We should all get used to the fact that in the Digital Age there is no such thing as privacy.

It boggles my mind that no one seems to care about who has their data, and bothers the hell out of me that our politicians and political establishment don’t seem to care either

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The DC elites sold us out to the CCP 20 years ago. Xi Jinping must laugh out loud on the regular at our leaders corruption and greed, knowing that he'll probably end up controlling most of the western hemisphere nations without ever firing a shot.

Think that's a stretch....think again. Just have a cursory glance at Africa. To date, there are over 10,000 Chinese firms operating throughout the African continent, with Chinese business interests amounting to more than $2 trillion dollars. Brazil, Cuba, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela all have rapidly growing investments from the CCP and Chinese owned businesses in an almost lockstep formula to China's infiltration into Africa.

Meanwhile, the clowns in DC continue the lie that Putin is trying to get the Soviet Union band back together.

Tell your grandkids to download the Babbel app so that they can get boned up in Mandarin.

This would probably be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

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One of Hunter Biden’s companies bought two US engineering firms that specialize in nuclear sub technology and anti-vibration technology for fighter jets because the Chinese were prohibited from buying them.

So he was laundering money AND military technology. But there is no evidence Joe Biden is connected to his family members.

The Clintons did this with Loral Aerospace and satellite technology if I remember correctly.

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Given that the Chinese were responsible for millions of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic damage in creating, releasing and spreading Covid-19, any minimally competent government would have proven that fact, demanded reparations and sanctions, including banning imports and growing domestic industries, and calling for the trial of Xi and his henchmen. But since we have a corrupt traitor sitting in the White House, enriched by Chi Com cash - along with legions of his followers who are equally indebted to this evil regime, including corporate bigwigs and sports leagues and stars - none of this has happened. Why? Because when treason prospers, none dare call it treason. Wake up, America.

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“The government needs to act to protect America’s commercial and national security interests.”


This is of course true but if a conservative did this and it crossed the wrong wealthy Democrat donors, the next morning David French and Eric Swalwell would be on Morning Joe saying

“I thought Republicans wanted small government though hahahaha.”


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Lenin famously remarked that, "the Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them." The Chinese Communists must have been listening.

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“after years of highlighting the dangers of becoming dependent on China’s technology, why are we watching the same patterns unfold?

Because Joe Biden occupies the White House

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Is it too early in the morning for me to do a joke about Asians being bad drivers? It is? Okay, carry on.

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While Americans grapple with their genitals, tolerate government overreach in basic economic, educational, domestic/international safety and religious rights, the CCP is getting dividends for all their influence peddling expenditures. Thanks to all in Congress who just got rich while they should have stopped this national disaster.

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Tangentially related both to this and to last week's live show, there seems to be a Chinese campaign to stop Americans from getting married. The viral TikTok video of the (white) girl putting on the ring and then hating her married life was filmed in China (you can notice a few signs in the background and on the bottom of dishes). Of course, we're doing more than enough of that on our own without Chinese assistance, but it's always fun to think about how many of our current problems - especially with gen-Z - might be tangentially related to Chinese operations.

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Follow the money...

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The funny thing about self-driving cars is that by the time they are widely available the only people who will be able to afford to travel more than five minutes from their house will be people who can afford a chauffeur.

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Americans are obsessed with climate change and gender change, while the Chinese are obsessed with winning the technology war. But climate change can't be beaten, and gender change neuters the population. China will win.

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Many people think they have nothing to hide in all their personal data. But what if the "rules" change? What if a person's acceptable actions or beliefs today become anathema in a future society? Much of what you buy or do through connected devices is recorded somewhere. We should be demanding that no corporation or government agency have open access to our data.

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When it comes to the minds of the liberal left it is a matter of wash, rinse, repeat. These are the same people who extolled the magnificence of the USSR regardless of the behavior, ruthlessness and utter failure of the dictatorship even in the face of incontrovertible witnesses and evidence. They are now doing the same with the CCP.

The world is a dangerous place. There are bad people out there who wish to do us harm. Our freedoms and liberties have been hard won and preserved over 200+ years. We still have time to defend ourselves but the clock is ticking.

Anyone who votes for any Democrat is voting for the progressively diminishing freedom of making decisions for themselves. My prayer is that enough Americans wake up soon enough to purge our elected representatives of all progressive/leftist/Marxist Democrats. Our freedoms depends on it....g.

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"economically foolish" describes the government as we now know it.

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