Introducing The Free Press Shop!

Merch that allows you to wear your TFP allegiance with pride.

Since we launched The Free Press, we’ve produced a huge number of articles, plenty of podcasts, and our first live debate. But today, we give you what you’ve really been waiting for: merch! I hope you use this gear proudly. I’ll be looking for it in the wild . . . —BW

This hat would look so good on you.

At The Free Press we believe sunlight makes the best disinfectant, but that doesn’t mean we want it in our eyes. Our hats are made of 100% certified organic cotton washed twill.

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“I have too many totes,” said no one ever.

Whenever we are out reporting stories, we need a great bag. Our tote bag is made from 15 oz cotton canvas and features a zipper closure and a front pocket.

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From coffee to whiskey, this mug holds it all.

Our 13 oz enamel mug is perfect for curling up and reading the news—and going out and making it.

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All the books that are fit to read.

Our version of Oprah’s Book Club, without a fancy sticker on the covers. Explore what our staff is reading at the moment and what we think is worth your time. 

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our Comments

Use common sense here: disagree, debate, but don't be a .

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Welcome to The FP Community!

Our comments are an editorial product for our readers to have smart, thoughtful conversations and debates — the sort we need more of in America today. The sort of debate we love.   

We have standards in our comments section just as we do in our journalism. If you’re being a jerk, we might delete that one. And if you’re being a jerk for a long time, we might remove you from the comments section. 

Common Sense was our original name, so please use some when posting. Here are some guidelines:

  • We have a simple rule for all Free Press staff: act online the way you act in real life. We think that’s a good rule for everyone.
  • We drop an occasional F-bomb ourselves, but try to keep your profanities in check. We’re proud to have Free Press readers of every age, and we want to model good behavior for them. (Hello to Intern Julia!)
  • Speaking of obscenities, don’t hurl them at each other. Harassment, threats, and derogatory comments that derail productive conversation are a hard no.
  • Criticizing and wrestling with what you read here is great. Our rule of thumb is that smart people debate ideas, dumb people debate identity. So keep it classy. 
  • Don’t spam, solicit, or advertise here. Submit your recommendations to if you really think our audience needs to hear about it.
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