
Marvelous. Another Obama and Biden traitorous legacy.

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I have distrusted Malley since his dissent against President Clinton and pro Arafat in 2000 when Arafat turned on Israel and Clinton as his response to the expansive peace deal offered him.

Malley has a backgound of Communist parents who were as a family thrown out of France--and remarkably accepted in the USA!

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Wow, if these allegations are true, isn't this outright treason? At a minimum, a jailable offense? Jonathan Pollard got locked up for decades for God's sake.

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Astounding. And what is being done about this situation, other than putting the government's collective heads in the sand?

Why does this Ariane Tabatabaii still have security clearance and a job? I thought working unregistered for a foreign government was against the law.

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The bribes that Obama and Valerie Jarrett have received make Biden’s money look like chump change. It shocks me that Israel’s influence operations have been so impotent.

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Sounds like the same playbook the US uses to meddle with foreign countries.

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Iran’s theocracy keeps moving the country inexorably toward nuclear incineration.

Nothing in the diplomatic realm seems likely to prevent this inevitable outcome.

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Thank God for "new newsrooms"!

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Russia was supposed to be the epitome of malign foreign influence in Washington. But its post-Cold War operation came late, on a small scale and in a clumsy fashion.

The influence operations of China and Qatar are larger, far more long-lasting, and far deeper in effect than Russia's. The "normality" of these operations has made them difficult to resist, as they're difficult to identify for what they are.

The Iranian case is more like Russia's: recent, clumsy, and fairly obvious. In a sane world, it would be shut down completely or never allowed to have started in the first place. Let's hope for sanity.

Kudos to Jay Solomon for reporting on this. It's not clear to me why even the Journal shies away from talking about this. It's clear that all sorts of invisible taboo lines inhibit even a paper as good as the Journal from reporting on "sensitive" topics.

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How could Ariane Tabatabai, who was having direct communications with Iran's government, including strategy, ever pass security clearances for the DoD?

I've seen public trust clearances for contractors at HHS get steamrolled over much more trivial matters.

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My goodness, isn’t it amazing how some commentators, seriously infected with TDS, always have their, “But, But, But Trump” ready to drag into every conversation, regardless of topic!

What will these folks do IF America comes under a serious attack? Hunker down and cry, “But, But, But Trump” is to blame.

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The Biden’s State Department, and Pentagon declined to comment?? But said, “Dr. Tabatabai was throughly and properly vetted as a condition of her employment with the Department of Defense. We are honored to have her serve”

Do they disregard when Iran continually says, “Death to Israel, and Death to America”?

Correct me if I am reading more into this article than I should, but SERIOUSLY?! When did these United States Departments stop being concerned with spying? Just because they “throughly vet” someone? Anyone remember Robert Hansen, the FBI agent who led a double life as a Soviet spy?

Correct me if I am wrong, but weren’t the “Hawks” once the “War Hawk Republicans”, who advocate an aggressive foreign policy & military power for war. “Doves” were the “peace loving pacifist, Democrats”, who want to resolve international conflict without threat of/ or force.

Remember Vietnam? Now, think Ukraine? Is Iran not a threat?

Clearly, I’m confused, and may be totally off point, but more often than not, we see the WOKE Left Democrats be anti-Israel, while being pro-Palestine and pro-Iran. It’s even been said, “Iran deserves to have nuclear weapons if Israel does”

The WOKE Left run our colleges & universities and openly discriminate against Jewish students! If the MSM would report it, it is mostly Blacks assaulting Jewish Americans. The WOKE Left are indoctrinating (en masse!) and condoning antisemitism!

True, the FAR Right crazies are also anti-Semitic, but those idiots are hardly a threat, unless they come out of the backwoods to protest something stupid. Even the Republicans condemn them! They certainly aren’t “recruiting members” in the numbers the Democrats are, and you never hear ANY criticism from the Left.

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I’m sure we will all be told there is nothing to see here. The real threat is misinformation and disinformation on the internet. Elon Musk is much more dangerous than Ayatollah Khomeini.

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I would find this much more shocking if this weren't the practice of virtually every entity you can name--countries, corporations, special interest groups. Perhaps rather than worry about a specific entity worming their way in we worry about the entire apparatus that allows this to happen. Otherwise the outrage is incredibly selective and seems more like a distraction from malign influences we should actually be concerned about, both domestic and international.

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"I'm shocked" to learn there is collusion w/ Israel hating westerners and Iranian terrorists.

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Hmm. Wonder what the PRO-crime democRATs would be doing different if they actually were intent on destroying America?

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