Great article. I was one who grew up with Silicon Valley worked for the leading tech companies since the mid 80s. This article was spot on!!

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It's been a long time since I could say it.... I disagree with him on a lot of things, but the respect I have for him is really unparalleled at this point. There just aren't very many like him in either party.

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I would be interested in Rep. Khana's position on state actors of the intelligence community and the White House making "suggestions" to Twitter as to material to be surprised.

I don't think for a moment that Elvis Chan, James Baker and others with and ex-FBI weren't couching their offerings in terms clearly to be interpreted as threats of intrusive federal interests in Twitter's affairs. It is the way that governments ensure compliance with the directives of state agents.

These actions by the FBI make me angry. Livid, actually; absolutely livid. The threat to our democratic republic and our Constitution are clear and present. Disciplinary action against those who have engaged in inappropriate, illegal, extralegal, treasonous activities needs to come, and to come swiftly.

Unfortunately we will not be able to rely on the FBI or the Department of Justice to handle this matter. Amongst others, they were the agencies involved, and their employees were the agents committing the illicit acts.

There is a hope that the Republican House in the 2023/2024 session will uncover sufficient evidence of malfeasance to force the Biden administration to take action. It might be even an appropriate field of investigation for the DoJ Inspector General.

If nothing else, in 2024, we need to throw the bums out of office.

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Terrific interview and as he said abt Romney, “ i think he’s a nice and honorable man although I’d never vote for him” is probably my view of RK. However, one of his comments bothered me; it was abt the rail workers sick days which couldn’t be passed in the recent legislation. He says POTUS shld now issue an exec order to provide the sick days. This attitude significantly contributes to political polarization; if something is rejected as legislation, then the POTUS shouldn’t “back door” it. That’s ‘king-like’ behavior. I thought more of him then advocating that.

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Ro Khanna sounded like he is on the campaign trail, despite he denial. If he thought the folks at twitter were doing the wrong thing, why didn´t he have the courage of his convictions and go public? It seemed that he wanted to place the blame at the feet of Trump because it was his FBI Director. His agrument was ludicrous. When he mentions the Fairness Doctrine, he only mentions Fox News. He has got to be kidding me. He cannot even acknowledge how biased the MSM is, even when Bari pointed out that they are not covering the Twitter Files , or when they do, they claim it is a nothing burger. (One Fox News to how many MSM outlets?)

His defense for Hunter Biden, is that he is a private person. He forgot to add- a private person, who flew on Air Force One with his dad to handle his business dealings. Ro Khanna is also waiting for data about hate speech on Twitter. He mentions that Schiff says it is up, but Musk says it is down. How does anyone cite or belive Schiff when he kept the Russia Hoax alive, claiming over and over that he had evidence of collusion, which he later admitted under oath that he did not have. My money is on Elon. Ro Khanna also said, with complete sincerity, that Fetterman ran a great campaign. What?!?! Again from the Dems, ¨do not believe your lying eyes (and ears)¨ I am glad I listened, but I do not trust Ro Kahanna one bit.

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People in USA and elsewhere who believe in free speech do so out of an ethical conviction, not merely from fear & hatred of the government, so they opine that public speech media should follow the free-speech principle. Others do not have such an ethical commitment. This is only part of the Twitter & Facebook controversies, for we now see that Twitter allowed itself to be a government agency. Thus, “woke” fools justify Twitter’s and FB’s censoring, putting discrediting marks on posts, and banning participants — and thus we know they are opposed to republican and democratic government.

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Probably the most uninteresting episode of the Honestly Podcast. A less-than-average politician with nothing really interesting to say. No signs of freedom intellectually or politically, which was what I expected at the outset. Just a guy who wanted to plug his agenda to a wider audience. Less of this please.

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Dec 20, 2022·edited Dec 20, 2022

Khanna has been trying to spread the tech/innovation gospel to quite a few states as a viable form of new industry. Considering "Blue" counties represent about 70% of the U.S. GDP, that's an uphill battle - but would be nice if he could pull it off.

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I just returned from visiting Silicon Valley. Disillusionment is widespread. The layoffs at Twitter grab most of the headlines, but they're happening everywhere among the larger companies. They simply grew too fast and got too big for their britches.

And the parents of young kids living there and working in tech: they all know the truth about Big Tech and social media and the addictive-propagandistic business models. As the disillusionment spreads, expect more people speaking out and leaving for greener pastures.

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I don't know anything about Ro, but he sounds sensible to me. More sensible than any Democrat that Fox News would discuss. Again - nuance people, nuance.

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Dec 19, 2022·edited Dec 19, 2022

Typical lip service to intellectualism, philosophy, and principles so long as it stays a vague, fuzzy, ill-defined intellectual mishmash, or technocratic legalese to rationalize Progressive/Leftist dictatorship.

Government power is not the same as economic power. Government collusion to suppress free speech is wholly different from big tech suppressing it, whether it be left or right. Government has a legal monopoly on the use of physical force to achieve its ends, and in principle that monopoly should only be directed in retaliation if necessary to apprehend criminals or repel foreign invaders. A rich man cannot force anyone to do anything, let alone to listen to or respect his big tech platform or media service. He also cannot monopolize any aspect of the economy unless he gets his gang elected and uses the government to give him special corporate privileges or welfare.

It is leftist control of the peaceful, and peaceful economics that is slowly killing the economy and killing the US, driving out manufacturing, weakening us relative to dangerous enemies, etc. New technology counteracts with more efficient means of production but will lose in the long run, if this immoral cancer of an ideology continues to gain dominance.

Why? At root every Socialist/Lefist/Progeressive means to achieve a wealth redistribution social end requires that police powers coerce the peaceful. It requires that wealth be involuntarily taken from those who peacefully earned it to provide benefits to those who did not. It requires a transfer of wealth that is akin to legalized thievery. At root, this fundamentally violates the principles of just society, no matter how much rationalization there is to the contrary, or how widely is this taught as an ideal in the government indoctrination centers (AKA public schools and universities) that we are coerced by police powers into supporting.

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And they're putting chemicals in the water to turn the frogs gay, too.

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Well, gonna take a major regression to rival your intelligence.

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Do that regularly.

However, you have not provided any substantive proposition. If/when you do, and if it needs to be debunked, rest assured I will do so without delay.

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deletedJan 30, 2023·edited Jan 30, 2023
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Ro Khanna starts to sound refreshing, until you realize that what he is saying is, essentially, a rehash of "What's the Matter With Kansas?" Khanna does not, apparently, get it that Midland grievances are as much about Elite condescension and dismissal of their cultural concerns (and Red State residents themselves), as it is about economics.

I also found it clueless or disingenuous that Khanna is not deeply bothered about FBI interference in Twitter.

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Dec 18, 2022·edited Dec 18, 2022

The Democrat party needs to clean house, not gloss over it's radical agenda with talk of FDR and James Madison. Just look at these two fellas:


Sam Brinton was let go for theft - not for helping to craft the Biden Administration's schools policy of keeping secrets from parents.

And, Levine currently promotes the mutilation of children.

Also, looking at just one of these trans activist groups that popped up - how is this anything but a cult religions group? It has it's own insider language and holds ritual burning of “old name or pronouns.”"

"questions about a “Gender Identity Summit” that the state’s largest employer, Sanford Health, will host next month with The Transformation Project. The project celebrates controversial medical interventions for minors and hosts events in which people ritually “burn” their “old name or pronouns.”"


We live in modern Salem Witch times with full backing of the Democrat Party and the current White House.

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Good interview

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Never been a fan of this guy however, I am beginning to see some similarities between the democratic socialist mindset and the MAGA working class which is a good thing, at least in their disdain for the corporate globalist elites. Sadly he loses me when he speaks of socialist FDR as a role model and his support for todays #1 globalist supporters, Joe Biden and the democratic elite establishment. If he had the courage to lash out hard against them, like Jimmy Dore and others from the disenchanted Bernie crowd, instead of tip towing, his credibility would increase dramatically with the growing army of people nation who are slowly waking up to the big lie.

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THANK YOU for providing some of the transcript.

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