I sell homes in Atlanta, and literally every inbound lead in my database is from NY, NJ or California. People read the writing on the wall and are GTFO.

The art of being a leftist is never making the connection between the policies you vote for today and the tragedies you see on the news tomorrow.

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I'm very sorry about the death of Virgil Abloh: I'm sure it's a terrible loss to his family and friends.

However, my Son A, the uptown hipster, is a "streetwear" afficionado, and I just don't get it. He came to Thanksgiving in in what reminded me of an 80s sweatsuit with the beard and mustache of a 30s college professor. Like, what? I was emailing my mom when he walked in, and I typed, "Oh. My. Goodness. Mom. Bill's facial hair!!!" and sent her photos the next day.

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Great report as always Nellie.

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Another thank you for continuing the coverage from Waukesha

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Irish immigrants, Italian immigrants, and also Jewish immigrants, Chinese immigrants (anti-racists don’t like to speak about this folks), and Indians immigrants (which are now joining the suite) – all of these people were initially “at the bottom of the social ladder” for numerous reasons, some of these reasons were common for all of them, some were unique for each immigrant wave. What they all have in common? They overcome the problems, and now these people are decent and respectable parts of our society.

The clue is that these people were not focused on changing rules, they played their “life game” following existing rules, which are finally the rules of free market (God bless America!), and they succeed.

The progressists are addressing the people who fail to follow the rules of free market. Moreover, they don’t even try to help these people to use these rules. They are trying to “protect” these failed people instead. The goal is to become a “Big Brother” (oh, a very kind “Big Brother”) for “wretched, poor people” who are unable to climb up the “social ladder” on their own... That’s why the progressists are never interested in Jews and Chinese immigrants, because they don’t need supervision and “help”, they don’t need “Big Brother”.

Modern progressist movement, BLM, CRT – this is not about racism, this is not about justice (and even not about “social justice”), this is about power. These folks will newer share the power with “the protected minorities” if they succeed in gaining the power.

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Foolish me, I didn't know that the; Irish, Italian, Jewish, Chinese, and Indian were enslaved for 200 years and then discriminated against for the next 50 years here in America!

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Don’t be so hard on yourself, dear Opponent, “African-Americans”, are mostly originated from Bantu tribes, which constituted so name “Ghana Empire”. The Empire was based on slavery; the last “farewell” of this Empire was the abolishing of slavery in 1971 in Mauritania (!!!). So the slavery in the American South for 244 years was just “a short extension” of the slavery history of the Bantu, who were sold by their (black) owners overseas.

These folks are free, though, starting from 1863, for 158 years (not 50!). If one’s forefather was born in 1863, he was not a slave, and most probably he is one’s grand-grand-grand- father, and this person hardly know even his name.

This small historical excursion supports the idea that each time has its challenge, and forefathers of Mayflower travelers also were (very probably) Roman slaves.

Just in 1900-th all California was full of posters “No dogs and Chinese are allowed”, most of Chinese immigrants and even their children were deprived from having American citizenship (I am not even speaking about education!), putting aside their problems with English language. Segregation and oppression was harsh, actually I am not certain that “black” Tom has more barriers for climbing up the “social ladder” then “yellow” Lu being both born in California in (say) 1890.

I can tell you the similar story about Haim from Zhmerinka, who emigrated to US in the same 1890, and about his sons and grand-sons.

Today, though, the descendants of Lu and Haim are at the high level positions in our academic world, our business world and our political bodies. At the same time, too many descendants of Tom (for sure, not all!) are on welfare and proudly wearing BLM t-shorts.

I had some concerns, though, that all these deliberations would meet “deaf ears”. It is so comforting to think of others (and also force-major situations) as the cause of your failures, instead of admitting that you (possibly) make mistakes at some points.

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Oh, wise one, in the comment below, you say, following the existing rules, what rules are black people not following?

“The clue is that these people were not focused on changing rules, they played their “life game” following existing rules, which are finally the rules of free market (God bless America!), and they succeed.”

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You are right.

It seems me, though, that your understanding of the word “rule” is somewhat limited in the current context. It is not traffic rules or the criminal code.

Specific example: unfair salary policy and the lack of governmental and even private (racism, sir!) financial support for Chinese people and also blacks in the end of 19th century – first part of 20th centuries, forced emergence of Chinatowns and black neighborhoods. Looks similar, hah?

Chinese immigrant Lu: each penny has dedicated to the (initially very small and cheap) business, Lu worked 18 hours a day 7 days a week, his son combined the business help with studying (having Chinese language spoken at home!) considering education as a great value; he might have one meal a day and sleep five hours a day but he graduated from school no matter what.

We both are aware about the “life pattern” of Tom and his son (the habitants of “black quarters” of that time) well enough to decide that this pattern is basically different from what could be seen in Chinatowns.

Now compare the results, the current social positions of grandsons of Lu and Tom.

Lu follow the American rule: no one owes you anything; the society is like sea, you should learn to swim and it is stupid to complain that a shore is “unfairly far away”. This is an American way, so pioneers settled our land (and earlier Native Americans settled this land in the same way!).

Alas, Tom’s approach was different…

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I say, you're full of assumptions, aren't you? I said nothing about what rules are! But, In fact, I asked you, "...what rules are black people not following?" Is it that you don't know what the rules are? Are you capable of doing the rules by the number, you know, like rule number one and then rule number two, and so on? You need to keep it very simple for dummies like me! Surely, that's within your capacity?

Who are you trying to impress when you're regaling me with your evidentiary anecdotal stories?

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I finally decide to meet your request. Find below some rules which may help you to prosper and some rules which may help you to be a proud BLM member.

The rule #1 Spend your time and efforts for learning. It is true that schools and universities are also steps in a social ladder, and it is true that such places are mostly available for the "privileged" people, but the knowledge is also power, and you would be able to provide to your son/daughter a way better starting position.

The anti-rule #1. No reason to learn because we all are in any case too poor (too black, too yellow, etc.) to study in a really prestigious elitist schools/universities. We are living "here and now", we need justice and meanwhile there is no point to spend out precious lifetime for lousy invention of system racists (various sciences, literature, etc.). Drags can "extend our mind", the purchases of the fashionable footwear and some karate drills will bring us to the proper place in the gang of our bystreet.

The rule #2: Do the work, which is important but which "privileged" people don't want to do; the "privileged" may have the access to the work, which requires less efforts but is more rewording in social or monetary meanings. Once your community will be the major player in the field and the importance of this business will one day have its say...

The anti-rule #2. Don't do anything because you are unfairly deprived from works available for "privileged" people. Satisfy your material needs by demanding a better welfare and satisfy your social needs by finding the position in the "street hierarchy". The "illegal" ways of earning money is the invention of system racists, justice first!

There are more rules for success and anti-success; you can ament the listing on your own. The major point is, though, that the person don't need personal strength, inventively, bravery for following anti-success rules. Just "go with the flow"... The excuses for the failures are always available: racism, injustice, they owe me, etc...

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Dear Opponent, I appreciate your strive to have “the rules numbered”; it looks like you have a vast software experience. Computers cannot invent anything (I know the issue having 5 granted US inventions); Schrodinger (the founding father of quantum mechanics) said once that all life is “the problem with incorrect setting”. Hardly can be numbered…

The successful way of proceeding definitely follows some rules, but these rules are not easy to formalize. Your drive to issue “the numbered rules for dummies” so that a dummy can succeed following these (simple?) rules, are doomed.

Whereas the indoctrinated person hardly can be impressed (right you are!), let me to come up with a real story of my grandfather. He was born in a small Jewish-populated town at the borderland of the Russian Empire. Being 16, he left for Moscow, the capital. He hardly could speak Russian and made his living working as laborer. He studied in a shift school and graduated it as extramural student in two years. He went to the university (state stipend was earned, but he had go on working), and in ten years he was the assistant professor in the university (all despite of strong anti-Semitic sentiments in Russia). At that time, the following of such “rules without numbers” was typical for many Jews in the USSR.

In the midst of 1990-th I have a colleague, who was a son of a couple escaped from China in 1949. His story was similar to the story of my grandfather: no money, no language, nothing – and racism is also in place; finally a Ph. D. degree and a good position in the R&D company… And a lot of work between! Should I highlight the differences between the “numbered” pattern of the behavior of the people in Roxbury (MA) or Harlem (NY) and the above “proven non- anecdotal” stories, or you can do it on your own?

The person who wishes to accomplish something finds the opportunity, one who does not want - the occasion. The occasion may be absolutely real (racism do exist!) but the outcome is finally determined only by attitude.

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Spot on. Thank you for putting it so starkly. Progressives are not comfortable with meritocracy. The bedrock of what made America the land of opportunity to so many and still does. It’s why hundreds of thousands still fight to enter this country by any means possible. Is see critical race theory oriented statements include this term “ableism”, so off putting. What does that mean? Being able is bad?

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The terms "bad" and "good" are meaningless without explanation, "bad for whom" and "good for whom"; "a dagger is good for one, who has it, and bad for on, who doesn't have it".

It is good if the people is able for one, who intended to be a leader of these people; it is bad if the folks are able for one, who intended to have these folks as subordinates.

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Dec 4, 2021Liked by Nellie Bowles

Thank you Nellie for the reporting on Waukesha. Any chance you could report out from a few of the places that got looted and burned in summer of 2020? I wish that progressives would have to reckon with the damage that was done, and relearn what people have always known - that low income business districts generally do not come back from looting and rioting. And of course it accomplishes nothing. Someone should do this reporting and of course you'd be the best!

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100% I'm planning on it

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Hi Nellie- Lia swims for U Penn, not Penn State.

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But that's America.

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Additionally, please check into the downside of the lithium battery issue and other rare earth minerals. It is not really the solution the cool kids claim. For instance, see this article that outlines many of the problems: https://khmezek.substack.com/p/the-magic-of-rare-earth-metals-and

Also, where, exactly, does the energy come from to charge and re-charge those batteries, constantly, continually, day after day? Ohhh, solar and wind, right?

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Relax, Lithium is what we know about. Liquid metal batteries are showing promise. They have only been researched recently. Perovskites for semiconductor solar cells also look promising Energy Fusion is expected to take off in a few years. Betavoltaic fuel cells that use nuclear waste, if batch-processed could become viable. Hydrogen fuel cells for solar flight. Plasma propulsion for Mars. I think we will be fine.





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I don't know whether to protest or love the teachers' union actions. As a homeschooling parent, I'm all for parents educating and socializing their own children in families and communities. Still, there's real harm being done in society, and it is horrible that the laptop/zoom class can enjoy their safety while the most needy and the "serving" class has to struggle thru. Guess "woke" hasn't found time to address that modern form of slavery yet.

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Nellie Bowles

"thus establishing a conservative utopia of a #tradwife-no-public-school nation."

Yoo-hoo, over here. It's fun! We have a great environmental science team, read Shakespeare, and laugh all the time.

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I'm coming over!

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You'd be welcome any time.

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Nellie Bowles

Nellie/Bari, I hate to keep swelling your heads. But as a reader of virtually all of the standard MSM as well as a couple dozen substacks, you stand out repeatedly. This week was a real winner, but they are all pretty good. Nellie, your weekly column that brings it all together is the coup de gras. This is real journalism done the right way. I remain in awe...I thought it had all died. Many thanks.

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Dr. K, thank you.

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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Nellie Bowles

This is a beautifully written piece... I subscribed immediately after reading it. Thank you so much for what you do, and for covering these important issues, and for raising a voice that otherwise might not be raised.

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Thank you for reading

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I'm reading this "teachers against teaching"piece that says teachers' unions want a four-day workweek and saying to myself, really! Nellie uses the plural S throughout her article, implying that teachers' unions across this nation want a four-day workweek. Then, she bad-mouths teachers' unions by painting with a broad brush that the unions don't care about students. To reinforce her point, she makes the harebrained statement, "The rich will get Friday tutors." One, and only one union, is proposing a 'self-taught Fridays,' not what her article implies. I can't help but wonder if she knows the disparity between teachers' pay and the inequality of student resources that exist in school districts throughout this country? Ms. Bowles is impugning her own credibility with this type of writing.

"But a loophole allowed school systems to report educator salaries to Washington using a districtwide pay schedule, thus masking large salary gaps between the higher-paid veteran staffs in middle-class schools and the young teachers earning entry-level pay in poor parts of the district."


"but nearly half of the school funding is from property taxes, so wealthier areas with more expensive homes will have more money to put into their local public schools for programs, supplies, technology, playgrounds, and more."


As of the 2019-2020 school year, an average teacher's salary was $52,035,


Teachers can make over $100,000.


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First: I think teachers should be paid a lot more. It should be a competitive, well-compensated career. On tutors: Parents did that throughout the school cancellations during the pandemic. Many hired private teachers full-time. Not sure why it wouldn't happen on Fridays? Last: the three-day-weekend advocacy (some explicitly arguing for it, some just canceling Friday classes at random) and the move to make Zoom-schooling a normal part of the week is a trend happening around the country. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/11/11/public-school-teachers-students-demand-extra-days-off-covid-19/6372122001/?gnt-cfr=1

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The framing and thrust of your article are that teacher unions across the country want a four-day workweek. You provide a link to USA Today, which I can only assume you provide to back up your article! The USA Today piece discusses the difficulties schools are having because of the pandemic. Teacher's unions were mentioned three times in the article. None were calling for a four-day workweek. School districts and administrators were lamenting staff shortages because of the pandemic creating difficulty in keeping the schools open. I did a search for teachers unions wanting a four-day workweek and came up with only one, that would be the Portland's teachers union wanting to have "half of high school teachers would be available online in the morning and half would be available in the afternoon, so that students could have teachers available for the entire six-hour school day."

This comment: "the three-day-weekend advocacy (some explicitly arguing for it, some just canceling Friday classes at random) and the move to make Zoom-schooling a normal part of the week is a trend happening around the country."; is not a mere distortion but a full-fledged misrepresentation of teacher's unions across this nation.

Two sum it up, I can only assume that you don't care that you're squandering your credibility!


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Dec 3, 2021Liked by Nellie Bowles

They should consider creating a "trans/non-binary" category for sports competitions, that way all the men who are now women can compete against one another. That way you preserve men's and women's sports.

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They don't want their own category. That won't validate their identity. They want to compete with women because "transwomen are women". Plus they can crush all the women in competitions.

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Those men are not now women. They are still men and will always be men. Maybe they’ve mutilated their bodies, maybe not. But they are either full blown mentally ill or are playing a long con. Sure they can call themselves the Queen of England if they want, but no one else should fall prey to their delusions.

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There is only ONE solution to these problems that the Democrats and their lapdog followers in the MSM will understand:

Next November, you must hold your nose and vote REPUBLICAN all the way down the ticket.

It doesn't matter that you may never have heard of the candidate or his or her views - only a complete and total REPUDIATION of the Democrat party and their bizarre rejection of reality at all levels will do.

And this is from a lifelong liberal who despised Trump but only now understands WHY he happened and why he has so many supporters.

If we don't do this now we may never find our way back to sensible, reality-based governance.

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Dang...that was good , Mike.

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You want us to vote for Republicans no matter how dangerous or detestable they are? Boebert, Greene, Abbott, or any other dangerous gasbag that puts themselves on the ballot, just as long as they're GOP? No damn way in hell would I do that, for the same reason I don't vote Democratic across the board.

I don't for a moment believe you were a "lifelong liberal who despised Trump." You gave away your con with "Democrat party."

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I'm a registered independent who left BOTH parties because of the too-prominent crazies on both sides. Where I live Boebrrt. at. al. would never make it past a primary - people are too smart for that.

All I can say is I voted for Biden last year and I'm sorry I did - I regret I couldn't get past my dislike of Trump

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That being the case, Michael, I withdraw and apologize for my snotty remark about you not being a liberal. I have the same issue you describe here: the wing nuts have taken the steering wheel of both parties and are driving normal Americans into the ditch. I am a sensible liberal, not Woke, and I will vote for Republicans if I like them and their stands. But the GOP crazies who run for Congress not for the job but the exposure, clicks, likes, and millions of dollars of dark money--Boebert et al--I cannot stomach and would never vote for. I'm sure there are Democrats in Congress who are there solely for Themselves, but the biggest wave came into Congress by aping Trump.

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Bill, what is needed is an explicitly centrist mass movement that will demand practical realistic achievable. To the Nation's problems.

Hopefully it will replace one of our two equally bankrupt major parties

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Absolutely yes, Penny. Both parties let their wing nuts take the steering wheels, and they're driving normal everyday Americans into the ditch. I just insist that people recognize it's not just the Democrats, it's the Republicans too. I need a party led by grownups I trust not to wreck the joint when I go out of town for a couple of days!

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Exactly my point!

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Invite me if you find the address, I'll wear my party rags :-)

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What's truly upsetting is that these "woke" elites ARE TOTALLY CLUELESS about the deep hatred that ordinary people feel toward them.

They remind me of the French Bourbons of the 18th century - they have learned nothing and remember nothing and will be completely blindsided by the cataclysm that will sweep them away.

We can only hope that there isn't a homegrown Bonaparte waiting in the wings.

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Doesn't Trump already fit the Bonaparte role scarily well? He was in power, overthrown and exiled, and is now looking to reclaim his position.

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Successful would-be authoritarians have a PLAN to which they rigorously adhere, the ability to focus, and are willing to play the long game to achieve their goals.

Trump has the attention span of a gnat, wouldn't recognise a plan of action if it hit him in the face, and governed by whimsy and mood of the moment.

That having been said , he did achieve some success on the economic front. But all of his successes were just Standard Republican Policy that any Republican president might have achieved with the requisite majorities in Congress. They didn't spring from his fevered brain like he claimed.

American Bonaparte or Mussolini? No. American Silvio Berlusconi

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