
I had to revisit this gem. So good, Suze. “Sweet Dionne.”

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Abolition is becoming a haven for abusers and perpetrators.

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Loved the story!

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This is a blog about making fun of New Yorkers that wants to pretend like it’s real journalism. People from Arkansas have always thought people from New York were this stupid. I feel perfectly comfortable saying this, I’ll even say it drinking moonshine from a Mason jar in a pair bib overalls while I’m kissing my cousin.

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Suzy, you are hilarious. How did you keep a straight face while observing this?

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Gold old fashioned policing with “cuff em and stuff em” deterrent is the only way to take the streets back from the roving thugs.

Whatever happened to the desire for more police in troubled neighborhoods the so called community policing efforts of the 89 s and 90s?

Now it’s the opposite one would think but that leftist driven message comes from a vocal and militant minority. People want law enforcement on the most granular level. And that’s in every socioeconomic strata.

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This was awesome 😆😆

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History repeats itself because overeducated woke liberals are indoctrinated in an alternate history with no connection to reality. NYC has seen the scourge of rampant lawlessness before and it took decades to reverse the tide. Mark my words these pampered hyperfragile liberals will not last in the cities. Eventually they will chose laws over chaos.

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This whole thing is obviously real but it almost feels like its made up! Another fascinating write up by Common Sense

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More reinforcement, if anyone needs it, of proof that leftism is intellectually incoherent to those who adhere to it.

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Can we just move forward 20 years and see what the next generation is like? The whole woke, anti cop, everyone is racist and discriminatory except me is such a dead end and I have no patience or interest in feeling bad for criminals and the mentally ill.

Stories like this are likely happening all over this country right now.

What a waste.

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I'm convinced the left is comprised of legit, straight-up crazy people. Every malcontent, psychopath and freak finds a home and community in the left.

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Park Slope residents are not going to survive long in the coming Zombie apocalypse! 😈

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Park Slope residents ARE the Zombies in the Zombie apocalypse.

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I feel like this is another James Lindsay plant piece. Then I wake up and realize it's just New York, and his satire has morphed into these delusional peoples reality.

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I have not much sympathy for these old fools. You get the society you settle for, for Keerist sake.

If you’ve got a “Y” chromosome then grow a fucking pair. Don’t put up with this shit. Find a way, even surreptitiously, to make the lives of the twerps unbearable. Tear up their signs, cut their purple hair sort. Of course, wear Fauci N-95’s and sunglasses while doing it.

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It’s like they’re fictional characters... sort of a Twilight Zone vibe

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