The Slow Boring article, "Truth About Bidenomics" is missing the statistics from my home. It's great to spout data on the national level, but it's where the water hits the wheel that counts! At my home, (with NO assistance whatsoever from the government) and no raises Biden is touting... the costs of of food, gasoline, utilities, etc. have only piled up on top of one another. We have had no relief; instead, Biden just keeps wiping out the budgets of the average American. We don't have government cars, driven by government stooges. We pay our own gasoline, buy our own groceries, and try to pay the skyrocketing utility bills! Give me a break, statistician, and report something where the water hits the wheel! At MY house, NOT the White House!

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I went to the New Yorker and read Jessica Winter’s review of Jon Haidt’s The Anxious Generation. The FP had prepared me to expect a hostile takedown. Boy was I surprised! Winter basically gave the book a big thumbs up.

I agree that the remark about his alleged preoccupation with IQ and heredity was off-base and unfair. But mainly Winter just reported on her discomfort at finding herself AGREEING so much with a guy who was often praised by guys she didn’t like (such as Rogan and Elon Musk). I appreciate the honest self-criticism she modeled.

Please, FP, don’t be afraid to let your readers find out when one of Those Awful People actually says some decent stuff! That only chokes off the path to the free and open debate we need so badly.

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I agree with Aaron, You Go Girl! And RFK is the only current possibility to reunite the country. It will never happen with the lesser of two evils. Take the time to listen to what he has to say and like JK Rowling, have the Courage to make up your own mind.

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Iran winning? The moment that becomes likely the silos will go to launch on warning.

Iranian 'victory' can only happen if Washington has fallen. Then every Muslim and Islamophile city at war with Israel will be glassed as the Samson Option comes to pass and Jericho III sends Washington and New York, Quom and Tehran, the way of Ninveh and Tyre.

Can we have an end to these witless musings before they become the self-fulfiling prophecy of an End Times madness? We have much more than the Maxim Gun and the Ummah has demonstrated umpty times in the last two centuries that it has zero; double-nought; blank; fuck-all ability to fight its' way out of a wet paper bag.

America hasn't lost a war on the battlefield since WWII; it has only lost them in its' presidents heads when they have given in to the wailings of children, and the ideologically feckless commietariat retards in its media exploiting the dichotomy of War-of-Choice/War-for-Existence.

The West didn't win the Cold War; the Soviets imploded from their own contradictions. We cheered; but neglected all the the orphan code and zombie processes the Organs had set running, akin to the Bene Gesseret "Missionaria Protectiva" in the 'Dune Cycle'.

They thought long, those commies of yesteryear, ensuring that even if they fell we would fuck ourselves with our own stupid. The Ummah and the Han have picked up where the Leninists and Trotskyites left off: only the West can immolate the West, and our own failings have been turned to our distraction and destruction.

Can you leave this shite out, please? Before you get us all killed or enslaved.

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I've never read any of Rowling's work. Hers is just not my cup of tea. I will defer to her immense popularity and success to conclude she's probably, at the very least, a pretty decent writer. At best, she's a true literary giant. I have no personal opinion about Rowling the artist. Rowling the person, however, has earned my deepest appreciation. She demonstrates the most rare of the good human traits. She has courage! She is a lady! God Bless her!

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Scotland has always been a place of ferocious violence and mindlessness mixed with an abundance of curiosity about the world leading to its place in history as a place of scholars and learning.

Unfortunately, they’ve lost the scholarly part and kept the mindlessness. Scotland is now led by ill educated muppets who will resort to violence against innocents given the chance. This is especially true as their first minister adheres to the “Religion of Peace.”

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Well, bless his heart, young Ben Kawaller (not sure how old he is) seems to have only just woken up to why RFK has followers. Surprise, surprise they don’t trust media, politicians or scientism.

But then Kawaller does state, “I had to confront my own belief system, which is based not on personal research into every empirical question, but on a mix of accepted wisdom and an animal instinct for whoever seems right.”

Is the TFP serious? We have “journalists” with this level of naivety reporting to us? Please TFP, I’m sure Mr Kawaller is a nice guy and all that. But why is this reporting any different than the sophomoric reporting from NYT!

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In the early days of the invasion of Ukraine, I worked with Damian and Zumi at the World Central Kitchen in Przemysl, Poland. They were honorable, kind, hard working people that somehow always had a smile on their faces. You might think "they should've known better" but the reality is they knew, understood and accepted the danger and still went. In a time of abject sorrow and misery, someone must step up, face the danger and say "I'll help." Otherwise, where has our humanity gone?


"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his brother."

~ Gospel of John, 15, verse 13

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I don't really understand how the abortion debate in the US has become so, binary between the restrictive (that many think is too restrictive or is being interpreted too strictly) and the absolute (all the way to term). Why is there no reasonable compromise?

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Because people are quite stupid (restrictive, think Matt Walsh), and rabid (full term, think Nellie Bowles) on the subject. You can’t fix stupid or rabid, they have no ears to hear reason.

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Israel bombs/assassinates military in countries with which they are not at war. Some might say WTF are they doing? That’s an act of war! But Oliver says “well, you know, they’re in a battle far beyond their borders.”

This is brilliant, someone call the Pentagon! From now on we can bomb anyone we want to and just say “battle blahblah beyond blahblah borders blahblah.” Oh, sorry, I forgot—we already bomb whoever TF we want.

Oliver, with which other countries (please be exhaustive, so we’ll all understand) is Israel also battling beyond their borders? Is Belgium safe? India?

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It’s simple, silly, they bomb those who attack and bomb them openly or subversively. It’s called a War. A war which was started by Palestinians and Hamas, Iran and Hezbollah, and sanctioned by all the surrounding Arab countries who would also like to see all Jews dead, and are happy to see Iran trying to accomplish that.

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Apr 4·edited Apr 4

Florida is the best state to live in. Affordable, good for young families and yes retired ones as well. The blue states voters should stay far away because they will only mess everything up. We don't need your woke Da's, crime and filth. I was a left leaning democrat, never again will I vote for another democrat.

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You have seen the light. Same for me. I came to America from England with many socialist leanings. I thought Bill Clinton had some very good ideas, wrong. He was only a good president because he and his rabid wife were curtailed by a Republican Congress and Newt Gingrich. Then I thought Barack Obama was going to be great because racial divides were going to narrow even further and we’d have some sort of decent health care coverage, wrong. Obama actively worked to widen the divide and cause division in all areas of American life, and Obamacare has been a disaster for millions of people.

Biden is Obama’s third term. Says it all. It’s why we have such a broken society today, if we have a society at all.

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Third and fourth JAE we are outnumbered by corruption.

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Would be interested to hear about your journey away from left leaning democrat

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Immigrants (from Indonesia) will vote democrat, females ditto, Jews yes, boomers from the 60 generation, yes of course, that’s for sure! Socially we believed it could get done!!

Everyone has a story.

Looking at the rabid antisemitic Congress of Tlaib, AOC, Bowen, Bush, Omar where Schumer, Nadler, Schiff the self hating Jews will stab us in the back, I could NEVER BE A DEMOCRAT AGAIN.

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JK Rowling one of the only people in Scotland to have any balls (so to speak).

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I’m sorry but I just can’t with how The Free Press is covering RFKjr. If takes away credibility. He has NOT bat shit crazy. He is not an “anti-vaxer” all he’s asking for is that the US conduct double-blind placebo safety tests on all the vaccines currently in use….which has NEVER BEEN DONE. And to say that his supporters are just all anti-establishment and that’s why they support him is like saying all Trump supporters are racist. Yes there are stereotypes and yes some of them are true but reporting like that just makes it all so one-dimensional that it can’t be taken seriously! Aren’t we subscribing to The Free Press because we’re sick of that kind of coverage? I wish you guys would pay Jessica Reed Kraus’s to share her political coverage if for no other reason than to show some actual nuance.

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I asked the same about Ben Kawaller’s poor, ill informed coverage of RFK. It’s the same sophomoric approach you’d expect from the NYT babies.

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“…NYT cry babies.” Fixed it.

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The vaccine-autism "connection" comes from one article published published in The Lancet in 1997. After no one could reproduce the result, the authors later admitted that they made it up. Shamefully, The Lancet took more than a decade to formally retract the article. That's it. The so-called "research" the RFK, Jr., followers are doing amounts to scrolling on their smart phones while sitting on the bathroom thrones, banging around in a media echo chamber of their own making. It is a useful reminder than the vaccine misinformation was once the exclusive province of the post-hippie, crunchy-granola left.

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I’m sorry but there has been SOOOOO much that has come out since Wakefield first published that article in The Lancet. Do you truly think that all the mothers who have been screaming from the rooftops about what they have witnessed with their own eyes in their own children, day upon day, year upon year in the 27 years since that article was published is only because of one article published almost 30 years ago? Perhaps the CDC’s OWN FINDINGS that found an extreme increase in autism rates in boys receiving the MMR vaccine before the age of three is part of it? And if you’re going to tell me that was “debunked” too then perhaps just the fact that the CDC committed scientific fraud when its scientists on this study all decided to trash the findings because they were afraid of how the public would react should at least be a red flag! If it wasn’t for one of these scientists becoming a whistleblower no one would know. And when a family tried to use this new information in a Supreme Court case trying to prove a link between their son, who was completely healthy and normal before being vaccinated, and then exhibited extreme neurological symptoms only after, the CDC barred this whistleblower from testifying! Or what about the over 4 BILLION dollars that VAERS has paid out to parents, some for cases that proved their children’s neurological symptoms (that look exactly like autism) appeared only after being vaccinated. Do you think those parents come by that money easily? Do you know how much proof they have to show for VAERS compensation? All RFK is asking for are double-blind placebo studies on ALL vaccines, which has NEVER BEEN DONE! There is so much science showing vaccines are unsafe and yes, there is also the opposite. However, if you’re only answer to that is that one science is wrong and the other is right then you are not practicing science my friend, just your own religion you like to call science instead.

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Holding the pharmaceutical industry to a higher standard versus blaming autism on vaccines are two vastly different subjects.

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Read Abigail Shrier's book, Irreversible Damage. The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.

One has to read a bit at a time. It is so frightening and factually grotesque.

What is wrong with us that we let this practice into our schools?

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And her new book “Bad Therapy”!

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As a 50+ year transplant to Florida from the chilly Northeast, I can't imagine living elsewhere. Even in Heaven, you'll find malcontents, and NBC news probably scoured far and wide to find the few people who would find fault with any damned thing. If you cherry pick 100 things different here, I'm sure you'll find a few that you won't like. As far as not needing a carry permit, which I have, you'll find the crime rate much less here than in the majority of the nation.

J.K. Rowling is a strong 46XX person who is referred to as she/her, and would get my vote for president if she was born here. Constitutional amendment anybody?

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