Chabad lads. Sorry chuck; child-rape and cracked religious cults go together like bread and butter. Jews are as capable of nauseous crimes as every other community. There is a great deal of humour to be had from both parties of loonies attempting a riot here; but child abuse isn't funny and this particular bunch of loonies has form.

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I just read Oliver Wiseman's writing for the first time about Michigan. Thanks Oliver. I was going to subscribe to the Free Press but if their writers are as bad as you are I will NEVER subscribe. You saved me from wasting my money

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A nation cannot be bankrupted if it is in debt to its own central bank. Money is created in the modern world by creation of debt. The national debt = the base equity (our wealth) that the private sector uses. If you pay it off, you destroy that basis for the wealth of the private sector.

This is part of the paradox of thrift in the modern world. It is sometimes called debt deflation. You pay down the debt, but in the process, dollars are worth more, so the net percentage of debt relative to your ability to pay goes up. This is what "austerity" causes, over and over.

Congress knows this. They lie about it. Trump was the first president in history to speak honestly about the national debt. Do you remember?

Ruml, B. (1946): Taxes for Revenue Are Obsolete. American Affairs, VIII(1): 35. https://cdn.mises.org/AA1946_VIII_1_2.pdf.

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Seriously, if you want to keep readers that aren't all about killing Jews, you might want to rein in your inner douche Dimocrat, TFP. Just sayin'

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Stop. Please.

The only question is who is in favor of keeping Israel and the Jews alive.


Who is in favor of the Muslims invasion of America and the killing of all Jews.

Since no matter who wins the president.

These questions will be the basis of the existing world war 3 we are currently in.

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Did Oliver attend Ohio State? Go Blue

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The suit to keep Trump off the ballot in Colorado pertains to the Republican primary, was filed by four Republicans and two unaffiliated voters, and has nothing to do with Democrats.

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The four non-elected Democrats on the Co. Supreme Court ruled to remove him from the ballot. How does that compute to having nothing to do with Democrats, pal?

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

No Democrats sued to remove him. It's a Republican primary. If people in Colorado wanted to have Republicans on their Supreme Court they should probably elect a Republican governor.

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Jan 10·edited Jan 10

Just want democratic journalists to be happy after bashing and lying about RFK Jr for two or so years. Well done! You care so much about the environment? Check out RFK’s actual accomplishments versus Biden’s. How about intelligence? A debate would be awful for Biden so he has to hide In the basement. Just feel satisfied that you have given the country a senile warmonger over someone who could have been a good president. Bravo! Your kids will live with the results. PS Russia didn’t blow up the Nord Stream pipeline, and the vaccines weren’t safe and effective.

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I enjoyed all of this collection of stories until you got to the Michigan victory, when you turned into the same mob that went after the Duke Lacrosse team, Kyle Rittenhouse, Russiagate, Tawanna Brawley and all of the other instances where the mob ruled guilty without knowing the facts.

The NCAA has not released any of their evidence about 'cheating', and most of the folks who are enraged dpn't know that the only 'fact' released by the NCAA was that a low level staff, on his own, arranged to work with associates of his own to video signals of potential future opponents. Zero evidence of him doing any more than that. He also got videos of teams that weren't even scheduled to play. This is not at all cut and dried, but ionstead of waiting for the due process to ensue, they leaked the information, and everyone assumed the worst.

The only thing you got right was that this has been how the left has attempted to take down Trump. on this case OSU is the left, and Ryan Day is David Brock.

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Over 80 million people died in World War II primarily because the world stood by and let evil grow unchallenged until it was almost too late. I think Nikki Haley has the strength to challenge that evil and put it back in the bottle before we find ourselves in an almost unwinnable global war that may take five or 10 times as many lives this time. I like her stance on abortion and the economy and immigration. My biggest fear is that she’s not strong enough to do what needs to be done and that she will compromise too much. I also don’t think the Democratic Party should be rewarded for what they’ve done to Trump. If you go all the way back to 2016 it essentially consist of treason while he was president and straight out tyranny since he left office. These types of behavior should not be rewarded with success. Trump has his issues and sometimes I wish he’d keep his mouth shut but in general I support his policies.

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First of all, only about half that number died, but we'll never know for sure because most of them (25 million?) were in the Soviet Union.

Second, the world didn't stand by until it was too late. England was fully engaged in the late '30's, and America responded immediately after Pearl Harbor and Hitler declaring war on us in 1941. Don't know how you call that too late.

And Trump committed treason going back to 2016? How?

He didn't assume office until Jan. 2017.

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They just can't help themselves. It's what happens when the hate volume switch is stuck on eleven. It's not enough to hate Trump. The hatred needs to spill over onto the Michigan Wolverines by making an elaborate and questionable metaphor out of the Wolverines' national championship.

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As a Michigan state fan I appreciate Michigan being called out. Fine piece of journalism there. Go Green!!!

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"right next to the “Bartlet for America” napkin. "

Shout out, WW

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Also, today during the Hunter / Democrat stunt in Congress, my SC-01 Rep Nancy Mace accused him of "white privilege" and also asked if women were allowed to speak when she was interrupted. Identity politics, victim status...please make it stop.

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Bari, this democracy story in Hong Kong is not quite as one-sided as portrayed. Nor is are the Uighurs. Let's start with the Uighurs, a muslim ethnic group sharing a border with Afghanistan and Pakistan --- Pakistan currently driving millions of Afghans who are causing militant trouble out. The US has a history of weaponizing Al Qaeda and ISIS against Syria, and the USSR. Why would people think the same is not the story with the Uighurs? Most of the Uighurs are just fine. In fact, Israel could learn from China how to deal with Hamas and Hezbollah. China sees what is going on with muslims, and is making sure they don't have a problem.

There were long-time Hong Kongers, (most of them) who weren't building barricades, meeting with the American ambassador after Joe Biden declared he would "stop China" by any means necessary, and fighting with police. Many Hong Kongers went out and did what they could to clear the barricades. Yes, China cracks down heavy, it's what they do when pressed. But let's get real. If students at the Ivies met with the Chinese ambassador for advice, and built serious barricades obstructing Congress and Manhattan and battling with police, we wouldn't exactly be sitting back just letting it happen forever. China responded to the Hong Kong events with pretty accurate understanding of what it was---an op by the Biden administration in hopes of spreading riots and dissent in China proper.

Do I think China could handle it better? Sure. But this is a nation that has living memory of the dark years of the Cultural Revolution, when university professors were tortured to death by students, a principal was literally roasted alive and then slices eaten by student protesters. Student gangs seized military weapons and fought battles with each other. China's history with student uprisings is very different from ours. Read The Three-Body Problem by Cixin Liu. In the early chapters he takes you through a scene where a professor of physics of dies rather than renounce Albert Einstein's bourgeois anti-revolutionary physics. China's leadership will do anything it thinks it must do to stop a repeat of the Cultural Revolution.

So Bari, please educate yourself more before jumping on the "But it's obvious!" train. I'm about as far from Marxist as a person can get. But it is important to understand why other nations do things. History, Bari. It's a thing. Really.

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OK, bear with me here. Imagine it's the distant past, like two weeks ago, and I told you: "Dude, I'm serious Jews are digging tunnels under NYC. Yeah, those Jews with the black cowboy hats, like you see in the movies sometimes. Seriously, they are. They're trying to connect things underground to make a mega-synagogue complex like a Rabbi that died in 1994 told them to do. No matter what it takes!"

What level of cancelation would I have received? Like exile to Pyongyang?

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