I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian who stands solidly with Israel. Indeed, it is possible to stand with Israel, support a homeland for Palestinians and condemn these barbaric acts of genocide committed by the evil Hamas. Not sure why some people find it so hard to condemn evil acts. #StopJewishHate
Honestly, I can't even read this. I saw one video that got aired when this first happened and that was all I needed. I don't understand how people can deny this happened. I hope all of these journalists go back to their home institutions and report this honestly.
maybe you can get that jewel of colossal ignorance, the ceiling breaker, Karine Jean Pierre to watch these videos. Sounds like she desperately needs an education. Thank you for this, very hard to read.
“”A dog appears, running eagerly toward him. He lowers the rifle and shoots at the animal. It crumples to the ground. Strangely, of all the killings we see on-screen over the course of that morning—and we see slaughter after slaughter—this gets the loudest gasp of revulsion.””
-- That this is the case casts blame on all Western society that cannot teach - has NOT taught - many of its most educated members (see University protesters) and those belonging to the media that any innocent person’s life is worth far far more than a dog. Those who gasped - shame!
I would like the opportunity to show the images of these atrocities to young people who say they stand with Hamas. But I must admit, I fear they would not be impressed in the way I hope. Such is the character of much of our youth today.
There can be no doubt. This barbarism must be met with overwhelming force and support from all freedom loving people. Hamas is a terrorist group beneath any form of sympathy. They are bastardizing faithful followers of Islam, who should stand up now and roundly reject this pure evil. Joe Biden…lead! Stop calling for restraint. There should be an overwhelming response from Israel and your and our undeniable support.
Hamas believes they ARE the faithful followers of Islam. Time and time again, it is these groups of faithful followers who do these acts. The call/encouragement for Jihad in Islam is the problem.
The lack of remorse and criticism of these terrible people and their obscene actions helps me to understand how the Third Reich was able to murder the 6 million. We are reliving the history of our race.
The world will deplore this after we are already dead. But they will do nothing to stop it. Jews are guilty as soon as we defend ourselves.
I will be applying for my Concealed Carry Permit in the coming weeks. All Jews should become proficient with weapons and be prepared to defend ourselves and our families.
As others have said; if Palestinians decided today to live in peace with their Israeli neighbors, there would be peace. If Israelis decided to lay down their arms, there'd be genocide.
I am appalled! I can’t put a heart under this because a heart symbolizes love and this is too atrocious, but I am grateful to the reporter and the Israeli army personnel who showed this to the journalists. We cannot allow this to continue!!
The BBC and the Daily Mail reported on the same event. I am mentioning this because earlier I was wondering why I hadn’t seen it reported anywhere else.
I think this video should be made public. I am tired of the denials. As horrible as it is, people need to look at this and then defend their position? I personally will not watch, I have no need to. Common sense tells you the truth but there are many that deny. The questions are- did you watch it? If no, then shut the F up with your opinion. If yes, please explain your support for Hamas or hopefully their opinion has changes.
I saw some gruesome things in Vietnam, and my daughter, an Afghanistan veteran, saw some bad things in that country. But the horrors related here are orders of magnitude worse. The monsters who perpetrated them should be put down like rabid dogs.
Agree and wonder when the monsters of Hamas became saints and victims. Where monsters become saints and victims is in Richmond, CA. The mayor and ciity council voted 5-1 Wednesday morning to approve a resolution that recognizes the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza and accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing.
Come on Gavin Newsom speak up and say that this is wrong and a green light for violence against Jewish communities in Richmond, the Bay Area, and all of California. Speak up once again and say that we do not believe in hate.
Here is also hoping that other states boycott any convention or business in California because none of their citizens should face discrimination and danger.
Why do people still talk about Gaza occupation, when there hasn’t been for a long time. The Gazans have had a lifetime to make a beautiful State for themselves, but Hamas and the Palestinian Authority stole all the money and resources for themselves to build weapons to kill Jews. They couldn’t even supply themselves with electricity and clean water. They relied on Israel, and still voted overwhelmingly for Hamas. They’ve lived by the sword and now they can die by the sword!
Do not let up.
Absolutely heartbreaking.
I am a Seventh-day Adventist Christian who stands solidly with Israel. Indeed, it is possible to stand with Israel, support a homeland for Palestinians and condemn these barbaric acts of genocide committed by the evil Hamas. Not sure why some people find it so hard to condemn evil acts. #StopJewishHate
Honestly, I can't even read this. I saw one video that got aired when this first happened and that was all I needed. I don't understand how people can deny this happened. I hope all of these journalists go back to their home institutions and report this honestly.
maybe you can get that jewel of colossal ignorance, the ceiling breaker, Karine Jean Pierre to watch these videos. Sounds like she desperately needs an education. Thank you for this, very hard to read.
“”A dog appears, running eagerly toward him. He lowers the rifle and shoots at the animal. It crumples to the ground. Strangely, of all the killings we see on-screen over the course of that morning—and we see slaughter after slaughter—this gets the loudest gasp of revulsion.””
-- That this is the case casts blame on all Western society that cannot teach - has NOT taught - many of its most educated members (see University protesters) and those belonging to the media that any innocent person’s life is worth far far more than a dog. Those who gasped - shame!
I would like the opportunity to show the images of these atrocities to young people who say they stand with Hamas. But I must admit, I fear they would not be impressed in the way I hope. Such is the character of much of our youth today.
There can be no doubt. This barbarism must be met with overwhelming force and support from all freedom loving people. Hamas is a terrorist group beneath any form of sympathy. They are bastardizing faithful followers of Islam, who should stand up now and roundly reject this pure evil. Joe Biden…lead! Stop calling for restraint. There should be an overwhelming response from Israel and your and our undeniable support.
Hamas believes they ARE the faithful followers of Islam. Time and time again, it is these groups of faithful followers who do these acts. The call/encouragement for Jihad in Islam is the problem.
The lack of remorse and criticism of these terrible people and their obscene actions helps me to understand how the Third Reich was able to murder the 6 million. We are reliving the history of our race.
The world will deplore this after we are already dead. But they will do nothing to stop it. Jews are guilty as soon as we defend ourselves.
I will be applying for my Concealed Carry Permit in the coming weeks. All Jews should become proficient with weapons and be prepared to defend ourselves and our families.
As others have said; if Palestinians decided today to live in peace with their Israeli neighbors, there would be peace. If Israelis decided to lay down their arms, there'd be genocide.
I am appalled! I can’t put a heart under this because a heart symbolizes love and this is too atrocious, but I am grateful to the reporter and the Israeli army personnel who showed this to the journalists. We cannot allow this to continue!!
I couldn’t finish. Too upset. This wasn’t war - it was hell. Islam the religion of peace my ass
The BBC and the Daily Mail reported on the same event. I am mentioning this because earlier I was wondering why I hadn’t seen it reported anywhere else.
I think this video should be made public. I am tired of the denials. As horrible as it is, people need to look at this and then defend their position? I personally will not watch, I have no need to. Common sense tells you the truth but there are many that deny. The questions are- did you watch it? If no, then shut the F up with your opinion. If yes, please explain your support for Hamas or hopefully their opinion has changes.
I saw some gruesome things in Vietnam, and my daughter, an Afghanistan veteran, saw some bad things in that country. But the horrors related here are orders of magnitude worse. The monsters who perpetrated them should be put down like rabid dogs.
Agree and wonder when the monsters of Hamas became saints and victims. Where monsters become saints and victims is in Richmond, CA. The mayor and ciity council voted 5-1 Wednesday morning to approve a resolution that recognizes the suffering of Palestinians in Gaza and accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing.
Come on Gavin Newsom speak up and say that this is wrong and a green light for violence against Jewish communities in Richmond, the Bay Area, and all of California. Speak up once again and say that we do not believe in hate.
Here is also hoping that other states boycott any convention or business in California because none of their citizens should face discrimination and danger.
Why do people still talk about Gaza occupation, when there hasn’t been for a long time. The Gazans have had a lifetime to make a beautiful State for themselves, but Hamas and the Palestinian Authority stole all the money and resources for themselves to build weapons to kill Jews. They couldn’t even supply themselves with electricity and clean water. They relied on Israel, and still voted overwhelmingly for Hamas. They’ve lived by the sword and now they can die by the sword!