessed with killing people who aren’t like them. Any of the 46 Muslim majority countries would do but Mauritania, which is 100% Muslim is probably the best option for them and mankind. Or they could go to Somalia, which is 99.8% Muslim if they take You Know Who with them.

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North Carolina still has hope, great state. Just fight for it, and vocally.

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"America's elite Christians"? Other than something you just made up, what the hell is that? I've never met an elite christian. Can your warped Canadian mind define one for us? No idea what you're talking about, and I suspect you don't know yourself.

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I just edited my comment. What I meant was that the people who run America, and for that matter Canada happen to be Christians not Muslims but have a similar mindset about Jews. Misleading and clumsily stated. The point is both groups are engaged in some pretty heavy duty antisemitism.

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Diamond Boy

Who are these antisemitic Christians? They don’t exist.

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Antisemitic christians do exist. They are called evangelicals or "christian zionists" and they love to pose as friends of Israel. According to their "prophecy" two thirds of jews will be slaughtered in the big battle of armageddon and only those jews will survive who are converting to christianity. As a result judaism will have vanished from the face of the earth and their "sweet Jesus" will rule over a planet that is "jew free" upon his "second coming". You can't get any more antisemitic as that!

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Our professorate

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You got a lot of anger man, I dig that

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

Who are the "elite" Christians, may I ask? I'm a Christian and the only "elite" Christian is Jesus. The Disciples Paul and Peter, if you must, and Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene if you want to add women. Pope Francis if you want someone alive and walking the Earth. Beyond them, there is no "elite" Christians, and I dare anyone claim to be one before God.

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Except for Francis from Argentina, weren't the people you mention all Jews?

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Yeah, and? Jesus is Jewish. The earliest Christians were Jewish.

While I'm here, I might also add (not to you but generally to amend my previous comment), I'm certain Pope Francis himself will disclaim he's an elite Christian. And no, I'm not Catholic.

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It's not "muslims against jews", it's radicals (islamists, zionists) against moderates. I despise the radicals on both sides and embrace all of those who stand for peaceful coexistence.

By the way.....the most hateful voices aren't the jewish zionists, but the christian zionists with their hatred against anything nonchristian. Their pro-israel stand is used to hide their deep rooted antisemitism. According to Christian zionist prophecy Judaism will be wiped out upon the "second coming of Jesus". By then two thirds of jews will have perished in the big battle called "Armageddon" and only those who convert to Christianity will be saved. That means their plan, if implemented, will finish what the Nazis couldn't: Wipe out Judaism once and for all! Jews should be very careful when choosing their friends.....

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It's worse than that. Bari's piece exposed the middle east money trail, especially Qatar. Qatar where Hamas leadership enjoys boys and girls and killing jews. Money corrupts and has corrupted universities receiving Islam's money.

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Campus rage comes from the progressive left. Simple answer. The progressive left RUNS Academia and the education system in America.

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I've been telling my family and friends this for years.......they look at me like a pig looking at a wristwatch.

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People really need to wake up. During the pandemic parents were forced to see what their kids were learning for the first time. It was an eye opener for many of them.

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Time’s up!

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Yes. Except the only progress is their agenda to control everything.

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The following is an email I sent to Barnard's Alumnae Relations Office (Columbia University) this past Sunday. Links are below:

"Please delete my name and address from your alumnae files.

"Almost 50 years ago, I graduated from Barnard College. Up to the present time, I've been grateful for the education I received and proud of the degree I earned. However, I'm appalled by the October 30th letter, as reported in the New York Times.

"This letter, signed by over 100 faculty members of Barnard and Columbia, defended students who blamed Israel for Hamas’s barbaric slaughter of over 1,400 women, children, infants, and men.

"The outrage I feel leads me to sever my relationship with Barnard. I regret I ever attended a college whose faculty now spews the hatred of Jews and promotes their eradication from Israel and the rest of the world. I view my time at Barnard as a grave mistake, a blot on my life experience. And I will do my best to actively discourage today's young women from even considering Barnard.

"I'm certain hundreds, if not thousands, of other alumnae feel the way I do, regardless of whether or not they contact your office. In short, you have a public relations nightmare on your hands.

Thank you for your attention.



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I applaud you for making the effort to express your anger at Barnard-Columbia. Please let us know if you receive a response.

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I will certainly let everyone know whether or not I received a response.

Ironically when I attended Barnard, a good 30 to 40% of students were Jewish, and mostly from the greater New York City area.

By the way, both Bari and Abigail Shrier attended Columbia College, but decades after my college years. In fact, I just decided I'm going to send copies of my email to the presidents of Barnard College and Columbia University. And I encourage everyone to track down information about their alma maters and fire off angry emails, too.

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I just forwarded copies of my email to the presidents of Barnard and Columbia. We'll see what happens.

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Nov 13, 2023·edited Nov 13, 2023

Today I received the following boilerplate response from Barnard's Alumnae Relations Office:. From the noncommital way their email reads, you'd think I was returning a pair of ill-fitting shoes. I have not yet heard anything from Columbia, but I will let you know if and when I do.

Dear Nancy,

Thank you for your feedback. We have noted your request and will update our records accordingly.


Karen Sendler

Executive Director, Alumnae Relations

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I told MIT the same thing 20+ years ago. Instead, I send money to the MIT free-speech Association. I suggest you support similar organizations. Thank you for your courage.

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Brilliant letter! Thank you for standing up against these evil people.

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I read about the Egyptian born western educated president of Columbia. Have you seen. The Basement Yousef interview with Piers Morgan ? I had not heard of him before,he is a Cairo born and educated cardiac surgeon who is married to a Palestinian woman. He now does stand up comedy and clearly hates Israel. I tried to understand this dissonance between smart educated Egyptians who refuse to acknowledge that while zisrael is not perfect, it is the ONLY democracy in the Middle East. A full 20 % of its population is Arab. Jews , Christians and Muslims practice openly and freely. Tel Aviv is a hub of LGBT open legal activity. Jews of every color abound. I think that when Jew hatred is inculcated from conception it up is very difficult to eradicate. Egypt herself made peace with Egypt and it has held. I want to believe that it is possible for Palestinians to have their own state and live in peace with Israel. First radical Jew hating Islam will have to be eradicated or at least muted.

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I will ask a simple question: what is the POSITIVE agenda of all this hate? I've been watching all this at least since I was a grad student at the University of Chicago in the nineties, and as far as I can tell the WHOLE thing is oppositional. What do you want? To destroy THEM. How do you want to do it? BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY. Why? They are evil. Well, what do you stand for? Crickets, then equality, justice and tolerance. Great, got it.

What these things really are is symbols upon which to latch emotional dysfunction. If you are anxious and angry and traumatized, from anything, by anyone, well, you join the cult and boy you get to scream, hurt, yell and abuse to your hearts content.

I was thinking this morning about abortion. Many Democrats would vote for abortion rights, however they conceive them, even if it led to a global depression, the destruction of American democracy and nuclear war. Is that proportional?

And on the other side, the vitriol of this debate has pushed Democrats into de facto support for literal infanticide: the baby is born, then killed, and no legal authority can say anything about it.

The Spartans did this, but on the basis of the fitness of the child. What Democrats want is to do this based on the momentary whims of the mother. I'm a moderate on the abortion issue. I think 3-4 months, fine, then illegal for a doctor to help. Because at the end of the day these ARE babies. Little humans. How we treat the most vulnerable and helpless among us says a lot about who we are as humans. The same people who cry over homeless people and refugees have made a fetish of the legal murder of fetuses. It's incongruent, emotionally. Inconsistent, making me question the sincerity of any of their alleged compassion.

And today, we find people easily rationalizing rape, torture and murder. Is it not reasonable to suppose this process began long ago? That the coldness and cruelty, as emotional factors, began long ago? I think so. None of these ideas fall onto emotionally flat surfaces. If they are ingested, it is because of a prior readiness. That, to my mind, is the fact most worthy of analysis.

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There is nothing positive with what they're pushing. It's all about wallowing in victimhood and self-pity. And we wonder why there's a mental health crisis epidemic.

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Yup, it did begin decades ago when we began pushing out G-d in favor of Darwin.

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If that's how you date it, and it's not a terrible idea, it would be well over a hundred years ago, at least at the university level. And of course much of "philosophy", however you define it, since then, has had the recreation of meaning in a world denuded of God as its topic. That this rests on an bad scientific basis is rarely if ever commented on.

To my mind atheism--and Materialism, which is the refuted empirical basis underlying most of it--is not intrinstically bad for "morals", however we understand the term. But it TENDS that way, just like Islam, which while not inherently violent, TENDS that way, easily. The Koran and Hadith are after all full of religious violence not just condoned but committed personally by their Prophet. If he says to kill Jews--and in some places that is what the Koran says--they kill Jews.

The analogy I always use is a four legged bar stool that is missing one leg. You can sit on it. It is serviceable. But it falls over easily.

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As a Christian I believe in original sin, and people often say “the original sin is pride” or “its rebellion against trusting God”. But what are both of those things, really? Moral Subjectivism. “The tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”.

Essentially I believe God Is, He is our creator and He is Good, Just, Right, and True. He knows us better than ourselves, He knows right and wrong better than we can arbitrarily determine based on whims or our “culture”. Plus its His universe, so how can the clay argue with the potter? There is an objective morality, and objective right and wrong. Moral subjectivity is original sin in my view, and all evil is downstream of this. Moral Relativism is false, God’s Word is true and good.

Of course a majority of earth disagrees with my faith and my God (The God). But man I think itd be a whole lot easier if they didnt. What is pandoras box if not moral relativism itself. The universe is not subjective, most are just wrong. I say that with no malice, just my assessment. And I pray for all.

This is why I have little love for the so-called “Enlightenment” little love for the Greek philosophers, little love for Postmodernism, no love for Leftism. Its hogwash. The French Revolution on down has all been careening society towards the literal insanity we now live in. God Is real, God Is right. Why do the nations rage? Why do they plot in vain?

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What we”re seeing on campus today has been developing in America since the 1960’s. The Baby Boomers, of which I am one, went to college and began to reject the validity of America’s involvement in the war in Vietnam. Large segments of America’s college campuses began to side with the Viet Cong that were killing American soldiers. Chants of “Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh” and “Hell No, We won’t Go,” Posters of Ho and Che Guevara went up on dorm room walls. Returning vets were spit on and called “baby killers.” It was all very trendy. While most of the Boomers graduated, got jobs, had families, and became good citizens, not everyone did. Marxism took root in our education system, first in our teaching colleges, then in our universities, eventually throughout our entire education system, starting at kindergarten. This was helped along with huge influxes of foreign investment to build facilities like “The Confucius Institute” and “Middle East Studies” with big endowments and “guest” lecturers condemning the evils of Capitalism and celebrating the joys of Totalitarianism. What we’re experiencing now is the payoff of all this patient investment and our oblivious disregard while this was happening. The real question is whether we have will to do what’s necessary to root this out. Time will tell.

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AKA "the long march through the institutions"

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I agree and saw the same thing first hand. As Stalin fell out of favor, he was replaced with Mao, with that snappy little jacket and the quotable little book.

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Time to stop federal subsidies for college education or at least attach strings to ensure that colleges are teaching and not indoctrinating. And tax those endowments.

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I think it would be enough to remove federal loan guarantees. If student loans depend on prospects for repayment the grievance studies departments would be out of business.

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Probably a good idea to shut down the “Middle East Studies” departments and send the “professors” home as well.

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First the campus zealots came for the white men, then they came for the TERFs, and now it's the Jews. When will Americans wake up to the fact that our youth have been brainwashed by weaponized social media into woke jihadis?

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They came for white women too. They try to make it impossible for white women to be taken seriously by lumping them all into "Karens" and "white women tears".

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Oh yes, absolutely. White women especially but women of all races over 30 have been cringing into lockstep conformity for fear of being labeled a Karen or TERF. They used to cut out opionated women's tongues, but silencing through social shaming is so much easier and more effective.

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I was reminded this morning of the fact that British authorities allowed the ongoing rape of thousands of British girls for YEARS because identifying and prosecuting the rapists would be "racist."

Any woman who thinks the Left has used women's causes as anything but a tool to foment their anti-Western-civ "revolution" needs to take a good hard look at how women are being treated by the Left.

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This! Absolutely. Willful, suicidal blindness.

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I’m utterly appalled at the antisemitism displayed on college campuses today. But what’s more frightening is the fact they learn this from their professors ! Yet the WORST part is the lame politicians like The Squad that support this. We HAVE to clean house in Congress!

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BLM = PLO. Black Liberation Movement = Palestinian Liberation Movement.

Black Muslim antisemites have been infesting America since the sixties. But, with the birth of BLM and the mainstream acceptance of their hatred sparking the dangerous DEI movements on college campuses, a toxic brew was created. Add to this Muslim students as anti-Israel leaders and you’ve got combustion.

The crime is that universities are permitting this. Is this America?

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I remember one time I was channel surfing and ran across a TELEVISED meeting of Nation of Islam on CSPAN2. I was stunned that this group was allowed to meet on government property and have their violent, antisemitic rhetoric broadcast on national television. This wasn't free speech; it was giving a government platform for these ideas.

I think any remaining faith I had in our government died at that moment.

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Less than a week after 9/11/2001, I was channel surfing on tv when I spotted a small group of American POCs ("people of color," sitting in the studio of the public television channel in San Francisco. These men and women were really letting their hair down,. That is, they were laughing and talking about how much they hated the United States. I was shocked.

And now here we are more than 20 years later, their numbers have increased, their influence has skyrocketed, and this is the sh*t we're facing.

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Lemme guess......part of the renovation at Harvard Divinity School Swartz Hall (old Andover Hall) is now to rename it Joseph Goebbels Hall? That way all the faculty and students can feel included and represented.

Perhaps they can look at including a gas chamber wing during their next CAPEX meeting for the HDS campus.

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Abu Fatwa Hall leads in the early voting.

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I read where the motive for the renovations came from a vision of inclusivity, accessibility, and sustainability for everyone on campus. A particular area they wanted to highlight would be the new multifaith space.

I'm curious if this is the space where they round up all the Jewish students? Asking for a friend....

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I think an important point that has generally been left out is how the culture in general has been programmed to hate on Israel and by extension Jews. There has been absolutely no consequence to anyone who traffics in Jew-hatred over the decades other than Mel Gibson, and that was only for a short while, and only because he used the words "Jew" instead of "Zionist" in his drunken rant. (The fashion designer who went on an antisemitic drunken rant about the Holocaust was later taken back into the fold by Anna Wintour)

We elected a President who sat in an antiAmerican, antisemitic church for over 20 years. Who only disavowed the church to help his presidential campaign. Who administered one of the most antiIsrael administrations (many in his administration trafficking in antisemitic blood libels) in US history. He appointed the likes of the cultural marxist Bill Ayers to rewrite the educational curriculum in this country and we did nothing. States completely embraced the new curriculum and now our children cannot read, write, think critically, or do simple mathematics.

If you take a look at the Regents exams in NY they used the antisemitic "maps that lie" in a geography test about Israel last year, history books make short shrift of the Holocaust and dissemble about the facts concerning Jewish history, and Israel. There is the new ethnic study curriculum being pushed throughout the country which basically doubles as a modern day Mein Kempf when it comes to Jewish history. Where did these ideas come from? They did not pop up overnight. These have been decades in the making.

Antisemitism and Israel hatred are sometimes subtle in our culture. You may even have missed it. But said enough it glombs onto the psyche. Take note of shows like The FBI, which in the opening show last year, the bodyguards of the sex traffickers where pointedly former mossad agents (why?), to the NYTimes (of course) crossword with the clue "Judea" is part of ancient Palestine, to the Hollywood stars who openly call for the destruction of Israel, be it Mark Ruffalo, Susan Sarandon and their traveling ilk, to the fashion icons and instagram influencers the Hadid sisters, Dua Lipa and others who unashamedly have been openly using the term"from the river to the sea" for years. Not one of these individuals, actors, singers, writers, have been held to account. They call for Jewish genocide and the next day they are given multimillion dollar movie contracts, new record deals, and put on the cover of Vogue. Would they be held in such high esteem calling for genocide against any other people other than Jews?

So you can talk all you want about college and universities, most people do not go to high education, but when more than 50% of GenZ say they are proHamas, (not proPalestine), where did that come from? TikTok hasn't been around for that long that it could have so much influence over so many millions.

Dehumanizing Israel, and by extension Jews, is something that has been going on since the 1960s when the cultural left embraced soviet antisemitism. But where was the fight to stop it? There was none.

America just shrugged and did nothing.

But remember the Jews are the canary in the coal mine. What starts with the Jewish People never ends with the Jewish people.

Our democracy is at present under assault from many different angles, not the least of which is the open acceptance, apologies for, and the belittling of the scourge of antisemitism .

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What baffles me is...who venerates people whose greatest achievement is resistance and murder? Who are perpetual “refugees” instead of having moved on to better lives through hard work and inventiveness? Normal people respect the likes of inventors, doctors, business people, intellectuals, police and fire, etc.... people who BENEFIT society. How can anyone justify in their own head the worship of a murderous cult of whining haters? It’s beyond baffling! It’s the human psyche turned against itself!

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there is a moral failing among these young people that is quite scary.

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Amazing comment. Thank you.

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Thank you very much.

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Bari, wow. What a morning of so many important stories and facts. As I know many may not get to the bottom, the name Paul Kessler needs to be remembered. It sounds like he was murdered for exercising his first amendment rights (speech, religion, assembly). Notably rights present and protected in Israel but not in any of its neighbors lands. Real blood as opposed to the red handed gang who defaced the white house property and other buildings in DC. And this and ghsr violence was predictable and predicted. And that violence was incited by MSM, Politicians and former politicians and others.

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Have you seen how the MSM is reporting on Kessler's death?

They say it was the result of "an altercation."

They say that HE fell backward and hit HIS head on the pavement. (No mention of the fact that he was struck with a megaphone, which has been confirmed elsewhere.)

These "journalists" are carefully spinning the story to quietly blame the victim for his own death.

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A step by step duplication of how they reported what happened in Israel.

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from CNN- "authorities have yet to definitively link Kessler’s death to antisemitism" They will never report he was murdered.

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They said that his death was "ruled a homocide." A careful way of spin the fact that he was murdered by a pro-Hamas protester.

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Oh yeah baby I am focused on the scurrilous MSM trying to "frame the narrative." I affectionately refer to many members of the MSM as J-HOs. The j is for journalist. The rest you can figure out

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Nov 7, 2023·edited Nov 7, 2023

The Pali Muslim guy who did the attack will say he was oppressed in Thousand Oaks. Hollywood Jews will be too busy to care or respond... The Golden Bachelor is on. Mark Ruffalo and Susan Sarandon will do a go fund me.... for attacker's oppressed family.

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"An autopsy Monday said Kessler died from a blunt force head injury and it was homicide, according to the Sheriff’s Department, which said investigators hadn’t ruled out the possibility that the act was a hate crime."


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What will tell, is do the police actually arrest anyone and charge them with a hate crime murder? I would hope so, but; unfortunately I just don't have the faith that will happen.

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“The report claims the change was suggested because Frank is no longer aligned with “the new focus on diversity.” “ Nothing could be more ironic. If there ever was an example of oppression and violence against the perceived ‘other’, it was the 1933-1945 experience of European Jews. The fact that this could be happening in a Germany is startling given the reckoning they undertook over the last 50 years.

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Several months ago, my headstrong and foolish 56 year old cousin called and told me she had applied to attend graduate school in Germany because she wouldn't have to pay tuition. I told her in no uncertain terms that her plan was idiotic and suicidal. My cousin is not only Jewish, she also looks and sounds Jewish, very Jewish. I told her that given Germany's past she could she could become an easy target overnight -- not only by the neo-Nazis, but also by the large and hostile Muslim population. She slammed down the phone, and I never heard from her again.

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If she goes through with this you might literally never hear from her again.

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You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.

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I hope things work out for her. What is "looks and sounds Jewish" though?

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It's possible to identify Jews with a moderate degree of accuracy by their physiognomy, speech and gestures. In the 1940s, the German Nazis used these criteria along with written records to round up millions of European Jews and send them to the ovens.

The same thing could happen again. The following research study, The Identifiability of Jews (1959) conducted in the US and reported in the Journal of Sociology found that 30% of Jewish study participants (college students) could be correctly identified as Jewish by all six of the study's judges.


As if that were not enough, the DNA database of 23 and Me was breached just a few months ago. It exposed the names and of hundreds of thousands of individuals classified as having European Jewish ancestry based on their DNA. You could be identified as Jewish even if you never joined 23 and Me or submitted a DNA sample. All it would take is having one or more distant cousins you've never even heard of who joined 23 and Me and filled out genealogical questionnaires. No one knows who stole the DNA data or whom they sold it to. But I can easily imagine who the recipient might be and what nefarious purposes they would it for.


By the way, I could not help but notice the palm tree and crescent moon symbols in your thumbnail.

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I'm skeptical of the physiognomy part being reliably useful. The Nazis used local people to turn in Jews, since they knew who was who and anti-semitism was rampant in EU then as now. I wonder how many times the judges misidentified someone as Jewish also. The DNA thing...that is a concern.

Yes, our Palmetto State's beautiful banner is often recognized as the USA's best state flag. The earliest major victory of the US secession from Great Britain was due in no small part to our Palmetto trees (Fort Sullivan, June 28, 1776).

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Money, money, and more money. The so called hell holes of elite universities only care about the size of their endowment and making more for the so called professors who normally have little real world experiences. I was pushed out of a DI school based on class input from real world and the professors had only ever gone to school. They actually waived my last two classes to get me gone from the classes where I would nicely point out, sounds good in a book, but let me tell you how it really works. Even the Chair of the Dept had nothing to refute what I would point out.

The Muslim issue and it is an issue no matter the sensitivity training. Colonizers from Muslim countries leave absolutely horrible shit holes for countries, won't fight to change the government, but run (ever notice most of the immigrants from Muslim countries are men?) and immediately want to change where they move to, into the same type of shit hole. Just a fact. They (not all, just way too many) have the least ability to blend in and join with the population of the country they have begged to go too. So they can't or won't assimilate into society and demand change, even if through violence. But only violence in countries that won't line them up again st a wall and shoot them like where they fled. STUPID!

I also wonder how much the big COVID lies from governments contribute to all of the pent up hatred and violence that is on-going? With the lies exposed and people knowing it was all BS and a drive to control society, make money, and gain power, are they now so hostile to governments they will do anything, even tearing it down?

As for anti-Jews. I for one wish the people had any idea or knowledge of the history of the area. The very same people yelling to the sea, would be subjugated or killed if the radical Muslim governments took control. It's like begging someone to just come and destroy your life and saying, I will gladly help you destroy me. This is a consequence of the youth never having to have worked for anything or really sacrificed. You want true hate crimes. look no further than what has been going on against the Jewish and Asian populations. Yet it gets almost no support or visibility from the fish wrap news.

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Hamas is horrible at managing a country (evident when Israel left Gaza in a "land for peace" deal and they were ineptly in charge) taking the zillions in donations and doing zip to help those in Gaza, instead using 100% of it for weaponry and luxurious accommodations for themselves in Qatar.

But they are geniuses at spreading hate, fear and blood libel. Their propaganda machine went into overdrive the minute after they slit the last baby's throat, with "spontaneous" worldwide protests blaming Israel for the slaughter while literally destroying the evidence that revealed the awful truth. Meanwhile, self-righteous, Fascist left "college kids" took up the "Jews are the real terrorists" cry with glee. We are being played (and outplayed) when it comes to spreading the truth, and it's chilling.

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With all the money available to them, and seaside real estate, and with some basic sense, they could have turned Gaza into an economic success story. But no, a lot of the world needs permanent Palestinian "refugees" it seems.

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We have let our enemies take over our institutions of higher learning. The Middle East has been in a race war for decades, now our fate is at question: have we made ourselves Israel?

I know, old language, enemies. How déclassé of me.

Maybe some of the old thinking was right, maybe those old conceptions were just out of fashion, dormant, but still true. Hum, I wonder if we have fated ourselves to a new conflagration because we were arrogant and thought the rules of this world no longer applied to us, we had advanced beyond that.

Lest we forget, November 11, hum, did we forget.

Hum, has liberalism lead us back in a giant circle to the old place, are we going into the world of our grandparents, the greatest generation?

Fascism, communism and the last holdover, liberalism, I wonder what it will bring: it’s terminus?

Is it possible we didn’t escape history? Is it possible we’re witnessing a very old form of history on our college campuses?

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