
“I did not come on this show to sit here and argue with another white man. That’s one of the reasons that we don’t even engage with white men at Race2Dinner,” said Lisa Bond, as the audience roared in applause. “Because quite honestly if white men were going to do something about racism, you had 400 years.”

That is not only racist, but also clearly false, because the premise is that nothing has changed in 400 years.

And who is paying money to be ignored and called a racist?

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I agree on the MMT - disaster any way you cut it.

Can somebody tell Washington that they work for us and that their "budgets" are our money, and they are trillions of $$ in debt, they really can't have a budget?! That includes COVID relief. If you don't really have any money, sooner or later, you can't do anything for anybody.

I'm sorry to read that about Lara Logan. I always liked that she was not afraid to be out there telling the truth. But this....

Thank you MIT - and I agree with your working hypothesis. You smart.

Thanks for the heads up on the Fulfillment Book. Ordered. From Barnes & Noble. It makes those of us who love our Right To Work states, think twice.

Anyone who watches Fox knows about Greg Gutfeld. He's been the "funny one" on The Five for years. I personally agree with him, but I don't like his show. But hey - Go Greg - Can't stand Colbert.

And THANK YOU for a great paragraph or two on slapping someone in public. If it was one or two personalities "they" don't like, the word "violence" would be used.

Slaps For All Indeed! TGIF Nellie ❤️

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So when did it become acceptable for CNN reporters to post stupidity like this on Twitter?

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True MMT has never been tried? Is that like communism?

Or is it more like failed progressive social programs, they haven’t been given enough time and money to be allowed to succeed?

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Nellie - in California, "tiny mountain dugouts" are now going for over $1,000,000(as is, of course).

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Those litigious Sandy Hook parents started out declaring they weren’t seeking cash from Remington. They just wanted to prevent another mass school shooting. They were offered the patent rights to the Bushmaster rifle and turned it down. Eventually, Remington went bankrupt but the suit continued and they had to settle for the insurance max payout (though they were trying to get more) of around $75,000,000.

It is, of course, beyond tragic that some deranged you man would commit such evil acts and cost those families so much. But these continuing law suits serve only one purpose and it isn’t coming to terms with the awfulness of what was taken from them.

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Thanks again for hitting it put of the park, saying more eloquently what most sane people have on their minds.

I detest Colbert. He has been unrelenting on his criticism of Republicans, and made his bones during the Trump administration. I have never seen a person be so blinded by politics as he was and is. His monologues are intolerable, extremely hateful, poorly disguised political diatribes and not the least bit funny, as if it was written by Amy Schumer who in her own right cringe worthy. His writers make all of the pre-revolutionary Russian authors seem like comedy writers.

actually the only person I dislike more than Colbert is Whoopee Goldberg, a shining example of pseudo-intellectualism taken to the extreme.

We need to tell these people that the Wokeism contest is over, and that they've all lost.

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I wish the Republicans had clapped back to the labeling of "Don't say Gay" with "Don't say Straight" As in don't talk to children under 10 about sex at all. Full stop.

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Wow, to think only recently I had thought of Jon Stewart as one of the cool, sane liberals, like Bill Maher. Not anymore. And I have no idea if this Karen Bond woman is white or black, but what she essentially said is that every white person may as well be in the KKK, because it makes them no more racist than a white progressive.

What have white men done in 400 years to end racism, Ms. Bond? How about died by the thousands on battlefields like Gettysburg? How about passing the Civil Rights Act? I am so over this willful ignorance on the left it's not even funny.

Several years ago I was a volunteer tutor for underprivileged black children. I am not inclined to do something like that again, since the woke cognoscenti consider me irredeemably racist regardless. That's at least one less volunteer helping the black community. Tell me, race hustlers, how exactly does this help your people? You are their worst enemy.

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Agree Kate. They have caused so much harm with this attitude. It is sad.

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As to woke penetration, I live in western canada and what I’ve noticed is the incessant social engineering in TV commercials.

I live in the center of a racially diverse city, but I don’t see a lot of mixed race couples, a general observation is that most people seem to stick to their own for whatever reason.

But almost every commercial has only interracial couples and families.

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Nellie, totally enjoy these weekly summaries and some of the comments they evoke. Keep it up!

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Agree. She's a badass :)

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Ok, clever, but maybe becoming informed about an important issue is a good thing? Try it sometime.

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Clicked your link Jennifer Strahan's site and her only two "stances" are about Ukraine and Russia.

More weird though: her "Press" page is all about the need to de-Nazify Ukraine!!

Maybe her site has been hacked ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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This is a good breakdown on several issues. I'm late to the party on this. Is this published weekly?

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Yes welcome Rich. You will look forward to it each week.

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I'm trying so hard to read Phoenix's story but the use of the pronoun "their" is literally driving me insane. I'm 58 years old and that has been a plural pronoun most my damn life. PLEASE FRIGGIN' INVENT another pronoun or use the name of the person.

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The transgender agenda with children is truly scary. Proponents won't allow discussions about the harm it subjects children to & there is documented harm. I was researching the subject & one of the resources had a link to a clinic who did so-called gender affirming surgery in San Francisco. (Of course it would be in San Francisco.) The pictures on their website showing the results of the surgery was horrifying, especially surgery for the non-binary. I was sickened. And I still flashback to those pictures & get nauseous. This is, plain & simple, genital mutilation. It's hard to believe that human beings would accept & promote it. Yet, if you call it genital mutilation, you risk being canceled. Subjecting confused children to this should be criminal & yet the activists are grooming children to do this. Abigail Shrier's book "Irreversible Damage" is an essential read. We do not yet know all the long-term consequences of medical treatments. What effect will removing breasts, genitalia & giving puberty blockers & hormones do to a person after 30-40 years? I fear the answer will not be good.

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"won't allow discussions" is the woke theme. Lets not forget how often that happened on Covid issues.

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