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I don't know if anyone pointed this out yet, but I have to say that Israel investigating itself and finding itself innocent isn't going to convince anyone that doesn't already support them no matter what. Which isn't to say that their investigation of themselves isn't totally legit and correct, because it probably is. But personally, I've heard the "we investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong" far too many times when all the evidence contradicts that. Again, not necessarily the case with this, but obviously it wouldn't be in Israel's interests to admit they weren't doing enough. Just wanted to point that out since it seems they can do no wrong on this site.

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Ben Kawaller seems like the kind of guy who should remain in his wealthy, liberal enclave in Brooklyn. This article may be funny to many, but I think it's kind of sad that when he apparently befriends people and they receive him warmly, he immediately insults them.

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Did you just make an argument that could be paraphrased as “Don’t worry, Israel is allowing each Gaza citizen one full bowl of thin gruel each per day, sufficient for their needs?”

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Love Ben. He’s a good sport and always make me smile.

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Free Press, please diversify your staff and coverage if you want to keep readers like me. I'm not Jewish, and it's hard to fight stereotypes or share articles when the coverage on various subjects references only Jewish sources and Jewish correspondents, especially around the Israel/Hamas war. I know this has been a shoestring operation, and I admire your progress so far, but if you want to expand, please bring on a more diverse set of faces! I value this project too much to ignore what I see as a real blind spot in your work. I think it will limit your success in reaching a broader audience, and it plays into stereotypes to your detriment as a reliable source and to mine as someone who values your dissenting-from-the-MSM viewpoint. Don't fall into the very trap you're trying to escape!

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It's becoming Tablet 2.0

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One wonders what our bot overlords would do with a drawing of Admiral Ackbar.

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Speaking of comment moderation, has anyone seen Kevin Durant? since Monday?

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No. And I can’t say I am sorry.

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Or Herr Forkenspoon for at least a month.

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deletedMay 23
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Substack isn't showing me your original comment, but I understood it to be saying that it was the comments section that made some people think she was right wing, and therefore she wanted to moderate it for that reason. So, essentially, I was saying that Bari's whole post-NYT career is the cause of left wing people thinking she's right wing, rather than the comments section, and so her feelings about being labelled right wing would not necessarily have influenced comment moderation. I may have misunderstood you. Either way, like you, I'm guessing she doesn't like being wrongly labelled.

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AN interesting take on Weiss' post-NYT experience. You did understand what I had written about TFP's new comment od. But you've made me think a bit more.

Not sure that deletion of the comment just above my "?" reply was SS. Another commenter posted a link to some internal blanket wetting page at SS. Aughts whining, two of the Founders of SS advising on things like its ok to pause articles and take a vacation even while continuing to charge for subscriptions. One of them called it a "paid vacation".

So I replied with a "?". Methinks the original responder to me understood his comment/response/link was not responsive to me "where is KevinDurant?" query. That said, there is mischief afoot at SS so one never knows.

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That's very cool. Glad my comment was good.

lol, my mind is now thoroughly boggled with all this Substack confusion, though let's hope it all settles down soon. I do typically delete all my comments and likes, but I wait about a week, which is about when I think nobody will notice or care. I don't think I deleted anything from more recent days... (As an aside, I wish that when we got email notifications of new comments, they'd show the whole conversation, as it gets hard to track.)

I'd checked KD?'s profile page (last "likes" 3 days ago). I wouldn't be surprised if he was caught in moderation crossfire and was taking a break to decide how he'd react to it. Or he just went on vacation.

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Interesting that you delete you comments. How do you do that without endless scrolling looking for them?

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May 22·edited May 22

"Can we please figure out a way to make fiscal conservatism cool again?" It's not about popularity, it's an issue of morality now. We as a nation are $35T in the hole: maybe, just maybe, it's time to start calling out gross irresponsibility when we see it.

Spain, Norway, & Ireland's recognition of Palestine definitely supports Tablet's take that Israel is an avatar for the West. Seeing the weakest of the West bend the knee to enemies of our civilization is certainly sobering. It also stirs courage because that kind of cowardice is revolting.

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What is ironic is that the Palestinians don't want a two state solution. They don't want Israel at all. Then again, the regional Arab states don't want a Palestinian state. In 1948 Jordan occupied the west bank and made it part of Jordan.

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the part about Winslow Homer makes me wants to fly a confederate flag in front of my house ( gosh I hope this doesnt get "flagged" by the comment censor here at TFP. I live in fear of that now)

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Private life… his business. More interested in good writing. Dear Ben, you can! Go for it!

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I'm sorry Bari, but Ben Kawaller is arrogant, condescending and elitist. He's the antithesis of your brand.

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On top of everything pointed out here about Mr. Kawaller, his observation that "... none of the six or seven working-class people I spoke with seemed all that interested in resenting the wealthy," at the very least constitutes an admission on his part that his presumptions and prejudices are off the mark. Still, he never lets that slow him down.

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He’s like a comedian without the comedy.

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He is the comedy.

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Going to the Kentucky Derby to talk about wealth inequality is just dumb.

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What makes you think Karim Khan would be interested in facts? Nothing objective is likely to overcome the bias of the ICC.

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The idiots in Ireland, Norway and Spain have just given their support to terrorism around the world. Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas must love these idiots.

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Did they mention The Borders of this State?

Why Isn't There a Palestinian State? | 5 Minute Video


Mar 27, 2017

Why don't the Palestinians have their own country? Is it the fault of Israel? Of the Palestinians? Of both parties? David Brog, Executive Director of the Maccabee Task Force, shares the surprising answers.

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Spain is run by socialists. That's not a big surprise. Ireland has hated Israel for a while. Somehow they identify with the Palestinians through their oppression by the British and either don't know or don't care that Israel fought against British colonialism in Palestine. Or maybe for religious reasons. Anyway, at least they've been consistent.

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Remember the Irish were on the side of Hitler too!!

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No, they remained neutral. But only because De Valera wanted to piss off the Brits.

But they’ve turned into “fecking eedjits” as we Irish say. I’m ashamed of my country of birth.

Norway too is socialist, but they fought Nazism as a nation, even when their leader, Quisling, sided with Hitler.

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Thanks for the info JAE. BTW- I luv your accent!!

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True. I wasn't surprised to see Spain on this list and, sadly, not that surprised to see the home of (most of) my motley ancestors either, as any listen at the pub to "authentic" Irish music will include plenty of ballads celebrating the dirty deeds of IRA terrorists. Norway surprised me.

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Norway didn’t surprise me, they’re uttlerly socialist and Leftist. Consequently they tax their people till it hurts. I’m going there next week, hope no one brings up this subject, my Christian ethics may not sustain me in not giving an earful of my opinion on it.

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The PLO supported Sin Fein in the 80s. They did it to sow disorder in Ireland and England but the reasoning doesn't matter. They were supporters.

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As usual, you all are missing the point on the Scarlett Johansson/AI dispute. It is about Elite Control (tm) of the Narrative.

Scarlett Johansson is the woman who rather (in)famously had some nudes taken of her (claimed exclusively for her then-boyfriend), stored them in "the Cloud". Those files and many others (Sony movies, etc.) were hacked by Little Rocket Man, Kim Jong Un, and released into the wild. Scarlett Johansson then ranted and spewed vile at people who looked at the pix. Ferkriessakie, what normal male is not going to inspect that body given the chance? Lesson not learned apparently is that if you put something on the cloud, you have a serious risk of it being hacked and used.

So Scarlett Johansson bitches about an AI that sounds like her voice. Shit, my two brothers voices are eerily like mine. There are 8 billion people on Earth. Odds are several sound like you. And many are nearly indistinguishable. And AI can blend lots of different voice files to create something. And that might sound like something else. Hell, I listened to the voice and thought it sounded pretty generic. So, lesson? It is not Scarlett Johansson's voice that makes her popular. Prolly not her acting, but that mght be debated.

So, Scarlett Johansson now whines. She wants attention. She is not exactly to be confused with Dame Judy Densch as an actress. Average actress, but sexy.

But but, but, .... why the publicity? Because the Elites fear - they fucking fear - AI. It threatens their control of the Narrative (tm - well, not really, many folks use this!). They seek regulation so only they can speak to the people.

Wake up people. Every time you see a news item it is a trap for your brain. They (the Elites, formerly the Establishment) are tricking you. Don't buy in.

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May 22·edited May 22

I think Ben's piece on the Kentucky Derby proves the point that libs live in miserable bubbles and probably should leave more often!. They have no idea how the rest of the country lives. Yes, we normies are actually out LIVING our lives... and gasp!...even enjoying said lives! Even in "fly over" states. They are shocked to discover that other people are (oh horrors!) happy.

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