When I saw that Kathy Hochul had called in the National Guard to patrol and search people's bags, my instinctive reaction was that she had chosen a fascist solution to try to solve the problem. Rather than focusing on arresting, charging, and jailing criminals to keep them from hurting people on the NYC subway, she's going to harass all subway riders by making them run the gauntlet of a police state.

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You know, this "social justice" nonsense has been in overdrive since Obama took office. In an outcome that should surprise no one, the conclusion the Left reached, after we elected our first black President, was that racism was overwhelming and increasing. That is the precisely wrong conclusion, isn't it? Obviously?

Here are my two questions:

1) If you are a typical rich Democrat who very much wants to be perceived as caring about Persons of Color, when was the last time you ate fried fish at a ghetto restaurant with ghetto people at 45th and Broadway? Most of you would be terrified to go into the neighborhoods where you demanded the police be defunded. Wouldn't you? Be honest.

2) What good has been done the average black person since 2008? Are their schools better? Jobs more plentiful? Two parent families more common? Crime down, and sense of safety up?

This whole thing is a solipsistic hallucination. It is completely self absorbed people living in hermetically sealed worlds doing and saying things that make no sense, and which in general make the lives of ordinary black folks--and for that matter just about everybody else, including women and members of the LGB world--WORSE.

If these people did NOTHING but play video games or smoke weed, or pull the wings off of butterflies the world would be a better place (other than for the butterflies).

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Unpopular opinion: Teenage social activism is irresponsible and anti-democratic. Doesn’t matter which side the kids are fighting for.

The thing about teenage brains is that they think in black and white and they have a penchant for the dramatic. This is science, but also, anyone who knows teenagers knows it’s true.

So why the he** would we encourage these people to take a position, dig in, and go fight for it? Teenagers don’t actually know anything about the issues they fight for. These issues are complicated and multifaceted. Their black-and-white brains can’t comprehend the nuance and complexity. Adolescence is the time for kids to be LEARNING about the world, not taking positions and committing to them through emotionally charged demonstrations.

We shouldn’t be encouraging teenagers to “find their voice.” Find their voice to say what, exactly? They don’t know anything! We should be encouraging them to LEARN about complex controversial issues. We should be teaching them to consider the issues from multiple angles. We should be teaching them to be flexible thinkers who can incorporate new information into their understanding of something, NOT cheering them on in rigid commitment to their meme-level understanding of issues that PhDs disagree about.

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Dept of Education need to be destroyed. Just completely wiped out. Teachers Union destroyed. All rebuilt from the ground up. There should be no unions in the public sector.

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No tax dollars should be used to turn kids into parroting activists that ultimately harm the people they pretend they are trying to help.

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"New York governor Kathy Hochul plans to deploy the National Guard on New York’s subway system to check bags and patrol platforms. Or, as Tom Cotton put it on X, “send[ing] in the troops to restore law and order.” (NYT)"

Unless they can remove violent, deranged vagrants it will amount to nothing "Governance" by liberals consists of little more than slogans, grand gestures and wasting our hard earned money.

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Regarding TFP debate, I don't see how you can hold a respectful, serious debate with Ann Coulter and Cenk Uygur. For the sake of TFP, I hope I'm wrong.

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Inventions like "social Justice seminars" by the up-'emselves educational Wokerati will hopefully have the effect of further driving many parents towards homeschooling...... which is already on the rise ever since the "covid pandemic lockdowns heightened parental awareness of the school curriculum. Opeds like this one are not uncommon: “When schools went remote, parents found out what was actually going on inside the classrooms. Teachers were coaching students to hate themselves, their country and their religious traditions and sexualizing young children.” Most inflammatory has been the ‘gender studies’ fads that leaked from academia’s Social Justice petri-dishes a few years back into the media mainstream and thence into the nation’s public schools." https://grahamcunningham.substack.com/p/teach-your-children-well

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Does Suzie think celebrities and “stars” ie actors, need to be anything more than those who can read lines and make you think they are that character? That is way more preferable to them spouting off on topics of which they know nothing other than the narrative. In real life, most of them if they had an original thought it would die for lack of company.

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It continues to blow my mind that everyone is worried about political violence from Trump voters. January 6th, for all the noise the media makes about it, was barely even a riot. The side that consistently uses ACTUAL violence and destruction while "protesting" is almost always the extreme left: BLM, Antifa (look what they did to Portland) and lately the pro-Hamas demonstrators. I'm not saying there aren't some far-right loonies out there who are prepping for a civil war, but they are TINY in numbers compared to the actual violence that's already been perpetrated year after year by these large and well-funded left wing radicals.

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Pretty good post - almost skipped it when I saw the Wiseman byline.

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Quick question: when is TheFP going to change its name to the "The Oliver Wiseman Blog?" Enquiring minds want to know.

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The new crop of actors? They are sexless, androgynous place keepers. Chalomet as an action star? Seeing him makes me want to bully him, he looks so wimpy!

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If you would poll the term social justice, how much of the general public would have a favorable view of the term? Too often, in battles with the modern left, there is a general misperception between the terms they use and the substance they teach.

To a middle-class suburban Mom, fighting for social justice is great. Attacking the stupidity of these people is essential and easy, but what kind of philosophy do you supply as an alternative to Social Justice? But it's not just how to remove the movement's moral authority that is essential but what philosophy you replace it with.

I keep returning to the theme of Colemen Hughes's book ( I have to buy and read) of color-blind individualism, educating with Wisdom, temperance, moderation, and justice. Justice in the traditional sense is being honest and truthful in your interactions with others, treating people with respect and fairness, and standing up for what you believe is right. This debate wins more minds than the gobbledygook nonsense that is spread by the modern left. It's a battle worth having to save the culture. Excellent reporting today, Free Press.

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Why should we even care about what High Schoolers think? They DON'T think, by and large. They emote, they repeat, and they are empty vessels waiting to be filled. True, there ARE a few who do not fit this role, but MOST do!

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Mar 7·edited Mar 7

News The Gleeful Media Loves To Repeat Ad Nauseum:

“Nikki Haley Refuses To Endorse Trump.”

For now anyway.

After pulling out of the race she said;

“It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. And I hope he does that”.

Sounds like she’s hoping he wins in November.

But the media will continue to portray her as the Never-Trump, new face of the Republican movement. More false praise for an opposition candidate who, if she was the GOP nominee running against Biden, would be tossed in the pit with all the other hard right Hitlers of the GOP they abhor.

Please Democrats, stop pretending you’re fans of Haley. We don’t believe you.

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