The mask is the crucifix of the left. It’s a symbol of allegiance, a religious symbol. A gang symbol. Catholics have crucifixes, Muslims have Head scarves, and secular leftists have masks. I’m an old school atheist, raised in a very religious household-- I know a religion when I see one.

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We knew this too. The Boston Globe and the WSJ had article that came out today and yesterday respectively about the virus coming from a lab. Globe article is titled -

“Lab leak most likely caused pandemic, Energy Department says”

Yet it won’t allow it’s readers to comment on the story. Hilarious. Are we still protecting China?

All because we had to make Trump look bad and get him out of office.

It really took us 3 years to find out Covid came from a lab? THREE years? That is beyond pathetic.

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I start work this week playing cello at the new Lincoln Center Theater production of Camelot. They require masking at all times, only and exclusively wearing the specific N95 mask that they supply. They require regular Covid testing before and during employment, and they require us to inform them when we travel so that they may add additional testing. If the Covid policy they emailed us is to be believed, they also require musicians to have had all booster shots as a requirement of employment.

The audience will be unmasked and will not even have to prove that hey have been vaccinated.

Meanwhile, the entirety of the rest of the country has moved on. There are no mask mandates at any level of government on any side of the aisle anywhere in America. There are no mask mandates in most private businesses, public and private schools, nor in all transportation.

LCT's Covid position, like the CDC's, isn’t based on health concerns, rather it’s based on their politics and their need to display their ultra liberal bona fides publicly and loudly. This is why they are among the very last employers of any kind or sort that have these draconian demands still in place.

The face mask is the red MAGA hat for left wing nut jobs.

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Little by little the whole narrative is falling a part...natural immunity, origins of the virus, masks, and soon to be the injectable products.

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As a healthcare provider myself, who has been out since mid 2021 after having my first child, and able to follow different sources of thought in the medical world- it has made me question everything I’ve ever learned and everything we do in medicine. Shockingly though, my colleagues who are still in the hospitals don’t get time to do their own research and believe everything that is fed to them- which comes from these agencies. I started to think I was crazy for so long and now it’s so nice to see I was not... It has really amazed me how very intelligent people who can be so duped.

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All I will say is this

The same fact-free psychopaths who continue to insist that masks do something, that they are needed, that lament the lack of mandates, that ignore inconvenient truths are operating from THE SAME playbook and are often the same people who are currently professing climate-weather-doom and are demanding vast changes in modern life - NOT OPTIONAL - to 'save the world'

That these lunatics currently inhabit positions such as Energy Minister of Germany, CDC Director of the USA, Chief if the IEA, UN Secretary General, and various heads of countless agencies all over the world only fills me with dread

The backlash cannot come swiftly enough

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During WW II, the US Navy issued "Shark Repellent" to its aviators flying in the Pacific theater even though the Navy brass knew that the repellent was actually worthless. It was issued to calm the fears of aviators shot down and floating in the water. To give our current CDC leadership some credit, perhaps they thought that the mask mandates would calm the public's fears and prevent mass hysteria. Of course, this would have had the opposite effect as people realized that the experts who demanded that we "follow the science" were lying to us all along. One wonders what else they are lying to us about "out of an abundance of caution"? Global warming?

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As I sit here reading this article working night shift as a RN in an Emergency Room, I am once again reminded that for most of the COVID pandemic, how we have responded to it has been devoid of strong scientific backing. I despise wearing a mask and it’s frustrating to have to keep wearing them for 12 hour shifts because the CDC and most healthcare systems believe in the magical thinking that they actually do anything. Underneath the current presidential administration, I have little hope that masks will go away in healthcare.

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Only time I ever wore a mask was on a plane when forced. I knew they did nothing. I'm in medicine as are all of my family. I refused to go along with the political theatre of masking. Fauci was more than an imbecile. His refusal to acknowledge early stage interventions like antibiotics, HCQ, and IV treatments, etc. cost thousands of lives. My father in-law is a nursing home directors and lost very few patients during the height of the most threatening outbreak early on while others died in droves. The difference was early intervention. No other disease state on this planet calls for people to do nothing until they are so sick they need to be hospitalized. Our public health apparatus completely failed our citizens and the worst part is they fail to acknowledge it even now. It is your responsibility to do you homework because those who are supposed to save you will not. There is no courage among most of the medical establishment or our political leaders. You are on your own to make sure you have a physician with courage that does his/her own research and doesn't bow to the NIH and CDC.

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The damage the people like Rochelle Walensky have done to both, peoples faith in science and the institutions in which we are supposed to trust to give us unbiased information, is truly incalculable.

Further, when you merge these occurrences, with the mis/dis/malinformation censorship they are trying to inculcate in every institution possible, it becomes clear that their goal is not to inform, but to control. They no longer need to develop rational, well-considered arguments, when they can simply dictate what you WILL believe and ensure everything else is marked as "lies", according to the government censors. And then, those "lies" will get you fired from your job, banned from the public square and eventually, if they are able to institute social credit scores as the World Economic Forum wants, they will be able to control your life, in totality.

They value power over all else. In fact, to these fiends, there is nothing else other than power.

If you look at the modern world, through the paradigm that modern Liberalism is, fundamentally, an anti-human ideology, everything makes sense.

Read more about my perspective on this topic here: https://www.gordoncomstock.com/p/modern-liberalism-is-an-anti-human

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Vivek wants to take apart our useless government agencies - I hope he wins and I hope he starts with the CDC.

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So what is left about covid that hasn’t proven to be totally false? WSJ this week reports the origin was a lab leak. Masks definitively don’t work. Vaccines aren’t actually vaccines (and ‘wear off’ in a matter of months). Lock downs proven to be ineffective and actually harmful. Small business can’t stay open but big businesses can. What was actually proven to be true and effective that public health told us?

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These are the most annoying articles ever written. We’ve known this for decades. And not a few decades. Many, many decades. Ask any person with even the tiniest understanding of fluid or thermodynamics and they will laugh in your face at the suggestion a cloth mask can stop an airborne virus. It’s insulting and insanely embarrassing that we’re still doing this.

Oh, that and that every piece of medical literature, including an actual lawsuit between the largest medical center in Canada and its freaking nurses, had not only known/proven this but litigated it in court.

It makes my head want to explode how passionately we’re trying to become dumber for the sake of acceptance by morons

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The mask was the only visible way to show that the “pandemic” was happening. When 96% of people with Covid showed no symptoms and the average age of those dying was 81, the government needed something to remind everyone they needed to be scared. I try to assume those still wearing masks are immuno-compromised, but they’re generally hyper scared or morally superior moonbats.

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High time we have a national discussion about SCIENCE. What it actually means. How it is never settled. How rigorous testing and data collection are critical. How it is bigger than any one person no matter what their title. Let us always remember that many of our fellow citizens called for shaming, firing and even locking up people who decided not to be be vaccinated or to wear masks. And to be very clear: I chose to be vaccinated and I wear an N95 because of my own circumstances. From the outset I sought medical advice and I looked for data and statistics, both very hard to come by . Whether half of this nation learned any lessons about science and that it does not mix well with politics remains to be seen.

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Past science confirmed again- add more to the Bayesian level of certainty. Regarding government response- somehow coronavirus is the virus uniquely susceptible to masks? These folks need firing.

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