I appreciate you bringing attention to it, but the reality is that kids are going to continue to be discarded in one form or another until people stop voting for Democrats. There is an easy solution for the adults who actually care - stop using your vote to actively empower people whose policies harm children. Now that many admit to knowing better, why aren’t they choosing better?

While my heart is broken for what Democrats have done to my children’s generation, I don’t feel the least bit guilty, nor should I, for sending my kids to an academically elite private Christian school that focused on the kids (in-person), minimized Covid damage and refuses to harm students with idiotic neo-racist and gender ideology. I don’t feel guilty because I voted for and advocate for every child to have the exact same choice.

Bari - the CDC released and NIH meta analysis on masks in May 2020 which found that despite their theoretical usefulness, mask don’t work. Italy gave the world a huge amount of data in April 2020 which showed kids were at low risk of a bad outcome from Covid, and rarely spread it to adults.

Maybe if leftist hadn’t spend the last 21 months calling those of us who read actual studies, and look at actual data, tables “heartless grandma killers” you all wouldn’t look so ridiculous now claiming “we know so much more now than we did then.” We know more now but we knew a lot then. Power hungry Democrats, lying media, and profit hungry big tech suppressed and censored the information, but it was and is out there for anyone willing to spend the time looking at it.

Far too many people who are still Democrats today were simply too lazy to look at the information for themselves. Many who did look at it have justly left the Democrat party. Most of the world, and many places in the US, had returned young children to school on or before August 2020. Most of the world never masked 9 year olds, much less 2 year olds.

The Democrats own their choices and no one gets to hide behind “we didn’t know.” Being too lazy to learn or listen, preferring to insult and attack those of us advocating for truth, is absolutely no excuse to harm children and destroy society. But, until more people who vote for Democrats gain the intestinal fortitude to admit they are humans and they were wrong, and until those people stop listening to the very people who lied to them for over 20 months, the harm will continue and the conversations complaining about it will remain useless except oars yo make some of the adults who voted for it feel better about themselves despite the harm they are inflicting on innocent kids.

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Jan 26, 2022·edited Jan 26, 2022

“WE” meaning, all the sane people, the people who werent already marginally psychotic, those of us without already high levels of anxiety, low levels of self esteem, those of us who werent economically illiterate and politically naive, KNEW ALL of this after about 2-3 months into the pandemic. I myself, an anarcho-cap libertarian and all the limited constitutional government types and traditional conservatives, … all knew that covid just isnt that dangerous to all but the old sick and infirm. We all knew that the federal gov of the US and in fact most state gov have no moral or legal justification for concerning themselves with health related matters.

Its not just that the mitigation methods were ineffective, they were actively harmful.

Masks do NOTHING, nothing, nothing and never did. Lockdowns and school closures were doomed to fail and completely unnecessary. Business closures were a disaster. Everything the government has done was doomed to fail and it did. This was and is predictable because government DESTROYS everything it touches. Its a law of nature.

Just because a government steals a bunch of money from private citizens and uses it to "hire" and a bunch of scientists and build a big building and put some fancy sign on the building that says "centers for disease control" , doesnt mean that this group knows anything or is right about everything.

There are many examples of gov paying off a bunch of "expert" and giving them fancy offices at our expense and having these groups be miserable abject failures.

Some examples: congress, the senate, scotus, the post office, the social security and medicare, large portions of the military, the dept of energy, transportation, the IRS... OMG the IRS... and so many more.

The CDC is just another failed US bureaucracy.

The left and progressives have no ideas, are morally bankrupt, have no idea what it takes to build and maintain a free prosperous society and worship power. The have weaponized the executive level bureaucracies like the CDC to punish their political enemies; hence the mask mandates, vax mandates. These things are simple craven sadistic obedience rituals. And our children are caught in the crosshairs.

So it wonderful that you have decided to come over to team reality. Hopefully its not too little too late.

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The statement "Two years into this pandemic, we know something crucial that we didn’t know at its start: Children, miraculously, face a negligible risk for severe outcomes from Covid-19" is demonstrably false. We knew this right from the beginning, as soon as there was enough CDC data to spot trends in disease outcome vs. age. I was posting data analysis on Twitter at the time and still have my records. For example, CDC data through June 20, 2020 showed the Covid-19 death rate was 0.154 per 100K for people under 25y/o, and 668 per 100K for those 75 and older. That's means the elderly (75+) were over 4000 times more likely to die of Covid than the young (under 25). And by the way, for school age children the risks were even more skewed. The CDC had tracked over 100K deaths by that time, so there was enough data to make meaningful conclusions. The trend was even more certain when it came time to reopen schools in the Fall of 2020. This data was easily available from the CDC website for anyone who bothered to check. Obviously the MSM did not. I have to believe that public health officials did, but they simply ignored the data.

Bari, welcome to Team Reality, better late than never, but please don't give *anyone* the excuse that "they didn't know". They did, and they still wreaked devastation on a generation of our kids.

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Bari -

We knew this right from the jump. We knew a lot of things right from the jump (like transmissibility and virulence amongst general and specific populations after the original cruise ship outbreaks in February 2020) but ignored them all to protect history's greatest monster, Tony Fauci, and his sadistic band of "experts" who midwifed this virus alongside their partners in the Chinese Communist Party.

Better late than never having you join the "you know, Covid isn't really a thing for kids (or anyone who isn't morbidly obese or 97 years old or in a nursing home in a state run by Democrats)" chorus, but a lot of us were there two years ago.

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"Two years into this pandemic, we know something crucial that we didn’t know at its start: Children, miraculously, face a negligible risk for severe outcomes from Covid-19."

While this is true - we didn't know this AT ITS START - it's a bit misleading.

We *also* knew this 18 months into it, and 12 months into it, and 6 months into it.

We've known it for MOST of the two years of the pandemic. The unforgivable, contemptible treatment of our children MUST be considered against THAT backdrop. That this has been known for a long, LONG time. Those who did this, and continue to do this to our children, MUST pay a stiff price for their malfeasance.

Otherwise, it's just gonna happen again.

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Jan 26, 2022·edited Jan 26, 2022

Sorry Bari, I disagree. We did know it from the start that kids are at negligible risk. I'm a parent with young children, trust me when I say that I was hawking the numbers to see how kids would fare, and it was obvious very early that children were largely immune.

It wasn't until the teachers unions got all worked up about protecting granny teacher from the children that the democratic run states that are beholden to the unions started making kids miserable. They didn't do this in Europe, only here, because our teachers are nuts.

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We did know from the start that "children, miraculously, face a negligible risk for severe outcomes from Covid-19." Here's a study out of China published in the Journal of the American Medical Association on Feb 24, 2020, analyzing how the virus played out in Hubei province, exposing millions, with 70,000+ recorded cases, and zero deaths in the 0-9 demographic. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2762130%C2%A0. There were many other similar reports coming out in Winter 2020, both from China, and very quickly from other places in the world as well. That's why countries that actually paid attention to public health science like Sweden never or very briefly closed schools or masked children.

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Bari- thank you for speaking out and all that you are doing to get us back to healthy as a country. I agree with a lot of the comments below, we knew this early on and continued anyway, possibly damaging some of our kids beyond repair. The other thing we knew is that natural immunity counted for something possibly more than the vaccine and now finally that data is starting to surface. Yet despite this I’m still being pressured via vaccine passports to vaccinate my children who got Delta and boost myself who got double vaccinated AND Delta 3 months later! We couldn’t go to a mavs games early on (since changed), my friends bar mitzvah last month, and basically if we ever leave Texas we can’t travel where we want to go and we may not be able to eat at certain restaurants in other states. Let alone the ridiculous masking policies all over the place. At this point I’m getting angry. Angry all the time. I don’t like it! So many of our public health institutions have just failed us. Us the little people. The big powerful people calling the shots are doing just fine. At least you have started something here - real journalism that works for the benefit of the people journalist should have been serving all along. Forever grateful for you- keep going though. Give us a voice.

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"Two years into this pandemic, we know something crucial that we didn’t know at its start: Children, miraculously, face a negligible risk for severe outcomes from Covid-19."

This has been well-known since March 2020, and characterized more quantitively by June 2020. Mortality and hospitalization risks decrease by about an order of magnitude for every 20 years younger, such that risks at 60, 40, and 20 years of age are 10x, 100x, and 1000x less than risks at 80 years of age. We have known this for more than 18 months.

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The "experts" have been wrong on so many levels with regard to covid, but their policies with regard to children are reprehensible.

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What we are doing in some areas in this country at this point in the pandemic is either insanity or stupidity. Masks are ineffective at stopping the spread even according to the CDC, unless of course everyone has N95 masks that are changed out regularly. Why in the world would we force kids to wear masks when they are ineffective at stopping the spread and when kids are at no real risk from this disease? Has our ability to reason gone away?

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Jan 26, 2022·edited Jan 26, 2022

A number of us have pointed out that this sht has been known for nearly the entirety of the pandemic. So it's troubling that Bari - a journalist - is seemingly only coming to this knowledge now.

It's troubling, IMO, in no small part because HAD Bari been on top of this story from the get-go or even from later than that - say, six months or even a year into the pandemic - when this information was forthcoming from *many* sources and BEFORE the jabs were authorized (not "approved") for kids, there's no telling how many parents who DID get their kids jabbed WOULDN'T have gotten their kids jabbed.

"Better late than never" works for parents who haven't yet jabbed their kids, but it's totally useless for those who *have* jabbed their kids with an untested nonvaccine gene therapy, and are only now being told that their kids weren't at risk in the first place.

"Better late than never" is hardly the creed journalists should want framed and hanging over their desks.

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The other comments on this are spot on. We've known since April/May 2020 about the age stratification of risk and that kids are at NO material risk from covid. (They have a 10 times higher risk of suicide and policies are working to increase that).

Maybe you should also discuss vaccine / booster mandates at colleges... a policy that is damaging or killing kids for no benefit.

Or the fact that the government incentivizes hospitals to use Remdesivir (no benefit vs covid, but it will damage your liver) and now bans the use of monoclonal antibodies, which have proven benefits vs Delta (which is still circulating).

It's as if the government wants to damage kids and wants to kill people.

More info on risks for kids here:


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Jan 26, 2022·edited Jan 26, 2022

The CDC has finally said that masks don’t work, particularly the ill fitting cloth ones or the ones made in CHINA. Is the CDC not the apotheosis of science, even more sciency than dr science Fraudci himself? So why all of a sudden are leftists/democrats/commies (but I repeat) ignoring the science?

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What the f is wrong with D Lemon? He took your comments with Maher out of context and made you sound like a wingnut. I’m so tired of his sanctimonious BS. His show is terrible.

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Watching Bloomberg Surveillance, as is my early morning want, and in a COVID segment a Johns Hopkins doctor just said, "There is no evidence of scientific benefit of children not wearing a mask." I was shocked and did a double take. WTF.

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