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This article was a waste of time

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A lot of new information for me. I blissfully have not heard of any of these people and feel disgusted that it exists.

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LOL sorry what sour grapes from TFP, even the hats are bad lol... From all the puffery about the RNC Convention to all the sour grapes reporting about the DNC, yeah "no bias" lol.

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The Free Press banned me from commenting on this platform for 30days on July 24. In their explanation for the ban, they highlighted a comment where I accused all Democrats of believing that they are better than others and I accused the Democratic Party of being a crude cult. I also inserted the letter “K” in place of all “hard-Cs” in the text because I have often referred to the Democratic Party as the party of the Ku Klux Klan. For this reason, the Free Press saw fit to suspend my commenting privileges for an entire month.

I have written to the Free Press multiple times to ask for more clarification and have received nothing but smug, dismissive, silence. Nothing in my remark constitutes an ad-hominem attack because Democrats are neither a race, nor a creed, nor an ethnic group – they are idealogues. I likewise did not use any profanity in that comment.

Bari Weiss and the editorial team at the Free Press do not promote freedom of speech. They disdain criticism, abhor anyone who questions their obvious and odious biases and make no effort to support their own readership with meaningful explanations for which content is permissible and which is not. There is NOTHING in my remark that violated their “community guidelines”. My remarks are innocuous rejections of their preening, liberal weltanschauung.

Furthermore, the readership of the Free Press is not a “community” at all. It is a large mass of people from many different lifestyles and beliefs who expect to be treated with a certain measure of fairness when they subscribe to the publication. Part of that fairness should include a proper explanation for why commenting privileges have been removed for a 30day period with the prospect of appeal. But there is NO avenue to appeal their censorious decision.

This publication is a thinly veiled effort at rehabilitating the Democratic Party by outing its worst, fringe actors and ideas, while gaslighting its readership into believing that the editors are a group of rationally minded truth seekers looking for some form of “common sense”. They are not. The Free Press is a clique of wealthy, overly credentialed wordsmiths who shadow-ban and silence their critics without recourse to any form of appeal or explanation. And their decisions to ban subscribers from commenting on their site reflects their own level of paranoia, bad-faith, caprice and malevolence.

I live and work in the People’s Republic of China. I have done so for nearly 30years. I know this culture and political system intimately and well. I know what banning innocuous commentary leads to, and I know what hard authoritarianism looks like. I do not have the credentials or capital resources of many who read the Free Press in exotic locales or from the decks of private boats or stunning vacation homes and I have never been invited to give a TED Talk like Bari Weiss. My attacks against the Democratic Party and its apologists promote nothing more than open hatred for their insidious beliefs and ideas. Hatred for an idea is allowable in a free society.

Through the arbitrary and politically motivated enforcement of their policies, The Free Press has silenced many voices on their site in the guise of enforcing civility. They are wrong. They are deliberately empowering the worst impulse imaginable in humanity – the power of the powerful to decide who can, and cannot be seen, or heard.

The Democratic Party Rehabilitation Project… DELENDA EST!

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Man this copy pasta is getting annoying. Maybe you should try out /b/ or something for you ranting

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Your annoyance is irrelevant to me. As is your commentary. Now, go and do your duty to your "betters" and report me. Tell them how much you dislike me and how you don't like my commentary. Find the hall monitor and squeal...

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Lol, you gonna cry about it?

You'll love you next ban 😉

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Sigh. Really, River?

A $40 hat generating $1 million in profits in 30 minutes. Let's assume they got the hats made for $2.60 on Ali Baba. (I looked it up. There are also swag companies that make such stuff. American made as claimed by the hat page costs more, but it's printed, not embroidered, so it should be similar in price. The higher the price, the more hats to sell. Those so inclined can figure the math out for themselves.)

Price Cost gross profit Total profit Hats sold Hats per min

$40.00 $2.60 $37.40 $1,000,000 26,738 891

But 891 hats per minute is just the average. When something goes viral, it has an exponential growth curve. So if we put that exponential growth curve in, how many hats are sold in the 30th minute?

To figure that, we'll use a minute by minute summation from 1-30 minutes.

26,738 = sum(e^(a*i), i = 1 .. 30) ; solve for a. And a = 0.294237

So, the number of hats sold in the 30th minute is: e^(0.294237*30) ≈ 6,817.

It's plausible, perhaps. About 50,000 people are expected at the convention.

However, it smells like "priming". Priming is what is done to get a kickstarter campaign noticed and promoted. Priming is when the people that start a campaign buy, or arrange for someone to contribute to the campaign. This sort of thing used to happen to kick off record sales.

Priming also happens from time to time in book promotions on Amazon.

Do politicians prime? Sure they do.

But there's more. Take a look at the web page that offers the hats.

Now take a look at other sites that are offering the hats for less.

Back to the official page above.

This page says both "Sold Out" and, it says "Expected release date is Sep 30th 2024".

That strongly suggests that ... there are no hats from the Harris-Walz campaign. At least not yet. Maybe hats are being made, slowly, in America, as advertised, while the embroidered, mo' bettah hats from China and the PacRim, are actually being bought by those eager to have a hat to wear.

Will there ever be hats delivered from the Kamala Harris for president page? You will have to look forensically at the campaign finance disclosures for that information. But you won't be able to see that until maybe this time next year.

One thing you can be sure of, if you see any Harris-Walz hats, those hats are not from her campaign.

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Ella's a "model"? Ummmm.....

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Being reasonably wealthy and famous by association opens a lot of doors

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I believe you mean “Appalachian Americans.” Don’t be haters!

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Democrats dropped the working class not the other way round.

How many of the speakers and people around Harris, Biden, the Obamas, Lucrezia Pelosi or the other "Dem leaders" .... are from the working and middle classes even ... There are NONE unless there for the usefulness of their "identity" or a photoshoot!

All "rich & famous" elite folks in suit costing so many thousands of dollars ... and they still want to pretend they have anything but condescending crumbs to offer for the working & middle class votes? The amazing bit is how much some still delusional want to believe Democrats care about "the little people" ...

(NOTE: any "debt forgiveness" will NOT be paid by rich Democrats but by all citizens ...

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There's no working-class gays? Um... uh... I've met a few. Some of them military...

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Hey, I have a 2020 Trump camo hat. Can I wear it? Oh, am I vegan...not 100 % but I eat a lot less animal meat than I did 6 years ago. ha ha...

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Maybe, you're just getting older? Think about it 🤪

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Maybe can no longer afford it.

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Both...I'm 79...I only buy meat when it's on sale BOGO...

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I'm 70. I still have everything ahead of me

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A non-small portion of gay guys will probably just by the Red Scare version of the camo hat

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Maybe having people the working class can't genuinely relate to wear the Kamala Camo hat might just be another affirmation to them that the Democratic Party has left the building long ago.

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"The vice president’s stepdaughter, Ella Emhoff, has been seen at the DNC wearing a camouflage baseball cap with “HARRIS WALZ” emblazoned in orange on the front. Rolling Stone tweeted a picture of the 25-year-old model, commenting that her stepmother’s merch was “genius”—and linking to a piece that opined: “The camouflage hat reclaims the rural and Southern identity that mainstream Democrats have long ignored.”"


Although her father is Jewish, a spokesperson for Emhoff said that Ella does not identify as Jewish, since Judaism is "not something she grew up with".[5][6]


Hamas Would Still Kill Her.

For people like her its a Fashion statement. They wouldn't know how to bleed/gut a deer, or bait a hook. And probably has contempt for those who do.

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Those hats ain't nuthin'. The New York Times fashion writer said that Kamala really rocked her pants suit. On the front page, above the fold!

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Well if its in the NY Times, I stand corrected! I'm gonna go stand in the corner and think about my grievous error.

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My wife doesn't know how to do it either. She knows that there is a husband or son for this. But I know that she doesn't know only if her husband or son is around. If not, at that moment it suddenly turns out that she knows everything.

Honestly, it scares me a little.

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Sounds like a Smart Lady. This brings up the inevitable question...What does she see in You? :-)

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As I said above. To be able to not do what she doesn't want to do (because she's smart 😀)

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While the impetus for wearing camo might come from the fashion and artists mentioned, of which I am of course unfamiliar, it's nice to see. Coincidently Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan are the states with the highest number of hunting licenses sold in the US.

If wearing a hat makes hunting and guns more acceptable to the general public, I'm all for it. I'd also ask people to remember that hunting is meat, and for many families, meat is a good thing in times and places of high unemployment. A deer yields 30 or 40 lbs, and elk 200, and a moose 300. Bears give up lots of good fat, prized for cooking especially pastries, and mountain lion is the other white meat.

Where and what is River Page hunting this year?

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"Where and what is River Page hunting this year?"


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Curious , unlikely nod of familiarity from here, from a gay, vegan, urban dwelling artist. Yes to the hunting endorsement as well., while I abstain from meat, I recognize many do not. Hunting , and hunters, I have come to see is frequently the most ethical and conscientious way of meeting that need. My most recent LL Bean catalog was the hunting issue, chockablock with camouflage and blaze orange. Madame Vice President's step-princess may think she's cornered the camo market , but she hasn't

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You're right about hunting being the most ethical source of meat. I've seen people sitting in front of plates of factory-farmed ham knocking hunters for their cruelty.

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Yes, we need to know whether River has true American credentials, which involve killing animals. And everyone who kills animals eats them. No one hunts for "sport" or to claim a "trophy." Let's not mention that most of the one billion land animals eaten a day are tortured and slaughtered in factories.

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It is a felony to not harvest the meat from all the big game animals I mentioned. By definition there is no trophy hunting in the United States. Yes, every big game animal is eaten.

We evolved as hunters, others of us became cows.

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How can you tell if someone is a vegan? Don't worry they'll tell you.

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