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There’s something else here. Walz served 20 years in the guard. Could have retired in 2001 but re-enlisted after 911.

He could have left it there and had some bragging rights to use in his new career as a politician. He never saw combat but he did serve.

Instead he intimates in various forums and repeatedly that he did see combat plus lied about his rank. How much forward thinking did it require to conclude that such play acting might not sit well with the gent who took his place in Iraq nor with the troops under his command.

Is it just me or is Walz a bit of a dim bulb?

Here’s a thought:

In an IQ Challenge Faceoff, who would you pick, Walz or Harris? Either way, the loser would still not be as dumb as Nocera seems to think his readers are. “…eye of the beholder.”. That’s a good one. To top it off he ends the piece on a cliche.

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Another lie (or an extension of one) is his claim to being the senior-most enlisted man to ever serve in Congress.

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My thoughts exactly. Was he unaware of Kerry’s similar mistake? If so, same conclusion. Not that bright

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He got a ribbon for the operation and he said he was part of that operation. "Over the preceding years" means an implication he's still a soldier on a tarmac in Bagram? Not. As a veteran myself, it is highly likely the Public Affairs office escorted him, congressman him, to a transfer of remains ceremony on the airfield. Vance works for a man that truly believes a civilian medal is better than the Medal of Honor. Trump's comparison was based on his delusion that being seriously wounded or killed lessened the value of the Medal of Honor compared to the Civilian medal. Hints of "losers and suckers" radiate again! Vance's boss has no idea what honor is, based off of his verbal throw ups. It's a national disgrace the Republicans continue to allow his leadership and anoint him with the nomination. It will be their ruin.

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Can you go to medical school for a couple of years, quit, and then tell people you're a doctor?

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You certainly can. Tell ‘em you were a battle field medic too.

You’ll be a grifter and a liar, but you can do it.

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The crazy thing is - his service really is commendable. He served for 24 years, which is a hell of a lot more than most politicians. If he'd just been honest about it - saying he was proud to serve in a support role for combat soldiers, which is certainly something every soldier in a support role should be proud of - this could have all been avoided.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

The military record of Waltz compares quite favorably to that of former Commander in Chief Bone Spurs.

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As well as Obama and Clinton. Not sure of your point.

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Absolutely, far better than Biden's 5 student deferments and 1-Y classification for asthma. Gave him extra time to play football and work as a lifeguard.

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That’s were he took down “corn pop”, asthma be damned.

Talk about valor.

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Tim Walz: A Communist AND a Fascist


Aug 17, 2024

When he’s not preaching friendly neighborhood socialism, Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz was an unfriendly neighborhood fascist when he called out the Minnesota National Guard to ‘light up’ regular, law-abiding people in their own homes. Steve Green has the shocking footage as we examine just what kind of authoritarian tyrant the Democrats want a heartbeat away from doing this with FEDERAL troops.

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While he is a skilled liar and fraud; he is a liar and a fraud.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

My father served in the Normandy Invasion in a unit with the highest casualties of the war. He rarely mentioned it but once said, “People who were never in combat are always talking up their service. People who actually were in combat prefer not to talk about it.” It seems to me that our politicians throw around deploying troops here and there very casually while their kids are in the Ivy League. To me, it is obvious that Walz was being deceptive. Probably not a big issue if you were previously deployed at the New York Times.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

Both my grandfathers went overseas and fought in WWI. One died before I was born, but had been wounded, the other I got to know. He never talked about the war. Only afterward, researching my ancestry and retrieving his war records I found he was in an artillery unit and was promoted from Private, Private First Class, Cpl to Sgt. My dad enlisted in WWII and never talked it either.

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On the other hand, his transgressions appear to be more sloppy than venal.

Am I reading the New York Times, because the writer(s) write like that. Sloppy? Tell the men and women that EARNED their ranks and stripes with one less leg..tell them Walz was just sloppy. I read more drivel like this and my subscription is over. Pathetic is being too kind.

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DEFINITELY stolen valor. He is a very smart man with an intact memory. He knew what he was saying and intentionally misled voters. Like most politicians he is slime.

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Nailed it perfectly.

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17

This was worked out two weeks ago. One ill advised characterization of his service in the heat of a rally; and a bureaucratic change in rank because of timing; and he stepped down to run for office. Every time you run another story on a topic that has already been logically run to the ground, you feed the chaos machine —stopping which I thought was the raison d’etre of the Freep. Please stop. Smart people get it.

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He is a liar and a fraud. Common among all politicians; but it still must pointed out in the blizzard of excuses being blown by the compliant media. Do you still support Sheldon Whitehouse in the way he "misspoke"?

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NOT stolen valor. Funny about this bubble the Free Press is in. As I understand it, E-9 Master Sergeant is at the same rank as E-9 Command Sergeant Major. From reading some of the comments some think the National Guard is inferior to active duty. The Guard served in Korea and VietNam. Walz' service was honorable, period. How it was spun after matters very little. Walz may call Vance's service honorable but I wonder just what did Vance do as a Marine? we know it wasn't combat. And then there's Trump and his bone spurs and contempt for veterans.

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Yeah... you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, Wayne.

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So which Campaign Medals does he have?

Italy was not on the list of deployments for the GWOT-EM, which was superseded in 2005 for the actual Iraq and Afghanistan Campaign medals.

If he has one of these, he should produce it. If he does not, he is a liar and a fraud.

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Your understanding is wrong.

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How does one qualify to be "Some asshole on the Internet"? I am jealous

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I’m just Some Asshole on the Internet - not “The” Asshole on the Internet; it’s hardly an exclusive club. No membership fees, either.

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This is stolen valor. He nodded his head like an idiot as the host introduced him as a "Commander Sergeant Major" then nodded his head again with "served with his battalion in Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan."

He would of immediately interrupted her and say "i never deployed to Afghanistan" the reason why he just nodded like and idiot was because she was reading the bio he gave her to read.

This is a complete insult to all those men and women who did deploy into an active warzone and did risk their lives.

She should step down immediately if he had any respect for the uniform he wore.

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I believe Mr. Walz's pants are on fire. This article features an awful lot of words to attempt to explain what Walz 'really' meant to say or convey. If he were really just telling the truth and not trying to gussy up his record with implications about his fabulous military service, all of these doubts wouldn't exist - and all of these words (explanations and excuses) wouldn't be necessary.

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I don’t care ….. but thanks for pointing out that sometimes politicians get sloppy in their retelling of events

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Mr. Nocera has now written or co-written two articles that basically portray Mr. Walz falsely. He has governed as an extremist, and the results are clear. An already heavily taxed state is now so endlessly taxed that more high income people are leaving the state than low income people are coming. The state’s public safety record is abysmal, they can’t get cops in the Twin Cities, and whole swaths of the city are unsafe for either pedestrians or motorists. Hundreds of millions of Covid relief money was either just fraudulently spent or given away to various extremist groups that Walz favored.

On top of his pitiful record, his mendacity is reaching the point of no return.

You need to open your eyes.

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Nailed it...dead on

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I agree that he's a progressive, far left Democrat. But the article is about the facts and claims of his military record. The story seems factual and balanced.

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It is neither of those things.

The lies are in the omissions, Daniel.

Joe omits SO MANY MORE LIES that Walz has told about his service, including his claim that he got PTSD from his deployment... ... which was to ITALY, Daniel.


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