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I have a very serious question that I still do not have the answer to. Why do so many people hate the Jews? How did a country manage to kill millions while other countries including the pope turned their head? How did they manage to control Hollywood and banking and diamonds?

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Thanks for that one!

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You rock Bari. Such lucid writing. Succinct, thought provoking. And why I was an early subscriber…

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Tucker Carlson has finally jumped the shark with his support of Cooper. No thinking human will ever take him seriously again. Yes people will pander to his potential vote getting power from morons to and through the election, but the the conservative establishment, and normal people will now ostracize him as soon as the election passes. A smart man who is bitter enough to pervert his thought process to get attention. Disgusting

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One caveat: Tucker Carlson is not smart.

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Add Churchill biographer Andrew Roberts to the growing list of critics.

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After a couple of days or reading and listening to the various reactions to this interview, I now have a larger question:

How does one become an Historian? What qualifies an individual as an Historian? There is no significant historical event that does not have much written about it from a variety of viewpoints threaded through with biases, we are human after all (until we all become cyborgs thanks to AI).

My question is about how societies and institutions confer the "Historian" title to a person, unrelated to the topic of this article. I am curious to hear people's take on this.

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It’s not bestowed upon a person. If I talk or write about history I’m a casual historian. If I get paid for it I’m a historian.

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Thank you. So this causes me to ask another question, which is: How do you define a pseudo-historian if this person does profit off of their writing about history?

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I’m sorry to disagree with you, Bari , but:

1. You need to report about and call out illiberalism on left AND right, not just left. Don’t assume your readers are seeing all the other media jumping on the righty dictator wannabes, because of them have sworn off MSM as a James Bond villain. Today’s callout of Tucker and the pestilence Cooper is a good start. By all means pile on the hyper-left and their excesses, but apply the same to the right. Project 2025 is just as corrosive as professor bans.

2. Calling Tucker highly intelligent asserts a fact not in evidence. If he allows Cooper to spout without pushback, he’s a bean brain, not an intelligent man.

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"...a fact not in evidence" - exactly!!

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For Bari; I wasted an hour listening to the Honesty podcast with David? And Sarah?, two conservative never Trump! The first half was ok and interesting as they described their beliefs, etc but as usually happens they went TDS, and sounded more like MSNBC host. Very disappointing! Nothing new or thought provoking!👎🏻

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Agreed. I don’t understand the “refused to concede he lost the election,” criticism. While true, transfer of power still happened and he’s not the President. A lot of people rank that as their #1 issue with Trump. Democracy is on the line is the other campaign slogan. I’m not sure how they expect Trump to get rid of the Constitution, become dictator for life, deport millions, ban abortion, abolish the Department of Education, etc…without having support from entire Congress, Senate, and Supreme Court.

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Yeah, I don’t wonder about it, but if I would I’d ask a lib., but they probably wouldn’t have an answer and change the subject!🤔😵‍💫

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Did you really say that Tucker Carlson is an intelligent person? This lunatic rabid antisemite using his platform to promote a deranged revisionist twisted nonsense view of WWII? Calling this moron the best historian in the world? And you actually softball all your criticisms of this duo, as if they deserve measured intelligent discourse? What Twilight Zone is this? How 'bout: it is lunatics like Tucker Carlson who will cost Trump the election.

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Tucker Carlson was the first person to alert me that there was a virus in China that we might be concerned about. A week later others began reporting on what emerged as COVID-19. Sometimes Carlson is brilliant, sometimes he is lazy, sometimes he is nutty, sometimes he is irritating, and sometimes he gives air to oddballs. Although I don't always agree with him, I have read a number of illuminating writers that I first heard about on the old Tucker Carlson show. I am not aware of Darryl Cooper, but he sounds unhinged. I like Victor Davis Hanson and will be listening to your link of him with Christopher Hitchens. Thank you for keeping a sharp eye on both illiberal left and right. Every fiber of my being longs for reason, moderation, and stability to prevail.

Congrats on the commencement of U. of Austin!

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Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Tucker is by no means intelligent - why would anyone even think that⁉️ And if you call repeatedly bringing on Jew- haters to spout their venomous lies...I don't know what to say to you.

By the way,, I met Victor Davis Hanson in Israel after a lecture he gave. Intelligent humble man.

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I did not say he was intelligent, I said Tucker C. was occasionally brilliant. He can be tiresome and clownish and he is inconsistent. He goes off on tangents. Okay, so he is a broken clock. I do not agree with him much of the time. Perhaps I should credit his production team at Fox news for these insights. That was where I heard him. I wish Christopher Hitchens was still alive. And I miss Charles Krauthammer.

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You’re slipping FP. Not sure what happened over the last 3-4 months, but you’re starting to sound just like every other mindless news publication. What happened??

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The minute anyone commenting here reads something they don’t like/disagree with they disparage Bari and threaten to go back to their information silos. Guess they only came here bc they thought it was another part of the silo they already inhabit. Good riddance.

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Some threaten to leave. Most are sticking around if we don’t get censored by the oddbot.

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I haven’t seen this latest Tucker Carlson interview—which sounds bad—so not commenting on that. But in the interest of balance I would like to point out an excellent interview Carlson recently did with a Stanford educated surgeon on the health of American children. Over 50 percent now have a chronic disease! Why is the press silent on this? It is obvious they are protecting Pharma interests. But someone tell me why the press feels it is okay to let children be destroyed, and how we as a country will flourish with an increasing sick population? The economic cost alone is staggering. Carlson also was way more outspoken about lockdowns and vaccine safety during the pandemic—he probably got canceled for it—and much more courageous on that topic than, say, Rachel Maddow and company who were basically servile Big Pharma enthusiasts. I understand Kamala Harris actually has a vaccine requirement for working on her campaign which is crazy since the Covid vaccines do not prevent transmission. But it will serve to weed out the courageous and those who ask legitimate questions.

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Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

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Really, Bari? VDH? Now do HCR

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What’s wrong with HCR? I enjoy her writing and she shows her homework!

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That she does. It’s the fact that she is a ‘historian’ but describes today’s political events (read: never Trump) through her own elitist bubble as factual rather than stating it’s only her opinion. So, in other words, she either cherry picks to engage her readers, or she does so because she actually believes what she’s writing. To do the first is understandable, although not laudable. To do the latter is, unfortunately, what I fear to be the case, which is neither ethical nor laudable. So this is the long way to say she is incredibly biased, if not tone deaf, and needs to reframe her position as editorializing rather than positing examples of ‘truth by history’.

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Mmm, I'll have to respectfully disagree with you on the professor. I find her takes pretty straightforward. I'm sure she's selective on her topics, as she only has a few a day she can dive into out of the hundreds that cross her desk, but that's true of every news and opinion writer. I don't find her remotely elitist, either, and if she appears to be Never Trump, perhaps that's because she, and many of us, find little objectively decent to say about the man.

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You don’t have to like him, but you do need to report things that are factual, if in fact you choose to use your status as a historian to reach the many people who subscribe to what is considered a very popular blog. That’s my beef with her. She should be intellectually curious, but she should also let the facts speak for themself. She reports her opinions as facts, and that is not good journalism. I found her at the beginning of her blog to be much less biased, but I just can’t stomach her anymore due to her seemingly increased pandering to her subscribers, predominantly well educated upper middle class women (I myself fall into this category) and lack of objectivity. She has some merit, but personally for me she falls short of what I seek in gathering information and assimilating that information for myself.

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The "Republicans Voting for Kamala" sound a little unhinged. David French sounds like someone working too hard to convince himself that his decision to turn on Trump still makes sense. It's amazing how as a social conservative, he makes no mention of Democrats endorsing policies of not informing parents when kids declare they are a different gender in schools, or policies for states such as Minnesota or California or Maine where minor kids who "escape" there can have gender reassignment surgeries against the will of their parents, or that biological men should be allowed to compete in women's sports be put in a prison cell with female prisoners or change in women's locker rooms. Not to mention the van parked outside the Dem convention offering free abortions and vasectomies. Do none of those issues matter to him? I think he is just so desperate to remain relevant to NYT's readers that he is lost.

Sarah at least sounded sincere in her beliefs. At times I thought she would never stop talking and Bari was quite patient with her. But how she doesn't see that everything she accuses Trump of applies even more so to the Democrats of today is beyond me.

I have some overlapping concerns about "MAGA", and in fact, Trump was my last choice for Republican candidate, but he is still by far the better choice of the two for any sincere conservative.

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Bari it’s funny that disrespecting Christians doesn’t bother you, only Jews. You are no historian either. As the truth begins to see more light, we all now see how corrupt world leaders and governments have been. Most wars, including the ones raging on today were began for reasons NOT being honestly revealed. Instead of being so aghast at the notion that someone sees history in a different light, consider that much of what we have been told is possibly not all true.

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