I would like to see something about the lack of coverage of the Deaf performers on the TV screen. This is an ongoing issue. The last time a Deaf person was on stage along with the hearing performers was Marlee Matlin and Garth Brooks, over 30 years ago. CBS and NFL are actually ignoring the Deaf community speaking out about how they fumbled this every year. This year, they only showed the introduction of the Deaf performers yet did not even televise one second of them performing - shuttering them off to be viewed online, which is a big joke. Why can't CBS and NFL let Deaf performers either be on the same stage a la Marlee Matlin and Garth Brooks or even in Picture-in-Picture feature so we all can see it at same time on TV screens everywhere??? Christine Sun Kim even spoke about this after her own ASL performance and even then, she had a few seconds of coverage. This year, no such coverage not even for one second for all of us tuning in to watch Super Bowl.

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WTF? Taylor Swift? The Suprt Bowl? WTF? The Free Press? WTF?

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Wow, this might miss the mark further than anything I've ever read here. OK, Mahomes is exceptional and may very well pull off something that wins the game... But, he is NOT EVEN the best player on the field. There is a better than even chance that Christian McCaffrey will win the MVP award. Could this entire preview be more slanted toward the Chiefs? Just for the record, there is another team involved - San Francisco 49ers. If that were the worst part of this train wreck, I could forgive it. But somehow the idea that Taylor Swift will somehow tip the electorate toward Biden is way over the top. Does her talent and popularity in any way compensate for the deficits of a quickly fading, barely functional career politician? Seriously? Then, we have a supposedly knowledgeable person craving more bizarre incidents in the halftime show? Same mentality as watching NASCAR hoping for a big wreck... weak. Then the entertainer somehow equates Mexican food with Superbowl halftime? I am confident that it can be statistically proven that the Superbowl consistently serves up more Pizza and Wings than any Mexican spread. I guess I need to hang with snootier people. Good luck to the 21 year old sampling a pile of different beers starting with the most generic and forgettable beer ever - Bud Light. It would have been much more interesting for a beer expert to make some interesting suggestions, but whatever. I'd like to meet the only 21 year old in America who has never tasted a beer. That's enough. I expect a great game, which will easily correct all the deficits in this debacle.

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Margie, would love talking to your dad!

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Today was the first day I deleted a TFP article without reading it.

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I couldn’t care less about football, and don’t plan on watching the game. Oh, and I’m a millennial living in SF.

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Taylor Swift is wealthy as hell. Joe Biden’s policies are unlikely to affect her in the least.

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“Distant” Well, in Texas distance is relative but I can agree Yuengling is a great domestic with an incredible pedigree like Ben Franklin meets Ben Grimm ✌️🙂

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This. This column Suzy Weiss is why you can't find a husband. Seriously, anyone this emotionally warped to edit/print the crap from this gaggle of lightweight, society column, and idiot writers has a defective personality. Most men sniff that out quickly, certainly before you've finished that first Cosmopolitan and the appetizers aren't yet on the table.

Change your attitude or become an old maid.

Just saying.

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Good to see the youngsters still drinking that Natty Ice! It builds character and steels the body against any toxins that you may encounter in the future. If Old English still makes 40’s then you’ll want a few of those too. Have fun, intern Ryan!

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Old English is now making 42s, close enough

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I’ve cut my NFL viewing by 90% since they adopted Woke Racism.

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Ferrari is a good but dark movie. If you’re expecting FvF, you’ll be disappointed.

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"I think she could, potentially, absolutely change my mind politically, because she is a strong woman who is a role model to my 24-year-old daughter.”

Translation: Not only is a 34 year old pop star who writes songs suitable for lovestruck teens the ultimate role model for young people who should be focusing on real life, but that fact will influence the voting patterns of their parents more than actual issues, such as whether the world is on fire.

Have Americans gone insane?

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Well, that stupid guy certainly has.

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I didn't expect this level of anti-49er bias from the Free Press. The Bay Area welcomed Taylor Swift with open arms during her tour in 49er stadium. What next? An adoring piece on the LV Raiders next year? Seahawks love? Where is the contrarian attitude I've come to expect! If nothing else, have some respect for Shellenberger's home team. I'm contacting him and Taibbi to see if Substack is censoring anti-Kelce comments.

(Yes, this is meant to be silly...)

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the most silly drivel i have read in free press.

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I had to read Tyler Dunne a couple of times over to learn there are two teams in the Super Bowl. Never seen such fawning over KC. The 'Niners will plug the holes in their defense and our great runners will make KC's line look like high schoolers. And then Purdy will both pass to our best in class receivers and run himself when necessary. The Magical Mahomes will run out of tricks and CBS will spend most of its time showing Taylor in tears. I'm pretty sure Nellie shares this view.

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