A masterpiece of moral clarity.Bravo .

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Thank you. Wonderfully clear and I shared the disillusionment.

And to all those who say that ideas can't be defeated on a national level, one should look to post-war Germany for proof that they can be.

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Now let's say the quiet part out loud.

This new rise of illiberalism and antisemitism is a direct result of Barack Obama's "Radical Change Now"

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Isn’t it ironic that the only people who seem to have moral clarity on this issue here in the US are the uneducated rubes in the parts of America that have been ridiculed by by the elites, both here are in Europe? Hopefully we can learn from this and resurrect those Middle American values here, and their counterparts in Europe, and end the experiment in multicultural equivalency that has led us down this path to Hell.

Societies in the West, after giving so much to humanity, have been infected by a cultural disease. Maybe this event was a symptom that finally becomes obvious to all and a cure will emerge from it.

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The Free Press is my daily read for sanity in this world. Without your words I would feel lost in the morass of insanity. The words from much of the mainstream press truly exemplify Houellebecq's novel(?) Submission. I read it early on, but truly I didn't believe the world could be that insane. Now we see it.

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For decades we were taught - and believed - that "NEVER AGAIN" meant something. Now we know - with a searing and awful realization - that the people who mouthed those words are nothing but cowards and scoundrels. This is not a time for being "nice." It is time to take a stand. To treat these temporizing cowards with the scorn and disgust they deserve. If you can't stand proudly with the people of Israel - against the depravity of the barbarians - you need to look in a mirror and contemplate the meaning of shame.

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It's worth noting the NSDAP--National Socialist German Worker's Party--was by any reasonable perspective not right wing. Right and left "wings" come from the French Revolution, and the right was Monarchists of some stripe or other. The middle was people who were recognizably Liberal. And the Left was where the murderous sociopaths sat.

No ideology which rejects the Church, traditional aristocratic forms of power, and traditional social hierarchies is right wing in any sense. And to state the obvious, Nazism was indifferent to social class. Most German elites in fact hated Hitler, if memory serves; and he himself, of course, was "the Corporal".

The Nazis WERE very, very much opposed to the Bolsheviks, but not because they were not a Collectivist ideology using totalitarian methods to impose Identity politics and define all people by the group into which they were born. That's very much what they did.

And of course it's very much what today's Collectivist Totalitarians do also. Morphologically, in belief and action, they are Nazis.

The antidote to Collectivism is Individualism. A focus on individual rights and individual opinions is inherenlty inimical to mobs and Mobthink. Individualism is in fact the only good solution humankind has ever come up with to deal with the Tribalism that has both comforted and afflicted the human race far back into the mists of what remains unwritten.

So, logically, anyone speaking in general terms about groups and the characteristics of groups, is dealing in some form of bigotry and prejudice. Period. And anyone dealing in mass bigotry and prejudice is ALWAYS going to resort to violence whenever anyone starts reacting in defensive ways to their aggressions.

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Whoa. That. Was. Spectacular.

Now let’s pray it hits the heart of all the feckless leaders across the Western world like a tsunami.

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Thank you Mathias Döpfner for you clarity and brave words.

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Wonderfully stated, and I might add that the amount of foreign money that is poured into these universities, with strings attached, should be illegal. The foreign students that are attending our universities on foreign visas, and are demonstrating in support of harming their fellow students, should be deported immediately. The safety of all of our students should be ensured.

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Islamic immigrants throughout the world have heightened antisemitism and violence in every country they immigrate to. Sorry to say that the statistics back this up. Sweden and other Nordic countries have never had the violence they are currently dealing with.

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Everyone must reassess their allies. This article exemplifies that identity politics trump decency and kindness. Where one falls in the pecking order of the identity chart solely determines their worth. Affirmative action is the birthplace of this cancer. More discrimination does not solve discrimination it only leads to death and destruction. DEI must be purged from society along with all other non-meritorious criteria. Character, competence and integrity, CCI, must be the new standard. It promotes fairness while advancing society to equality. That is the goal is it not?

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It seems that universities see gray areas in this matter but can’t find any shade other than black and white when it comes to other issues. That’s what strikes me as appalling.

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Two of my children went to Ivies and Little Ivies. I would cross all of the Ivies off our list today and focus on U of Chicago, Catholic schools like Notre Dame and the new University at Austin. I can't imagine any Jewish students applying to the Ivies and feeling safe.

I do think that the video outraged people, though. It showed so clearly how calling for genocide is OK with these universities but misgendering will get you fired or expelled. The DEI programs have to go and there needs to be more balance in the viewpoints of their leaders.

And I'm a lifelong liberal.

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Thank you for writing this. It is a sad thought that Israel has received an even larger wound since October 7th, than it received that day. That wound has been caused by the rest of the world's pathetic response to an outrageous act of terror, choosing to mumble about moral equivalence, proportionality and the "context." And why? If we are honest with ourselves, it is not from anything other than cowardice. No one is afraid of what Jews will do if we insult them or desert them, but western nations are afraid of the hotheads and extremists among their own muslim populations. Cowardice is never pretty, but this time it is sickening.

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Spot. On. Thank you for your words. So concerned for the world in which my daughter will grow up.

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