
Heard Abby Martin of Rogan. Would like your take on what she says in first 15 min.

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I loved the podcast you did with Jordan Petersen. I think I might be 15-20 years older than you, but hold a lot of the values and beliefs you spoke about in that podcast. It feels so validating and comforting to hear you speak. Thank you for your perspective! I look forward to many more years of listening and reading your thoughts and ideas and facts!

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Bari, I listened to your latest podcast with Martin Gurri with anticipation, since I read his book, “Revolt of the Public”, and found it one of most eye-opening books I’ve ever read. Your talk with him was really informative, and because he is Cuban he brings an added perspective to the flow of information in the U.S. in comparison to Cuba, much like Yeonmi Park’s view of political discourse here in America as opposed to North Korea. It is scary. Your discussion with Jordan Peterson was, likewise, excellent. I like your vision of having a sort of forum of ideas from various perspectives and learn from each other. The mind is expansive and there is plenty of room for growth and building on the knowledge we acquire. Keep up the great work!! These podcasts and articles in Substack bring a fresh look to providing information to the public. Your not afraid to put yourself out there. I’m currently reading “Unmasked” by Andy Ngo, someone who also puts himself out there and is a tenacious journalist. I would love to listen to a discussion of you with him at some point. Thank you.

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Bari, i’m a very proud subscriber of your service. just finished listening to your latest podcast with Martin Gurri - I wanted to drop you a quick note to tell you how appreciative I am of your efforts to restore quality of journalism and to encourage respectful discourse in society. On many areas of the political spectrum you and I my disagree (and in others we are in lockstep) but I can tell how much you value getting to the truth, having open and honest discussions and the threat that shutting down such a discourse represents to our wonderful country. Please continue forth with your highly responsible efforts! Thank you.

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Dear Bari, I listed to your podcast on Jordan Peterson. Very well done, well informed. I am a latin woman who is a conservative. I am a wife, mother to 2 twenty somethings. Though you and I may disagree on certain issues, I appreciate the fact that would not keep us from respecting each others points of views. Thank you! I hope more people hear your "cry" for people to stop with the hate of each other just because opinions may be different. I wish much success.

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The best pods have merch...Thank you Bari for your amazing work!

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Bari, how can i email you? Aissa Wayne i have something interesting i want to run by you.

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Bari, i have an idea for us to collaborate on something, maybe a hit. Text me at 3109241960. Its about a book I might write. my email is My name is Aissa Wayne and dad was American icon, John Wayne. Please email.or call me. I think you are talented and awesome!

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Am a Seattle subscriber to your blog and used to read your columns in NYT. I also read your book on combatting Anti-Semitism. I would love to listen to your podcasts but have an Android phone and not an iPhone. Will you be allowing Android users to enjoy your podcasts, too?

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I want more than a Bari Weiss Substack page, I want a daily newspaper called “The Bari Weiss Times”. I know one step at a time. Bari you are young and have time to create such a long-term project. In the meantime please explore our colleagues’ self-appointed role of Chorus in ethical terms. Chorus as alibi to wring hands in regret while self-positioned on the sidelines- not a credible defense in Ancient Greek tragedy of Medea, nor in Shakespeare’s England, nor at the Nuremberg Trials, nor in today’s culture war.

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Sorry Bari Weiss, haven’t discovered if there is a private messaging tool at Substack, where subscriber messages journalist. Regarding the societal mania over identity and what constitutes harm; I suggest you interview a divorce court judge because Mr Jones tells the court that Mrs. Jones is responsible for causing harm while not making any contribution to the marriage and Mrs. Jones tells the court that Mr. Jones is the one causing harm while not contributing benefit to the marriage. I imagine that divorce court judges have an eye for bias in story-telling.

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One direction this site can move in:

Investigative reporting which is independent of the various factions within the existing Power Elite. The New York Times is certainly aligned with the Clinton faction and Wall Street. Fox News does not engage in what one would consider investigative reporting. Many other periodicals though good nevertheless as subject to corporate censorship.

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I would like an article on the misuse of funding agencies to hide dark money and thereby influence our political process on all sides. For example, BLM targeted the Majdi family business. This was intentional and by all measures excessive and unaccountable. This so-called "punishment" for teenage indiscretion provides a chilling example of the power of social media and organizations to target individuals who do far more good for the communities around them than oppress people of color.

I would like to know the sources of BLM funding. If BLM is truly interested in effectuating social change why target the Majdi family and small community businesses. What about the corporations who paid protection money to BLM? The corporate malfeasance which occurs on a daily basis in the United States far outstrips the "sins" of a 16 year old.

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In addition to covering the absurdity of the "Woke movement", you should also cover the intrusion of corporation security into people's everyday lives.

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Back in the 80's and 90's when I was able to stay home and raise my children I watched as day care exploded. Women were parking their 6 week old infants in day care. The thought frequently crossed my mind that warehousing children was going to have a deep, negatively profound impact on the country. Children need to form close, secure and intimate relationships with their parents and particularly a primary caregiver, usually their mother. When they don't they never form lasting connections to their family, and their community. The parents also become disconnected from their children. There were articles about quality vs. quantity of time spent with your children. Many experts thought that brief moments of quality time was sufficient. I never thought so. In my opinion, this warehousing produced deep feelings of insecurity and disconnectedness which leads to anger and distress. I see the results of this in the Left and in the Antifa and BLM demonstrators. The Antifa types certainly come from middle class homes where these children were not raised in material privation but privation of the secure relationship of a loving primary parent raising them in a traditional home. I have been surprised that I have not seen any articles investigating this hypothesis.

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