October 7, 2023, was many things. It was the single worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust. It was the beginning of a war between Israel and Iran (through its proxies, and now with the Islamic Republic itself) that shows no signs of abating. It was a litmus test for the civilized world—one that too many have failed.
It was also, for The Free Press, a story that transformed our young company.
Since the day of the Hamas massacre, we have worked relentlessly to bring you news of the war, and its implications for the Middle East and the free world. In the past year, our team has published and produced more than 150 stories, podcasts, and videos. Today, on the first anniversary of 10/7, we want to present all of them for you in one place.
It’s a long list, and we’ve organized it into four sections. At the top of each section we’ve selected the must-read pieces. Below those selections is a chronological list of the rest (and we strongly recommend reading those, too).
We think this is important not just as an archive but as a resource for educators, writers, and anyone wanting to review this difficult year. —BW
Hamas understands the war they’re fighting. They’re not just killing and taking hostages; they’re warping the ideals of the West. Though it’s hard to choose, we know your time is limited, so if you have time to read only a few, here are the top stories in this section:
You Are the Last Line of Defense Bari Weiss
I had many ideas for this lecture before October 7. But after the world-transforming events of that day, I felt there was only one thing to talk about: the fight for the West. Read and watch my speech at the Federalist Society’s Barbara K. Olson Memorial lecture.
The Treason of the Intellectuals Niall Ferguson
Anyone who has a naive belief in the power of higher education to instill morality has not studied the history of German universities in the Third Reich.
The Wisdom of Hamas Matti Friedman
The terrorist group understands the war they’re fighting. Many in the West still don’t.

A War Against the Jews Michael Oren
Hatred of Israel cannot be distinguished from hatred of the Jewish people. Incontestably now, anti-Zionism is antisemitism.
The Day the Delusions Died Konstantin Kisin
A lot of people woke up on October 7 as progressives and went to bed that night feeling like conservatives. What changed?
And here’s everything else we published in this category, in chronological order:
This Is What ‘Decolonization’ Looks Like Peter Savodnik
‘It Is Right to Rebel! Israel, Go to Hell!’ Francesca Block and Olivia Reingold
When People Tell You Who They Are, Believe Them Bari Weiss
Young Jews Brace for ‘A Day of Global Jihad’ Maya Sulkin

We Went to a Pro-Palestine Protest. This Is What We Heard. Rupa Subramanya
My Phone Says 2023. It Feels Like 1948. Matti Friedman
The Ultimate Condescension Toward Palestinians John McWhorter
The Great Betrayal Suzy Weiss and Francesca Block
What Happens When There Aren’t Enough Jews to Lynch? Avital Chizhik-Goldschmidt
Frantz Fanon, Oracle of Decolonization Eli Lake
The Antisemites Scream. And I Stiffen My Spine. Batya Ungar-Sargon
British Police ‘Are Giving In to the Mob’ Rupa Subramanya
I Once Thought British Jews Were Special. Not Anymore. Tanya Gold
The American Multimillionaire Marxists Funding Pro-Palestinian Rage
Francesca Block
The Struggle for Black Freedom Has Nothing to Do with Israel Coleman Hughes
Why Western Women Are Converting to Islam Francesca Block and Suzy Weiss
I Was Wrong About John Fetterman Peter Savodnik
MLK’s Former Speechwriter: ‘We Are Trying to Save the Soul of America’
Francesca Block
‘Antisemitism Is Again Becoming a Terrible Scourge’ Francesca Block
Could October 7 Bring Down the Squad? Eli Lake
The Holiday from History Is Over Bari Weiss
Why I Got a Gun Matti Friedman
American Anti-War Activists Cheer for Iran’s War Olivia Reingold
Among the Activists Plotting to Disrupt the DNC Olivia Reingold and Eli Lake

What It Means to Choose Life Douglas Murray
Rashida Tlaib Speaks at Detroit Conference Tied to Terrorist Group Francesca Block and Eli Lake
Islamists Keep Stabbing People. Why Aren’t We Talking About It? Peter Savodnik
When Jew Hate Doesn’t Count Peter Savodnik
I Went to Cover a Protest. I Was Surrounded by a Mob. Olivia Reingold
Sheryl Sandberg: ‘I Was Wrong About Antisemitism’ Bari Weiss
Jamaal Bowman Loses Bigly Peter Savodnik and Julia Steinberg
Why French Jews Believed the Political Right Could Save Them—and France
Peter Savodnik
We Misunderstood the Nazis Matti Friedman

It’s 1968 All Over Again Eli Lake
Israel-Bashing on the Agenda for National Teachers Union Francesca Block
Inside the Campaign to Blacklist ‘Zionist’ Therapists Sally Satel
John Fetterman Has No Regrets Peter Savodnik
‘Uncommitted’ Democrats Want to End Support for Israel. How Far Can They Push at This Week’s DNC? Eli Lake
When We Started to Lie Matti Friedman
The Moral Inversion of Rashida Tlaib—and the Smearing of Dana Nessel The Editors
Anti-Israel Professor’s Firing Sets ‘Very Dangerous Precedent’ Peter Savodnik
My Journey From a Jerusalem of Ghosts to the Living Jerusalem Niall Ferguson
How Israel and its allies should react—and what their enemies might do next—after the worst genocide of the Jewish people since the Holocaust. Here are the top must-read stories in this category:
Today is Israel’s 9/11 Noah Pollak
The terrorists went house to house. They maimed. They murdered. They mutilated. A dispatch from Israel on October 7, 2023.
A Time of War Bari Weiss and Douglas Murray
The West is ‘drunk on peace.’ What will it take to wake them up? Read, watch, and listen to Bari Weiss’s interview with The Free Press columnist.
The Gathering Storm
Bari Weiss and Haviv Rettig Gur discuss Israel’s uncertain future, how the current war reflects wider battles in Islam, and why Americans must realize they are living “inside” of history.
The Day After Michael Oren
At some point, the fighting will end. What comes next for Israel?
Twelve Murdered Children—and a Middle East on the Brink Matti Friedman
By doing everything possible to avoid conflict with Iran, the White House has emboldened the Iranian proxy system now attacking Israel from all directions.
How Many Children Is Israel Willing to Kill? Andrew Sullivan
Hamas bears ultimate responsibility for the carnage. The question is how much care Israel has been taking to minimize the collateral horror.

And here’s everything else we published in this category, in chronological order:
War in Israel: Michael Oren Explains How ‘Evil’ Infiltrated the Country Bari Weiss interviews the former Israeli ambassador to the U.S.
Delusion in the White House. Bloodshed in Israel. Eli Lake
Hamas’s War on Israel: Everything You Need to Know Alana Newhouse and Jeremy Stern
The Gaza Hostage Crisis Is an American Hostage Crisis Armin Rosen
How Israel Got Ambushed Yaakov Katz
The New Axis of Evil: Condoleezza Rice on War in Israel and a Changed World
Bari Weiss interviews the former Secretary of State.
America Made Mistakes After 9/11. Here’s How Israel Can Avoid Them.
George Packer
Hamas’s Strategy of Human Sacrifice Douglas J. Feith
What Makes a War Just? Peter Savodnik
Six Myths About Hamas Alan Johnson
Israel—and America—Have No Choice but to Act Niall Ferguson and Jay Mens
America Can’t Intervene Everywhere. Where Should It? Isaac Grafstein
A World Spinning Out of Control Bari Weiss interviews Walter Russell Mead.
Israel’s Blueprint for a Revival of the West Saul Singer and Dan Senor
The Iran Delusion Michael Oren
American Troops Know: Iran Is Already at War with Us Eli Lake
The UN’s Terrorism Teachers Hillel C. Neuer
What If the Real War in Israel Hasn’t Even Started? Matti Friedman
Who Should Run Gaza After the War? Douglas J. Feith
Natan Sharansky in Israel Bari Weiss interviews the former Soviet dissident.
The Song of the Israel-Hamas War Matti Friedman
How Did the War Begin? With Iran’s Appeasers in Washington Michael Oren
Iran Attacked Israel. What Comes Next? Michael Moynihan interviews Michael Oren.
Reformed Hamas Militant Speaks Out: The Truth About Israel-Gaza Douglas Murray interviews “Son of Hamas” Mosab Hassan Yousef.
Israel Is Not Equivalent to Hamas Eli Lake
The Butcher Is Dead. What Comes Next for Iran? Reuel Marc Gerecht
Study Shows Israel Supplied ‘Sufficient’ Food to Gaza Eli Lake
Is Israel’s War Just? Eli Lake and Michael Moynihan debate Briahna Joy Gray and Jake Klein.
Northern Israel Is on Fire Matti Friedman
Why We Shouldn’t Trust ‘the Facts’ Coming Out of Gaza Eli Lake
Bibi-Trapped Matti Friedman
Iran’s New ‘Reformist’ President Is Anything But Eli Lake

Netanyahu’s Visit Is a Test for the Democrats Michael Oren
The Conflict in the Middle East Is About One Thing: Iran Bari Weiss
A Middle East on the Brink Bari Weiss interviews Haviv Rettig Gur.
Whiplash in Israel Matti Friedman
Two Assassinations and a Transformed War Jonathan Schanzer
Should Israel Strike First? Michael Oren
No, Mr. President, the Protesters Don’t Have a Point Eli Lake
How Close Is Iran to the Bomb? Jay Solomon
Are U.S. Airlines Effectively Boycotting Israel? Jay Solomon
Hezbollah’s Hostages: A Special Series Presented by The Free Press Joseph Braude
Hezbollah’s Exploding Pagers Eli Lake
Hezbollah’s Pagers and Walkie-Talkies Explode. Now What? Bari Weiss interviews war correspondent Dexter Filkins.
Why Are Iran’s Thugs Free to Walk the Streets of New York? Jay Solomon
The Killing of Nasrallah—and the Virtue of Escalation Eli Lake
Let Israel Win the War Iran Started Eli Lake
Will Israel Bomb Iran’s Nuclear Sites? Jay Solomon
Can Israel Win Back What October 7 Took? Matti Friedman
How the American student came to worship Hamas’s death cult—and the consequences for higher education. Here are the top must-read stories in this category:
Why My Generation Hates Jews Julia Steinberg
My peers have been indoctrinated to believe that Jews are oppressors. And so even our mass slaughter is seen as justifiable revenge. Julia was invited to testify before Congress after we published this report.
The Kids vs. the Empire Peter Savodnik
No one I spoke to had been to Israel or the West Bank or Gaza or could define Zionism. A report from an encampment 7,248 miles from Gaza.
University Donors, Close Your Checkbooks Marc Rowan
Trustees, myself included, have sat in silence as our schools were taken over by ideologues. It’s time to wake up. Rowan’s piece revealed how donors were turning against colleges that failed to keep Jewish students safe.
How Texas A&M’s Deal with Qatar ‘Puts American Security at Risk’ Eli Lake
The troubling ties between one of America’s top nuclear engineering colleges and the state that harbors Hamas. Weeks after this piece published, Texas A&M announced it would start disbanding its Qatar campus and cease its operations there in 2028.
How U.S. Public Schools Teach Antisemitism Francesca Block
From pre-K lessons on “ethnic noses” to lectures on Israel as an apartheid state, students are learning that Jews are the enemy. This investigative piece revealed how deep the rot has penetrated our schools, with much of it funded by Qatar Foundation International.
Even Antisemites Deserve Free Speech Nadine Strossen and Pamela Paresky
In the wake of the brutal Hamas massacre, there have been calls to silence grotesque speech against our community. It’s understandable. But it’s wrong. A defense of free expression during a time of crisis for American colleges.
And here’s everything else we published in this category, in chronological order:
Campus Cowardice and Where the Buck Stops Bari Weiss
Qatar’s War for Young American Minds Eli Lake
Is Campus Rage Fueled by Middle Eastern Money? Bari Weiss
Safety First on Campus. Except for Jews Maya Sulkin
The Ouster of Penn’s President Won’t Fix the Problem Peter Savodnik
Why I Quit My Dream Job at MIT Mauricio Karchmer
NYC Public School Wipes Israel from the Map Francesca Block
NYU Professor Tells Students of Hamas Atrocities: ‘We Know It’s Not True’ Francesca Block
American Miseducation. A New Documentary from The Free Press Olivia Reingold
Does Suing Colleges for Antisemitism Actually Work? Eli Lake
Rising Antisemitism and Choosing Freedom Bari Weiss’s 92Y speech “The State of World Jewry.”
Camping Out at Columbia’s Communist Coachella Olivia Reingold
The ‘Micro-Intifada’: American Protesters Are Being Trained in ‘Militancy’
Francesca Block
Columbia Custodian Trapped by ‘Angry Mob’ Speaks Out Francesca Block
NYC Schools Chief: ‘Qataris Write the Check’ Francesca Block
Jewish Teacher Hides from Bronx Mob Francesca Block
Dropping Charges Against Columbia Protesters Is ‘Wrong,’ Says Janitor
Francesca Block and Jonas Du
You Can’t Blame Iran for America’s Anti-Israel Protests Eli Lake
NYU’s Pro-Palestine Coalition Says it Supports ‘Armed Struggle’ Francesca Block

College Students Plan to Skip Class for Palestine Francesca Block
One Rule for Frat Boys. Another for Violent Activists Francesca Block
When Students Become Terrorists Eli Lake looks at America’s history with Ivy League domestic terrorists.
Mob Rule and Moral Bankruptcy at Columbia William P. Barr
How Harvard Divinity Teaches Hate Rob L. Friedman
University Cancels Panel Because Author Is a ‘Zionist’ Joe Nocera
Accounts from the fighters, people who’ve lost their loved ones, and those who still suffer at the hands of Hamas. Here are the top must-read stories in this category:
The Palestinian ‘Traitor’ Risking Everything to Speak Out
He condemned the Hamas massacre. Now, his life is in danger. Bari Weiss interviews a West Bank resident persecuted for supporting Israel.
The Woman in the Hamas Video Is My Daughter Ayelet Levy Shachar
There are 17 young females still being held hostage. One of them is my girl, Naama. And time is running out. This plea, from a mother to the terrorists, was one of our most-read stories of the year.
My Old Friend Is Ripping Down Posters of Kidnapped Children Candace Mittel Kahn
Around the world, young people are tearing down photographs of innocent Israelis abducted by Hamas. One of them is Sarah. Honestly producer Candace Mittel Kahn writes of her shock after seeing a video of an old college friend defacing posters of the hostages.
Hamas Kidnapped My Father for Refusing to Be Their Puppet Ala Mohammed Mushtaha
Last weekend, twenty masked men dragged away my father—an imam in Gaza. His crime? He refused to brainwash his people with their politics. After we published Ala’s brave personal account, Hamas was publicly shamed into releasing his father.
This Muslim Israeli Woman Is the Hope of the Middle East
Bari Weiss meets iconoclastic TV anchor Lucy Aharish, who gives one of the “most moving” interviews in the history of Honestly.
Wartime Diary Douglas Murray
‘As the helicopters carrying the released hostages landed, traffic stopped. People got out of their cars and broke into song.’
The Stories—and Stakes—of War in Israel
Bari Weiss interviews Israelis about what they saw on October 7—including a woman who tells how eleven of her family members were taken hostage by Hamas.
And here’s everything else we published in this category, in chronological order:
From Joy to Terror: A Postcard from Jerusalem Daniel Gordis
I Was at a Music Festival When the Terror Began Arad Fruchter
Bring Back My Children: An Israeli Mother’s Plea Bari Weiss interviews a mother whose two children, aged 12 and 16, were taken hostage by Hamas.
Once, I Was a Peace Advocate. Now, I Have No Idealism Left Ilan Benjamin
What I Saw When I Guarded the Border with Gaza Jacob Katz
So Much of My Beloved Gaza Is Gone Amjad Abukwaik

I Watched Hamas Unleash Hell David Patrikarakos
‘I Understood My Life Is Going to End’: A Mother Describes 20 Hours in a Safe Room Max Raskin
How Hamas Executed a Massacre, and How One Israeli with Nine Bullets Fought Back Bari Weiss answers three key questions in the wake of October 7: What happened that day, how did it happen, and what comes next.
Miracle in Hell: The Baby Twins Who Survived a Massacre Bari Weiss interviews a couple who is raising their twin nephews after they were orphaned by Hamas.
The Girls I Met in the Tunnels Agam Goldstein-Almog
Taken by Hamas: “Every Second of Our Lives is Trauma.” Bari Weiss speaks to family members of those taken by Hamas, including Rachel Goldberg, the mother of 23-year-old Hersh Goldberg-Polin, who has since perished in the tunnels under Gaza.
The Free Press in Israel: A Special Limited Series from Our Week on the Ground:
Part 1: Running Toward Fire
The Free Press in Israel: A Special Limited Series from Our Week on the Ground:
Visiting Kibbutz Kfar Aza
Massacre at a Music Festival: Supernova Survivors
Israel Killed 31 of My Family Members in Gaza. The Pro-Palestine Movement Isn’t Helping. Ahmed Fouad Alkhatib
Among the Mourners of Zion and Jerusalem Matti Friedman
A Year Ago Today, Terrorists Stole My Son Idit Ohel
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