
While this article provides valuable insight into the AAP it contains a gross misrepresentation.

The article states that "In October, [the AAP] urged the Department of Justice to investigate critics of “gender affirming” care, arguing they were spreading “disinformation” that puts lives at risk."...

A medical organization asking for its critics to be criminally investigated for spreading misinformation would be a scandal of the highest order. It would call for an article all on its own. However, when one actually clicks the link to see the letter sent to the DoJ, and reads the first line, we see the AAP's actual reason for writing

"we write to urge you to investigate the organizations, individuals, and entities coordinating, provoking, and carrying out bomb threats and threats of personal violence against children’s hospitals and physicians across the U.S."

After sometime detailing instances where threats of violence resulted in lockdowns the AAP does mention 'disinformation', in the following paragraph:

"These coordinated attacks threaten federally protected rights to health care for patients and their

families. The attacks are rooted in an intentional campaign of disinformation, where a few high-profile

users on social media share false and misleading information targeting individual physicians and

hospitals, resulting in a rapid escalation of threats, harassment, and disruption of care across multiple

jurisdictions. Our organizations have called on technology companies to do more to prevent this practice

on digital platforms, and we now urge your office to take swift action to investigate and prosecute all

organizations, individuals, and entities responsible"

It seems obvious that the AAP is asking for criminal investigation for, what they view as disinformation inciting actual bomb threats. One may still regard this as dangerous for free speech, incitement can often be used in a vague way. However, the context is vastly different from that implied by the article i.e. that the AAP investigate critics of gender affirming care for mere criticism, and is far less sensational.

The author or editor should issue a correction and add the appropriate context. Not doing so will reflect very poorly on the credibility of a new media site that is trying to break away from the biased reporting of the mainstream media.

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I retired in June but was a long-time dissenting member of the AAP. I have deeply regretted its progressive legacy of the last 30 years. It was a major supporter of the Affordable Care Act. It has been taking positions without any effort to discern the opinions of its front-line members. The transgender movement and its actions in barely pubertal children represents the greatest medical malfeasance of my 40+ year career. The GOP needs to hold hearings and get the testimonies of AAP leaders over against dissenting members to bring this dissonance to the American people. The AAP needs to be radically shamed, then reformed.

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wow - just wow!!! This stuff needs to reach a HUGE audience. Thank you.

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Here’s a great article in the PITT substack.

I’ve seen some commenters state the actual numbers of surgeries on young women and minors in the last few years, As if those numbers should diminish our rage, diminish the utter shock and dismay. Any society that can’t protect its most vulnerable I.e. children from their own under developed brains (and has amnesia about how we actually mature as humans) I implore you to remember. The number of teens and adults using these supposed safe drugs to treat a supposed condition, there is actual empirical data on what cross sex hormones do to adults. Now imagine what they can do to children/teens and also to adults for years. The least harmful treatment should be tried first. In other words therapy to dig deep beneath the surface of supposed gender issues.

I know that therapy is not required s as I sat in the room with my daughter and the nurse practitioner she saw at Seattle Children’s hospital and that nurse proudly stated that no therapy would be required for her to get whatever treatments or surgery she wanted and she could get it without parent consent when she turned 18. I also sat in the waiting room while I was not aloud to be in the room with her and saw parent and child after parent child streaming into the gender clinic part of the hospital. People think it’s not happening, it seems like it can’t be true but let me tell you, it is true. It is not an exaggeration and it needs to be taken very seriously as a society we need to stop this madness.

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I see a lot of comments about this issue and I unfortunately have been neck deep in this for years with my two daughters. Let me say to the doubters of the info in this article that you should be skeptical of the mainstream’s claims and even the research info the safety of this, quote medicine, for these children and adults. This link I’m going to post now is an old article but very prescient.

I encourage everyone to read that article and consider the connections to our current contagion of supposed gender dysphoria.

Google that term Iatrogenic...and maybe consider it. Why so so many have increased gender dysohoria After they begin treatments or have surgery or when they start considering they are trans or whatever.

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Sam Brinton has been fired. The same needs to happen with Miss Richard Levine whose non-scientific cult religious positions & policies are so destructive to the children of the United States.

"The U.S. Department of Energy appears to have parted ways with Sam Brinton, the nonbinary Biden administration nuclear official who is facing charges for allegedly stealing two pieces of luggage at two separate airports.

“Sam Brinton is no longer a DOE employee,” a Department of Energy spokesperson told The Daily Signal in an email Monday afternoon. “By law, the Department of Energy cannot comment further on personnel matters.”"

Hummmmmm..... Maybe Brinton and Levine will wind up at Facebook together? Or, the NYT?

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I wanted to share this PITT from Oct 2021 that begins "Nobody intends to join a cult."

and this long but excellent article by Jane Robbins from July 2019 which begins:

"The transgender castle that radicals have constructed by sheer force of will is built on shifting sand without supports of any kind. The wave that will sweep it away is gaining strength. May the time come soon when we will all say, with observers of past hysterias, “How could we have believed that?”

“What we live through, in any age, is the effect on us of mass emotions and of social conditions from which it is almost impossible to detach ourselves. Often the mass emotions are those which seem the noblest, best and most beautiful. And yet, inside a year, five years, a decade, five decades, people will be asking, ‘How could they have believed that?’ because events will have taken place that will have banished the said mass emotions to the dustbin of history.”

–Doris Lessing, Prisons We Choose to Live Inside (1987)"

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The inmates, disguised as doctors. have taken over the asylum.

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Depressing. I no longer recognize this nation.

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There are so many points of contention. Let’s begin with the refusal to acknowledge that child consciousness is a thing apart that fundamentally shifts at around age 16. I often say that the difference between a psychotic adult and a young child is age. I’m a child therapist and to remind myself of childhood , I try to take Santa Claus as seriously as children do. We should be aware that the people we are attempting to open up to gender fluidity, transgender realities, and the realities of racial and national oppression, slaughter, starvation, and the stuff of human misery, believe that reindeer fly, that toys for every child on the planet can fit on a sled and can be personally delivered in a 24 hour period. They exist in a constantly morphing reality (kindergarten kids marrying each other) in which monsters exist in their closet, but also in their lives. They have little sense of limit, very harsh consciences, and an ability to feel personally responsible for everything. Consider the infatuations with rock stars and athletes in the 11-15 year old set. The knowledge that we want to foist on kids is better left to a consciousness that can handle it -say a curriculum tailored to a maturing adolescent

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Thank you. And, we are up against "experts" like Diane Ehrensaft of the UCSF Benioff Child and Adolescent Gender Clinic who thinks babies in their onesies are communicating "gender".

(also a key player in "Satanic Panic")

"TMI: Genderqueer 11-year-olds can’t handle too much info about sterilizing treatments–but do get on with those treatments"

and Jack Turban

"The Distortions in Jack Turban’s Psychology Today Article on ‘Gender Affirming Care’

Turban's public statements on pediatric gender medicine have been less than honest. Leor Sapir"

Have you read Steve Levine's paper? "Reconsidering Informed Consent for Trans-Identified Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults"

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Please see: "An Open Letter to the American Academy of Pediatrics 18 July 2022"


"Suing Over Medical Transition: The Case Against Considering Wpath as a Competent, Reasonable Body of Expert Opinion. By Peter Jenkins / 10 December 2022"


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I watched this video. It's like watching Sean Hannity interview Ted Cruz. They're pushing a point of view rather than reporting on what happened. Not helpful. BTW I also read a number of Eliza Mondegreen's articles. Interestingly she acknowledges that some people have gender dysphoria, a point that many in these comments seem to disagree with. She thinks that medical professionals push people, and especially kids, toward the diagnosis and then towards interventions that are harmful and unwarranted. Probably true in rare cases. However these cases are rare as seen in my comment earlier that cites a Reuters article showing that there were 282 mastectomies in people ages 13 to 17 last year in the US. That's fewer than 6 per state and we know nothing about the circumstances of those people. There was a total of 36 genital surgeries in 3 years from 2019 to 2021. 12 a year. I don't believe the medical establishment is out to hurt children and the politicization of gender is making the jobs of medical professionals who are trying to help children and adults much more difficult.

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42.4 k people on this Detrans reddit:

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Bruce, a tiny number of people have gender dysphoria, a disorder of the mind which is now being treated like religion. We should attempt to help them with their psychological problem and if they want operations - that ought to be the last resort treatment - not what you do to them when they are children and cannot understand the consequences. It goes against a child's human rights to destroy his or her fertility when the kids have perfectly healthy bodies.

The kids pick up the ideology/social contagion online or at school where Radical Gender Theory is pushed like the new science and then they fall into the hands of inexpert "gender therapists". After that, there are plenty of doctors who are willing to profit off of this. There is big money for medicine and pharma. Planned Parenthood distributes cross sex hormones after one visit. The number of girls destroyed on "T" is high.

And see: "'Yeet the teet' doctor poses with teen patient after double mastectomies"

This is something like the eugenics movement.

When this all comes down it is the mothers and fathers who went along with "gender affirming care" who will be the last to admit it was wrong because they will have to admit to themselves that they were complicit in harming their child.

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When these once august organizations prostitute themselves to any political ideology they loose their credibility. I would have hard time believing their recommendations in future.

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This article lacks balance and objectivity. Like something I’d expect from the Washington Post or NYT. But not Common Sense/Free Press.

I asked a young pediatrician for his thoughts on this article. I agree with his reply:

“I think that this article is written by someone who stands to benefit from people being riled up about gender affirming care, masking, COVID-19 vaccines, etc. Pediatricians are working to take the best care of children as is possible during these uncertain times and I think folks need to step back and wonder what the agenda of the author of this article is - it has nothing to do with protecting kids and more with stoking the unfocused rage of the article’s readers.

These are really frustrating times, I get it, but I really don’t think pediatricians are the enemy here.”

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Hi Sam.

Pediatricians are not the enemy here but as far as "Gender Medicine" is concerned their professional associations, like the AAP, have been taken over by activists. This does not mean there are no good doctors out there who are are horrified. I think you must either be unaware or disingenuous.

Anyone who is not "riled up about gender affirming care" for children has his head in the sand.

Please have a view of:

"Gender Medicine Has Gone INSANE | An Inside Investigation, with Eliza Mondegreen"

with Benjamin A Boyce


"Doomed to Repeat: Gender Ideology and the Repressed Memory Movement

How bad science and good intentions can ruin people's lives."

by Lisa Marchiano on Colin Wright's substack

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I’m not disingenuous. Just unaware.

Which is why I asked Dr W for his opinion. He’s a pediatrician at John’s Hopkins, formerly chief resident at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

One reason I hesitate to comment here and elsewhere is that people can’t resist an opportunity to go after another.

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The problem is not individuals so much as a small number of Gender Ideologues co-opting professional organizations (and government agencies):

"Florida demands American Academy of Pediatrics give evidence for their support of child sex changes

Judge Carl J. Nichols has ordered that the American Academy of Pediatrics hand over documents that provide scientific evidence to back up its support of the "gender-affirming care" model."

"The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has been ordered to provide the state of Florida with evidence explaining why it supports child sex changes and documentation showing the process the medical association went through in order to reach that stance.

The District Court ruling comes as part of the legal action against the state of Florida brought by four plaintiffs and backed by the AAP that seeks to overturn Gov. Ron DeSantis's ban on Medicaid funding for child sex changes.

In pledging its support for the four minors who identify as transgender that have launched a legal challenge to the ban, the spotlight has now turned on the AAP, which now needs to provide scientific evidence to back up its support of so-called "gender-affirming care," reports the Daily Caller.

Judge Carl J. Nichols ordered the AAP to hand over information on the total number of its members, documentation relating to how it establishes new guidelines and policy positions, as well as any guidelines or policy positions on gender-affirming care, including how these guidelines or policies were drawn up. All this information must be provided to the state of Florida by Feb 2.

Furthermore, Nichols ordered that all official communications that took place within the AAP regarding its policies and guidelines on gender-affirming care be provided.

The AAP released a position statement in 2018 endorsing the affirmative model of care for children and adolescents who identify as members of the opposite sex. This model requires that clinicians immediately affirm a child’s self-declared transgender identity and pushes for early medical intervention. The alternative model of care, known as watchful waiting, that focuses on psychotherapeutic support is considered outdated and even conversion therapy under the affirmative model.

In 2019, Canadian sexologist James Cantor was so alarmed by the AAP’s position statement that he published a scathing rebuttal debunking it point by point, in which he argued that the "AAP told neither the truth nor the whole truth, committing sins of commission and omission, asserting claims easily falsified by anyone caring to do any fact-checking at all."

Foreseeing the malpractice lawsuits that were likely to result from the position statement written by an activist-led sub-committee, Cantor wrote his paper in such a way that it could be used in a courtroom.

"AAP is advocating for something far in excess of mainstream practice and medical consensus. Problems do not constitute merely a misquote, a misinterpretation of an ambiguous statement, or a missing sentence or two. Rather, the AAP statement is a systematic exclusion and misrepresentation of entire literatures. Not only did AAP fail to provide extraordinary evidence, it failed to provide evidence at all. Indeed, AAP’s recommendations are despite the existing evidence," Cantor concluded.

Last year, five members of the AAP submitted a resolution requesting that the professional association perform a thorough systematic review of the available evidence for gender-affirming care, but the AAP took the unusual approach of enacting a new rule preventing members from supporting the resolution or contributing to the discussion

This led Genspect, an advocacy group campaigning for evidence-based care for youth suffering from gender distress, to accuse the AAP of "preemptively suppressing debate by not allowing comments."

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Hi Sam, I understand and I appreciate this response. I would not take a child to a young pediatrician or a young therapist right now. I think they have come up in the Woke environment and have likely drunk the Koolaid. Older doctors have seen crazes come and go, like Satanic Panic. "Gender Affirming Care" is a travesty IMO. - LM

1. Here's a 2014 article by Dr. Paul McHugh of John's Hopkins:

2. A 2022 article by Stephen Levine on "Informed Consent":

3. Experts: We must defeat gender ideology and protect children

"Teaching children to deny biology is maddening. Telling them they get to choose if you're a girl or boy, or both or neither, because they may have been incorrectly assigned an identity at birth, that's a man made idea," said Dr. Miriam Grossman.

4. The US government and medical establishment are contributing to the deaths of minors at the altar of “gender identity”

And they’re getting away with it Kara Dansky

5. "Diane Ehrensaft, 'Satanic Panic' Woo Peddler, Now Champions the 'Gender Angels' Among Us

The dangerously consequential career of a quack"

Sorry so many.... but I could go on :-)

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Also, sometimes an individual pediatrician - even a a young one :-) - might be great but have hands tied over all this "affirmation" that is required by many states and medical associations.

And, don't get me started on First Female Richard Levine and his promotion of child mutilation. There is a great deal of money being made in pharma and medicine over "gender affirming care". Testosterone is handed out without question to teen girls via Planned Parenthood and have you read about "Yeet the Teet" Dr. Gallagher?

Here is a lawsuit to watch: "Chloe Cole v. Kaiser Permanente"

You could ask your Dr. W. to have a look at the Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans substack: There are anguished, frustrated parents motivated by love, not money. I am motivated by love and wanting to see justice done. I'd like to see a few of the worst actors lose their positions and their licenses.

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Only a little off topic here... but apparently Twitter's old Trust and Safety Department was fine with child pornography:

But questioning Gender Ideology, joking about Richard/Rachael Levine winning "Woman of the Year", referring to Mr. "Wax my balls" Yaniv as a "him", or calling out a child predator with the term groomer got groups and individuals banned, including:

1. Moms for Liberty

"On Monday, Twitter suspended the account of the parents’ rights group Moms for Liberty after it tweeted criticism of California’s bill pushing for “gender-affirming health care” for minors.

“Gender dysphoria is a mental health disorder that is being normalized by predators across the USA. California kids are at extreme risk from predatory adults,” the group tweeted. “Now they want to ‘liberate’ children all over the country. Does a double mastectomy on a preteen sound like progress?”

California’s proposed legislation has come under fire from critics who say it encourages out-of-state children dealing with gender dysphoria to come to California to receive surgery and risky hormone treatment.

Twitter quickly removed the group’s tweet and suspended its account.

In a comment to National Review, Moms for Liberty co-founder Tiffany Justice said, “My options now are to delete the tweet or appeal it. I’m not deleting the tweet. This is just madness, and our children are paying the price.”

2. James Lindsay

3. Jordan Peterson

4. Dave Rubin

5. The Babylon Bee

6. Charlie Kirk

7. The Christian Post

8. Ken Paxton

9. Rep. Jim Banks

10. Allie Beth Stuckey

11. Erick Erickson

12. Esther O’Reilly

13. Lindsay Shepherd

14. Meghan Murphy

15. Matt Walsh


I am just going to add here that most of the children are not dealing with "gender dysphoria" but have been coached/picked up from society - the idea that his is what ails them, much like with the "Recovered Memories" fiasco.

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Some of these people are nothing less than psychopaths. They are indoctrinated in a moronic ideology and slavishly follow it no matter how false it is.

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