
Look to Spain: 711 to 1492. It took over 700 years of Muslim pillaging and murder to finally wake up the native population. Eventually the christian rulers organized themselves and in a collaborative effort, rid themselves of the invaders. Today the Socialist/communist/separatist government lorded over by the despotic megalomaniac Pedro Sanchez welcomes them back to implement their “re-reconquista.” The churches are empty and the mosques continue to grow. Jews must hide for fear of being targeted. It’s 711 all over again, but now Christians have had their faith replaced with iPhones and Marxist demagoguery. The best part? Eventually all of the misguided defending Palestinian victimhood will be thrown into the fires of hell, just like the remains of the Jewish and Christian populations in Europe. Tick tock…

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Looks like the writer is using the Hamas attack as another opportunity to denigrate religion, just as he did post-9/11 along with Dawkins and the other atheists. Yes, Sam, we know that the teachings of Islam is associated with violence. By contrast, the teachings of the Gospels is associated with loving one's enemy. How about writing about that, Sam?

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If there's one thing people can take away from this that would be we live in an era of the battle of ideas. The way to win over the other side is with open minds, by being the better person, by doing the right thing. Now we'll never know if Israel could have garnered respect, sympathy and support had they reacted with restraint. In the court of global opinion their actions are no different than those of the murderers they set out to defeat. If the two sides of the civilized world continue to war, the jihadis have already won the battle.

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Thank you gor your moral clarity and courage. The western mind finds it difficult to comprehend the particular ethics of Islamic Jihad. You summed it up succinctly. But the west is both too naive and too intellectually lazy to read the Quran, Hadith or the brutal, bloody history of Islam which is ONGOING. "Please absorb this fact: for the jihadist, all of this sadism—the torture and murder of helpless, terrified people—is an act of worship. This is the sacrament. This isn’t some nauseating departure from the path to God. This isn’t stalled spiritual progress, much less sin. This is what you do for the glory of God. This is what Muhammed himself did." -Sam Harris

The murder, rape, torture, taking of slaves IS the sacrament. Islamic scripture and jurisprudence carefully describes the rules and rituals involved in all. Read the Al Anfal chapter of the Quran. Thankfully not all Muslims prescribe and take such license. But those who DO represent an existential threat to our values and our safety.

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Islam is, was, and always will be a sick sadistic cult that sprang from the malevolent mind of a Jim Jones-type flim-flam artist who practiced rape, torture, and murder in his ruthless drive to conquer Arabia and the Middle East. He made it a sacrament to kill the unbelievers and enslave their daughters and turn their sons into eunuchs. I have no pity for the so-called innocent Palestinians who are killed by Israel in its war to erase an existential threat to the Jews and their state.

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Sam says what we all know to be true but are too afraid to say. Thank you for so clearly articulating the evil we are dealing with.

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I don't agree with Sam Harris on a lot of things but this podcast was excellent. Thanks, Bari.

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The problem with Christianity is too many Christians not behaving the way Jesus did. The problem with Islam is too many Muslims behaving exactly the way Mohammed did.

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Well done in all respects. I admire your clarity and perspective to be able to write this.

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As others have said, even the Nazis executing Jews and other "undesirables" tried to hide their crimes and wouldn't have called home like this to brag to their mom and dad. Islam brings out the absolute worst.

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Are you 12, or 13 yet?

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The unanswered question, apart from Douglas Murray's comments, is what to do now. Recognizing too late that millions of people who hate you have been allowed to move into your cities and towns. They have no interest in American or British or French values. The academy has raised a generation of people who despise their home countries that afforded them a life or relative comfort and wealth. So now, what do you do to preserve western civilization?

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So many of my friends side with Palestine. I don't get it. Even Hillary Clinton went on The View to speak up for Israel.

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If true that Harris was willing to vote Biden no matter the man’s corruption, then he is a flawed in his character. Odds are there would be no Ukraine was, no humiliating and dangerous afghan withdrawal, no Hamas attack, no out of control immigration and no high energy prices had Trump been given another term. Both parties hate Trump because he was a threat to the corrupt congressional gravy train

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Excellent podcast. Thank you for sharing FP!

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You lost me at ...Sam Harris

Who believes anything that this "for the greater good" preacher has to say?

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