Mar 8·edited Mar 8

I love Suzy's profiles - thank you. It's a big world out there, and sometimes small stories tell big things, sometimes they don't but are still worth the time. I like this guy for leaving the Art World - as I did, same reasons but decades ago.

Nobody answered the question. I'll be back with my list.

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I can't figure out whether the statement "women should be pro-choice" is his clumsy way of saying women should have a choice, or is a dictate to women on how they should think. If so it sounds pretty patriarchal to me.

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Mar 6·edited Mar 6

The October 7th atrocities have unleashed a wave of now-homeless aristocrats. They were willing to play the games and put up with the veiled antisemitism in their circles until it became too gross to continue to do so. I don't know what to think about this dude - interesting - but he can stop trying to spend our tax dollars on his wet dreams. We have border invaders to take care of, you know. Not an unprinted penny to spare these days.

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Mar 5·edited Mar 5

Did he offer you your own blueberry muffin or just a bite of his? Just need to know.

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I asked myself the exact same question! (Yes folks I know it sounds unnecessary and redundant (;-)) but I actually think it reveals a lot about a person if he’s willing to not only share but offer something to other people. (or maybe is it just the formulation of the article and thus the author).

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When the GOP has a strong Senate candidate in Steve Garvey, TFP publishes a column on a strange, rich art dealer who admits he has no chance of winning. He wants to pay off student debt and have the government print money endlessly. It was an interesting piece on an eccentric character but not particularly pertinent to the upcoming election.

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An interesting article but his comment on needing a centralizing government shows that Simchowitz can't quite connect all the dots. He wants his cake and to eat it too if he sees the problems around him but doesn't see that too highly centralized governments, federal and, in his case especially, state and local, has caused those problems. Many of us have found ourselves in this box. Not all can climb out because Its painful and humiliating to admit recognizing your own faulty analysis. To make it simple, Willie Sutton once said that he robbed banks because that's where the money is. Today, Sutton would be a politician.

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Interesting fellow, but way too honest for politics. As he knows.

He's kinda on the careless side with his policy preferences, apparently not aware that he just summarized well over $1 trillion in bromides.

Bless him on DEI though, our second overtly racist quota policy since affirmative action.

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I agree w/ much of what commenters have been saying- this dude has some pretty wacky, not well thought out ideas, which strikes me as the privilege of someone who has been able to skate by (perhaps on Daddy's money?) and his shift away from boilerplate progressivism is likely due to finding the doo-doo on his stoop every morning - BUT I really appreciate the fact that he broke rank w/ the art world after it's atrocious reaction to the Hamas attack on Oct. 7! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjGsLu7vN2EAxUqF1kFHWkyC1oQFnoECBEQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.artforum.com%2Fcolumns%2Fopen-letter-art-community-cultural-organizations-518019%2F&usg=AOvVaw1N4vZ0eByg--hvr8Rlx2nX&opi=89978449

I also think that it might be a good idea to look into some entrepreneurial solutions to the homeless crisis (but there are certainly problems inherit in that as well!)

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Thanks Kate for the link; what a crowd self-satisfied hypocrites!

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Yes Vivien-- totally shameful!!

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gag me

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Sorry. Not impressed. I don’t give a damn how successful he is. HE is part of the problem why we are where we are today. They are all wolves in sheep’s clothing. Too late to the game. Others, like myself, knew where all this would go. But no. This tool and others thought they were all smarter than the rest of us. They weren’t then. And they’re not now. “Welcome to the party pal”!

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Well….even a broken clock is correct twice a day.

I admit he’s a “colorful” character. Maybe that’s why he drew interest of the author?

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Modern Monetary Policy, works until it doesn't. Then it becomes Modern Inflation Policy.

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I saw somebody else write this, but I will second this - this guy is meant to take away votes from Steve Garvey in a jungle primary, in the hope that the top two candidates are both Communists.

A leftist like Suzy does not appear to see this.

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He lost me at canceling student debt. He just wants renewed policing because the politicians he voted for delivered his current problems.

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Thank you.

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Can we just say "girlfriend" instead of partner? A partner is a business associate.

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I hate “partner” Glad I’m not alone!!!!

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I think they think it’s more a more serious term than girlfriend/boyfriend but it’s not.

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I dislike ‘partner’ but it’s sillier to call someone you’ve lived with for 15 years your‘boyfriend,’ especially since he’s a man. He’s not a ‘roommate’ or a companion.’ The language hasn’t caught up with the culture.

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What happened to SO? That was at least an acknowledgement of a more serious ship than partner or boy/girl-friend.

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Significant other is just as semantically problematic. My mother is a 'significant other' and so is my brother. The solution is to get married young, call that person 'husband' or 'wife' and get on with it.

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Why’s it silly? I lived with my boyfriend 8 years before we got married, I was fine with the term. It described the relationship.

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I many states that constitutes a common law marriage.

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well we could go back to the old hippie lingo and say "my old man" or "my old lady"? Or maybe say "my CL" (common law)?

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OK boys and girls! Recess is over! Line up behind your home room numbers!

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Howdy partner, your schedule K-1 is in the mail! Also, we need to discuss dissolution options to include in our operating agreement.

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