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I think American Jews need to wake up and stop supporting a party that worries more about their hamas wing than the future of Israel.

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I 've been watching I 24 s Hebrew language programming so I can hear as much as possible....frankly, I find the sound of Arabic in my nabe as a trigger and I suggest they switch to American English because I find it unsettling to hear the language of sinwar and haniyeh so close to my residence....and I deserve a safe space.....a space in which I can celebrate my identity and my values without the appearance of pro terror racists in my midst. Viva Israel....or Am Yisrael Chai.

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24

The same bookstore would let in interviewers that support the existence of other countries influenced by religion that are currently committing atrocities against women and gay people. These Israel protestors are fine with countries perpetrating horrific acts if they are perceived as unaccomplished and non-white.

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Did the Jew hating venue object to the author or the Rabbi who was supposed to interview him? Or both?

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Aug 24·edited Aug 24

The bookstore did not object to the anti-Zionist author. The bookstore, (or its employee, depending on whose word you take) said the rabbi wasn't welcome because he believes in Israel's right to exist. The event was canceled due to the rabbi ("Zionists VERBOTEN!!!"), but the anti-Zionist lost his platform because the bookstore canceled the rabbi--essentially because of the policies the anti-Israel author supports. And now he's shocked about that.

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Got it. Thanks. I hope he stays shocked.

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The anti-Israel mob has always been a magnet for society’s rejects. It’s how they get attention and give their sad little lives meaning.

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Yes, but those are mostly on the left now. The liberal Jewish community is like those generals who are forever fighting the last war.

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I agree.

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And…..;? The sad part is he will learn nothing and this experience will not register in his motherboard. Just like our brethren, in Berlin in the 30s and 40s, he thinks his secularism will protect him from the future. When will they ever learn?!

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Exactly. Never again? Not really. More like never learn.

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So maybe the hostages (including the non Jewish ones)are traumatized by the Arabic spoken by the scumbag Palestinians holding them? Trying to censor the language of your religion because it may “traumatize” Palestinians it so ridiculous. I bet the Israelis that have been displaced from northern Israel are traumatized by the actual violence of rockets raining down on them.

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A zionist Jew and an anti-zionist Jew walk into a bar, bartender says, "no Jews allowed."

Leifer just got handed the reality he helped create.

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One of the reasons millions come to live in the USA is because of our constitutional right to follow whatever religion we chose and have a government that is not based on a religion.

It is my understanding that Israel also accepts all peoples of different faiths to live within its’ borders, including Muslims. Perhaps their governing bodies need to include those of non-Jewish faiths too.

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Israel's governing bodies include Muslims, Christians, and Druze as does every sector of society and government including the army. I know you mean well by your comment, but before you do comment I suggest you do some research.

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There are the Bedouin of the Negev also serving in the army.

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I wrote “perhaps” because the media and protestors make it sound like Israel is just a Jewish state. I very much appreciate your informative comment, I apologize for my ignorance.

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Now you know that the media and protesters are creating false impressions. The question is, what are you going to do about it now?

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she apologized,.. these days, that, in itself, is more than enough,..

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This is what happens when you think your wokeism gets you a pass with people who hate you for who you are denying you are. Why would anyone be surprised. I’m sure the same would happen if keffiyeh wearing woke ivy leaguers went to Gaza on a retreat with their pride colors and see how tolerant these antisemites really are.

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I teach at a college that opens it's doors in a few weeks. I am worried about anti-zionist zones opening up. Is anyone out there willing to share best practices in standing up to them?

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It's time to recognize that anti-Zionist Jews are antisemites, same as anti-Zionist non-Jews.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 27

There is nothing more reprehensible to me than the modern day, "Self Loathing" Jew who tries to tell me you can be Anti-Zionist without being anti-Semitic. Judaism is inexorably linked to Israel. Goodness gracious, it is kind of the whole point of Israel. To say it isn't shows a level of disdain for your own heritage that is beyond my ability to comprehend. That doesn't mean you need to go to Israel, make "Aliyah" and live there. However, to deny your own heritage and dare I say, "Birth Right" is nothing short of protracted cultural suicide.

As a young a young man I would argue with my parents, "Why does it matter if I pursue relationships with women who are not Jewish? So long as we love each other we will figure it out." How do I say now, "it matters" without coming off sanctimonious or possibly anti-other-religions or belief systems? I don't know if I can, but I as I have aged and matured it has become patently obvious that if we don't stick together and start making a whole bunch of Jewish babies we aren't as a people going to be around much longer.

Mom and dad were right. I married a beautiful Jewish woman and we raised two Jewish daughters. 34 years later and I love my wife more the the day we married. I pray my daughters find the same because it seems like they are taking the path I took as a young man; and even though they were raised in a Jewish home, they don't seem to care.

In my experience, my daughters seem to be far from the exception. To me, even more than the Palestinians, Iran or any other external force our own ambivalence to our heritage, culture and faith is the biggest existential threat we face as Jews. We have got to come together and defend our common cause. Israel is one of those causes. עם ישראל חי - Am Yisrael Chi - The People of Israel Live.

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It's as if a Catholic was opposed to Vatican City.

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I wish I can feel sorry for Mr. Leifer, but this is something that he brought on himself. I'm willing to bet that he was self-righteously part of many cyber mobs who wanted to silence someone with a different opinion.

Now it's happening to him.

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All of my Jewish friends in the NY metro area are liberal. All put more weight in their political liberalism than in their faith/culture, but paradoxically are clear they are Jewish. So, being so Jewish I challenge them on Oct 7 and since; all I get are silent blank stares. It's crazy.

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The Free Press banned me from commenting on this platform for 30days on July 24. In their explanation for the ban, they highlighted a comment where I accused all Democrats of believing that they are better than others and I accused the Democratic Party of being a crude cult. I also inserted the letter “K” in place of all “hard-Cs” in the text because I have often referred to the Democratic Party as the party of the Ku Klux Klan. For this reason, the Free Press saw fit to suspend my commenting privileges for an entire month.

I have written to the Free Press multiple times to ask for more clarification and have received nothing but smug, dismissive, silence. Nothing in my remark constitutes an ad-hominem attack because Democrats are neither a race, nor a creed, nor an ethnic group – they are idealogues. I likewise did not use any profanity in that comment.

Bari Weiss and the editorial team at the Free Press do not promote freedom of speech. They disdain criticism, abhor anyone who questions their obvious and odious biases and make no effort to support their own readership with meaningful explanations for which content is permissible and which is not. There is NOTHING in my remark that violated their “community guidelines”. My remarks are innocuous rejections of their preening, liberal weltanschauung.

Furthermore, the readership of the Free Press is not a “community” at all. It is a large mass of people from many different lifestyles and beliefs who expect to be treated with a certain measure of fairness when they subscribe to the publication. Part of that fairness should include a proper explanation for why commenting privileges have been removed for a 30day period with the prospect of appeal. But there is NO avenue to appeal their censorious decision.

This publication is a thinly veiled effort at rehabilitating the Democratic Party by outing its worst, fringe actors and ideas, while gaslighting its readership into believing that the editors are a group of rationally minded truth seekers looking for some form of “common sense”. They are not. The Free Press is a clique of wealthy, overly credentialed wordsmiths who shadow-ban and silence their critics without recourse to any form of appeal or explanation. And their decisions to ban subscribers from commenting on their site reflects their own level of paranoia, bad-faith, caprice and malevolence.

I live and work in the People’s Republic of China. I have done so for nearly 30years. I know this culture and political system intimately and well. I know what banning innocuous commentary leads to, and I know what hard authoritarianism looks like. I do not have the credentials or capital resources of many who read the Free Press in exotic locales or from the decks of private boats or stunning vacation homes and I have never been invited to give a TED Talk like Bari Weiss. My attacks against the Democratic Party and its apologists promote nothing more than open hatred for their insidious beliefs and ideas. Hatred for an idea is allowable in a free society.

Through the arbitrary and politically motivated enforcement of their policies, The Free Press has silenced many voices on their site in the guise of enforcing civility. They are wrong. They are deliberately empowering the worst impulse imaginable in humanity – the power of the powerful to decide who can, and cannot be seen, or heard.

The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project… DELENDA EST!

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Are you cut and pasting this message on all of the threads?

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For a while, yes. I think it is worth letting the readership know that this publication is misnamed. There is nothing "Free" about the Free Press at all. And Bari Weiss is the Elizabeth Holmes of intellectual inquiry and integrity.

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Well, I assume you believe in the free market and the power of the consumer's dollar as well? There are no lack of places on the web that are more than happy to deliver to you the specific rhetoric that confirms every belief you have.

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What a stupid comment. Nothing I wrote asks to have my beliefs confirmed. Instead, I attack hypocrisy. The publication is called "The FREE Press". This is clearly to encourage readers into believing that the editors support freedom of speech. Not "freedom of the marketplace" alone. There is a difference. After having lived in China for so long, I have seen so many people like you. "China is free and if you don't like it, you are free to leave." You are obviously a moral coward.

Moral cowards who hide behind the "consumer's dollar" in defense of censoriousness... DELENDA EST!

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

Your criticism of the photographs of people reading TFP from their boats or vacations is spot on and made me laugh. At the end of the day I've come to understand that the people who run this site are indeed liberals and they hire liberals for the most part. Like anything I read these days, I put a jaundiced eye to the page and don't take anything for gospel truth. TFP is but one arrow in my quiver of resources to find out just what is going on out there. No conservative should think that this site is the Holy Grail of truth or impartiality, no site for information is.

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Conservatives don't have boats or take vacations?????

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