
Anyone in following the royals might be interested in this but not I...

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This article is spot on.

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Meghan has ALWAYS been who she is. She had a plan to marry a royal, and so she did. She's never been "for the people" but only for herself. I'm glad you finally realized who she is.

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Thank you for your reply. I admire and respect teachers and believe that we don't do enough to compensate them properly. I hope that you worked in districts that appreciated your profession. What could we do to better teach our children about the sanctity of human life? My mind immediately goes to guns; we have too many in this country and the NRA is too powerful. A vocal percentage of our population refuses to accept what they perceive to be any limit whatsoever to the power of the firearms that they can own. Any call for sensible legislation is met with calls of "attacks to the 2nd Amendment".

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Harry and Meghan are poster children for the "poor me, poor me" generation. They are fabulously wealthy, good looking and have above average intelligence. Unfortunately, they don't use their blessings to make themselves and the people around them happy. They seem to always fall back to victimhood....he to the fate his mother suffered (awful) and she to her racial make-up. Markle's role in Suits does show her ability to "make it" in a tough industry, but she is hardly a major character in the show. These two should get down on their knees at night and give thanks for their privileged lives. Instead, they whine...loudly. I predict that this marriage will not last. They always manage to find the dark cloud to stand under.

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As an actress, Megan Markle was self-absorbed from the get go. Any scene she played on Suits, you always knew that instead of trying to play a role, she was trying to imagine how the role would “play” Megan Markle.

I thought Harry was bonkers for marrying her, but as a couple they proved me wrong. They book-end each other.

Do you remember the Bobbits? Samo-samo.

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Finally, the scales drop from the eyes of The Free Press about this horrible, *horrible* woman. Let the vile grifting horror never set foot in our country again.

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You mean throwing your family and your country under the bus whilst continually complaining, self aggrandizing and failing to deliver any real value is a bankrupt strategy? I'm shocked. I just hope America's young people are paying attention.

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Six hundred years of oppressed Irish Catholic prayers were answered when Meghan married Harry.

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The obvious question is, why in hell is anyone still paying any attention to them? Everyone, just stop! Ignore them, and they will disappear into much-deserved oblivion.

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Be honest. You read it. I read it. It's three days after the article was published. We love the smut.

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How very sad that their lack of self awareness has brought them to this ego expose’ 😩

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Always nice to see spoiled brats get their rear end smacked. Just for the record, I had no idea she was black until she and the media made a big deal of it. I thought the rule was ‘if you look black then you’re black’. She doesn’t look black to me.

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Immense wealth, beauty and privilege and all these grifters can do is play the "woe is me" card. Spare me the memoir. If he hasn't found out yet, Harry soon will discover that blood is indeed thicker than water. Markle is nothing but a gold digging, attention seeker and Harry, who has fallen in line with her victim mentality, is unfortunately playing along in the role of chief cuck. Amazing how far a pretty face can take someone.

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They suck.

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Her father gave away her true personality early in the relationship. Boring, uninspiring relationship thereafter, for us who saw it.

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I took the time to skim the 522 comments appended to this piece and wonder if anyone here has bothered reading Harry's autobiography or sat through their Netflix show. They explain over and over again why they left the UK; the attacks against Meghan were over the top and the Firm wasn't doing a thing about it. After 2 years of that, H&M were done. And Paula, seems like you've written a lot trashing this couple - isn't it time to give it a rest? You can complain all you want about the millions they've made; when you have a security bill that's north of $3 million/year, you need to sock a lot of money away to pay for that over the next few decades. H&M know they have a shelf life of only a few years, so they need to bring in the big bucks now.

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