Great article. But I do want to point out that just counting hashtags does not measure the level of support for Israel. I have posted on FB dozens of articles and videos in support of Israel but I don't use the hashtag. This is true of others I know, too.

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Wow. Thank you for the unequivocal support. It is so rare these days among non-Jews (I can think of Douglas Murray, some Israeli Arabs, and most of the GOP).

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The article is an hysterical rant. As a Soviet Jew I am of two minds here: first of all when I came to the US in 1978 I came with a naïve impression or hope that I left all possible antisemiticsm behind in Soviet Latvia I came from. I believed that that the old world biological antisemiticsm is impossible in the US. I assumed there could be individual instances of it and I did encounter a few. But honestly for my 45 years in the US I never even remotely experienced antisemiticsm. However things started to change after Trump with surge of right wing antisemitism ("Jews will not replace us" and Pittsburgh massacre). I was hoping that it will go away. And to some extent it did until the horrible summer is 2020. The summer of racial reckoning. And we the Jews stood side by side with our black and brown brothers in oppression and supported them and marched and chanted. But something was off: I noticed that no matter what we say or what is done to us by antisemites we do not deserve the DEI protected minority statu

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You are an extraordinary human

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A good voice amongst the cacophony of hateful screams.

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Tank you for this clear condemnation of antisemitism in its many manifestations in the Western governments, on the streets, online, and in academia.

I wanted to believe that there would be a mass expression of solidarity with Israel and the Jews, but the "silent majority" remains largely silent, and it's not clear anymore if it's still a majority

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Thanks for your thoughtful expression of the situation, I never thought I would witness the despicable actions on campuses and the streets that I have seen over the past few weeks. This is what happens when education becomes indoctrination and history is not taught or altered to fit a new “history.”

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To paraphrase the entire article in one sentence:

"I did not want to believe that leftists actually mean what they say and I do not want to ascribe leftism as the principle cause for my dismay..."

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Wow. Bravo. I've bookmarked this as a piece to read again, and then again.

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I have written about this memory before, in response to a post on the Washington Post and The Telegraph UK. Twenty-five plus years ago I attended a Unitarian service in Duluth Minnesota. During that service, two men who served in the US army wanted to bear witness to what they had seen at a concentration camp that they had entered on the same day. Neither man new each other at that time but wanted to say that the news reports about the deaths, piled bodies and starvation were true. It was reality. They had seen it. Their testimony was a response to allegations at the time (principally by Iran) that the holocaust stories were untrue.

The witnesses will, all, will soon be gone. New fools will rule.

I will not forget. I believed these men at the Unitarian service then and do so now.

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All of the things this author did not want to believe were there to see, with anyone paying attention and not blinded by democrat/progressive/socialist propaganda, prior to October 7.

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Exactly. Morality, courage and truth. All in painfully short supply.

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Ausgezeichnet Doepfner Hoch!

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Keep these folks in mind when the next elitist sounds off.

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This may very well be my most forwarded essay from The Free Press. Thank you.

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