You’ll know he’s is a serious candidate when the mainstream media starts attacking him.

I’m all on board for for my man, Vivek.

If I have to vote for Trump again, I will, but I think he should ride off into the sunset at this point.

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“This is somebody who can unite us, not further divide us.’ There’s so much acrimony in our country, and it’s not just about a party. It’s about a message.”


Hate this sooooooo much. I do not want unity with you people I want freedom. You know where they have a shitload of unity? North Korea.

Mao Zedong’s roadmap for revolution was called ‘Unity Criticism Unity’. First you create the desire for unity and then you criticize everything relentlessly in order create a mandate for unity under a new framework and then you eliminate everyone who won’t conform. Unity is a cult.

Cut the unity shit, people. Jesus.

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As usual I was watching MSNBC and unanimously they believed that DeSantis lost the debate and was a failure. So DeSantis won.

Having a resource like MSNBC that is always the exact opposite of the truth is just as good as having access to the truth.

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Aug 24, 2023·edited Aug 24, 2023

I thought Nikki Haley’s response to the abortion topic was excellent, something republicans have needed to say for decades! It’s so simple, but instead republicans would rather lose an election because of this one topic than compromise. But I’m still a Vivek fan.

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Did MSNBC label Vivek a 'Russian Agent', yet? If not, it's coming!

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I watched a different debate.

I thought Vivek! pretty much self-destructed with his hey, look at me! I am the smartest kid in the class routine.

I agree that Haley did well, I thought Scott came across as mature and thoughtful (he appears to be the only candidate that understands that 6 week abortion bans are a political killer),and I thought DeSantis was better than I expected (he was the best by far on the border issues and combatting drug trafficking).

Pence and Asa were awful, Christie is a bad standup comedian, and the Governor of ND seems like a smart, earnest guy who has no chance.

I’m not a R so I don’t get to choose, but any of the top three with Biden on a debate stage would an ugly sight for Dems.

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“I wish you well in your future board positions at Lockheed Martin and Raytheon.” I lost it at that. Haley is such an obvious neocon warmonger.

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There were seven canned politicians on stage, and one young energetic contrarian.

Vivek knows the Ukraine situation well, I’ve listened to him be interviewed about it. Christie, Haley—-lecturing us about American leadership and how we need to defend democracies around the world. Puleeze.

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Hailey, Pence, and Christie disqualified themselves for me by saying we need to continue spending billions killing Ukrainians and Russians for the benefit of Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.

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Maybe we didn't watch the same debate. I love Vivek, but yeah, his rawness in this sort of arena did show last night. But mostly that's just Vivek being Vivek. He's a powered up energy machine. What I love about him is that he brings new ideas, a new perspective of a younger generation. We need that. But...he didn't win the debate last night. DeSantis did. And, though the press demands he smiles more (and apparently so do his advisors) that's just not who he is. It looks like it hurts him to do it. But that doesn't bother me. He's a serious guy. What he is, is someone who gets things done. He is completely a man of action. I think he showed it by his comments last night. And frankly, along with Nikki Haley, was the only one who appeared to be a serious Presidential level candidate. I think Vivek will get better at this. I would not slough him off and even if someone else wins, they should find a slot for Vivek in the cabinet (if he'd take it). He's a massive idea machine.

But the person who will go in there and get things done, without smiling or telling stories that have nothing to do with where we're going, is Ron DeSantis. And I think he showed well last night.

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Nice story. I also enjoyed the interview with Ramaswamy. But. I am concerned about his lack of experience, particularly foreign policy. We live in a dangerous world, among governments that, to put it mildly, don't have our best interests at heart. Among that crowd, I was most impressed by Haley.

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I wish the Free Press would do follow up interviews or articles with all candidates who didn’t get a chance to answer the debate questions. I leave every debate wishing I heard what each person had to say on the different topics.

On the debate stage, they just attack each other. I want to hear about what their actual plan is for those things using their own words.

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Vivek! Finally someone who has ideas that will help fix our Country! GO VIVEK!

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The mainstream press is largely left so if they're mobbing Vivek and ignoring Haley, you know it's because they're handpicking the opposition they think is most likely to lose.

Just as they back far right candidates who have no chance of winning local elections.

They are going for the candidate that will sell the most newstime, a disruptor, and someone whose flirtations with conspiracy theory will allow him to be mocked and dismissed by swing voters.

The mainstream media are already crafting the narrative and Republicans are eating it up. You're being played. Haley is the only one who can compete in a presidential election and have any chance of beating a Dem. I lean moderate and liberal but that's not what the Dems have stood for in a long time and I've become sympathetici f not outright supportive of conservative arguments over the last 10 years. So I'm talking from experience when I tell you that Haley is the only one that many liberals concerned with the direction of this country will be able to justify voting for.

She is the smartest of the lot, has a proven track record, and the press will struggle to malign her character. That's why they are ignoring her and swamping Vivek. Haley is the real threat to the Biden dynasty.

If CNN and NBC are courting Vivek, do you think they have a Republican win in mind? Quite the opposite. And they think Republican voters are just dumb enough to fall for it. So please, focus on the long game.

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Kennedy/Ramaswamy 2024!

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Two problems I have with Ramaswamy; 1. he never talk about how he will accomplish anything, 2. He sounds like a fast-talking, loud-mouthed carnival barker. It one thing to have ideas, and it's another thing to make them work.

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