I find it odd that no one even slightly Left-leaning seems concerned about Bill Gates having too much power, about George Soros having too much power. But they're terrified of Elon Musk. And this interview doesn't seem to point to any particular reason WHY the rest of us should be terrified of him.

Because, honestly, I don't see him him trying to do things that will HARM Americans. In fact, ripping Twitter away from the sole control of the Left has arguably benefitted Americans. We would be far, far more at the mercy of the MSM without the ability for people to be "citizen journalists" on Twitter without fear of government-sponsored suppression.

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Funny how Musk buying Twitter = too much power but Bezos buying the Washington Post - not. Pol Pot Progressive bias.

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Musk needs to be protected. His failings are so minor and his contribution to humanity so outstanding that his attackers need to be analyzed far more than they are before being taken seriously. Bari Weiss is a personal hero, but it is disappointing to see her willingness to give credibility to

Musk criticisms from obviously evil sources. He is human and does make mistakes, but he goes to great lengths to listen, modify, and get the big stuff right. Those who would destroy him need to be endlessly exposed, opposed, ridiculed, and attacked. The amount of energy the Federal Government is devoting to attacking him is insane. Please take a look at that Bari. It needs to be exposed. Free Press should be doing it.

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Sorry, but I don't understand the criticisms of Musk buying Twitter.

As it stands today, we pretty much have a monolithic media in America, covering the same stories, carrying water for the same political party, telling lies for the same left wing political narrative ... with the major exception of Twitter, and smaller journalistic outposts like this one.

Musk, at least has tried (whatever his motivations) to give Americans the chance to hear 'both narratives', not just one, so we as free people can hear both views and make up our own minds.

It's interesting how much the MSM now hates him for that. Suddenly, the man they treated as a celebrity God two years ago is now a 'troubled' man doing 'bad things'.

Count me as one American, among many, who is thankful he bought Twitter, and is giving the public the chance to see a broad view of our world, not the narrow narrative the media and power brokers incessantly shove down our throats.

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“…you’ll end up feeling like I did, which is at times repelled by what he does, and at times a little bit awed by what he does…”


“A little bit awed”? I, for one, am hugely awed.

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If Elon has a lot of power, it’s because he owns companies, often built at great risk from scratch, and has his own money at risk.

How about an article about if BlackRock head Larry Fink has too much power? To influence companies with his pro ESG agenda. Which he derives from his customers’ money, whose main goal is reliable and low cost retirement savings.

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This discussion about Elon’s personality and his drive could be a discussion about any person. I just don’t see the value in trying to dissect his character beyond his public accomplishments. One can say that his personal life both past and present is informative. The need for some to compare him to his father because he can be a bit moody doesn’t seem relevant. How many times do we all remind our family members that they act like Grandpa, or Aunt so and so and say “you sound just like your mother?” Elon is a unique separate person.

He has power because he has wealth. So far, he seems to be operating his companies within the framework of the law and deserves to forge on as he pleases. He is still young and probably has miles to go. We will watch with interest as he proceeds. I agree that his life is a compelling story and will probably read the book, but I wish people wouldn’t try to relate his intent to the actions of his father.

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He sounds human to me. How many people do you know well who are 100% good or 100% bad? We all fall on the line somewhere in the middle. I look at what he’s done, especially for free speech, and compare it to Soros who uses his vast wealth to purchase political positions. Which of these two would I trust more?

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meanwhile tlaib is getting censured officially for the anti-semitic statements. no country in the middle east will take palestinian refugees which has to make a person wonder why israel gets grief for refusing to take palestinian refugees, esp. when israel is endlessly attacked by palestinians.

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Hey, why not just accept that Musk’s motivation for buying Twitter was what he said it was: altruistic. It fulfilled his adolescent sense of justice…and that, from a business POV, it was a “bad” decision.

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"And yet, with those loosened rules, the site is also awash in bigotry and disinformation." It was awash in bigotry and disinformation before Musk took over. Now it just allows for more diversity.

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Sounds to me like Bari got her feelings and ego hurt when Elon didn’t kiss her rear.

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I like Musk for all the reasons others hate him. He is a balancing force in a world of sheep. Also, and I don't know if this is a thing that happens with aspergers or autism, but I kind of understand his quirks because my adult son is autistic. He can move from hilarious and sweet and fun to downright cruel and manipulative at times. Then, he doesn't mean any of it. I know this because I've been around him everyday of his life. Others wouldn't, though and it may come off as very strange. Can't wait to read the book.

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The progressives control all social media including our government for stifling free speech. Alarming that an un-woke progressive Bari chooses the only platform that epitomizes allowing both sides of the story and dragging Elon as the person who has too much power.

Maybe look our current admin and their banana republic actions against anything Biden Inc

Come on Bari be better!!

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This is a decent interview and it might be a good book. Unfortunately, the title trivializes the whole effort.

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Bari, please try not to make *perfect* the enemy of *good*.

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