No one told me it was Neocon Monday! I could have got out my granddaddy's old Lodge sword and acted all badass.

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In my opinion, if students are taught and actually learned how to think critically, academia would be put in it’s proper place…..just thinking in print here.

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Nov 21, 2023·edited Nov 21, 2023

How should one respond to the smug youth of today, who wonder why we celebrate Thanksgiving since we are just celebrating colonization. I am so tired of these wokesters. Any thoughts? Keep it clean Kevin Durant!

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To; KD

Homelessness; drug abuse; human trafficking; violate the law until caught; unequality; inequality; racial discrimination; religious discrimination; mass poverty; 400,000 people dying from medical and hospital malpractice a year; huge percent of our population cannot adequately read or write; hell half of america could not understand the articles in this newsletter. That is what academia has taught and continues to teach

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Survived Eisenhower Truman Kennedy Johnson Ford Nixon Regan Carter Clinton Bush Bush

Trump Biden. Ok you can

All stop laughing. The difference today is the Muslims have invaded America. Reinstate the draft. Need more junkyard dog lawyers

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As for Sam Altman, the company owners pay board members to keep an eye on management, and particularly the CEO. They have ZERO obligation to explain themselves to the public in general. They will explain themselves to the owners. If you actually lose trust in someone, I think it is the Boards responsibility to remove them. Plain and simple.

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" “we shouldn’t yield to despair.” ...the first step toward rebuilding “will be propelled not by our corrupt elites or by our broken institutions but by an impatient public.” "

Oh how I hope this happens! The 'system' is so broken, I'm thinking Trump MAY BE the only one who can fix it. We need to remember the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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Ayn Rand warned us. Producers, looters and moochers. The last two are parasites fed by the former. The parasites eat too much, grow to large and powerful and then begin to consume the producers themselves.

We save the world when we start celebrating the citizen pipe welder, the chef, Joe the plumber... and reject any status of the professional politician, attorney, Wall Street banker, government employee or professional activist (the same as media "professionals" today). Note today that is exactly the opposite. And that is why the world is going to crap.

We celebrate looting at our own demise. In today's upside down tech media political pop culture, Elon Musk is the bad guy and Larry Fink is the good guy. High net worth individuals gorge themselves on market gambles and passive real estate investments, and few invest in business that actually invents, makes, builds, grows and fixes real products. That is all effed up.

To get this started, I say start campaigns #ActivistsSuck and #LootersSuck. We can leave the moochers out of it for a while as the they are only exploited by the other two.

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Today's essays - all of them - confirm again why this subscription is worth every penny. Thank you, Bari, and the rest of the team. You bring us commentary we don't get from the MSM.

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Regarding AI, "how can you even know that information is true until you have allowed the information space to be freely and fully explored and evidence weighed? These people are not afraid AI will lie. They are afraid it will expose how much we have been lied to." el gato malo https://substack.com/inbox/post/138991831

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Nov 20, 2023·edited Nov 20, 2023

Unless I missed it, there is not a single essay here about actually building something of scale other than technological-intellectual-sociological constructs. Nothing about actually building future infrastructure or extracting materials to satisfy the demands of future infrastructure - real construction. To accomplish any one of the goals laid out by this essay series, we have to have a robust natural resource development environment. That is the very foundation of all of our other industries. You can't have an electronics industry without tin. Tin is the solder or glue that holds all electrical components together. Tin comes from gigantic holes in the Earth where huge mining machines and ore mills and refineries are necessary. All of this requires a tremendous amount of energy to power and make it move. If you're not willing to do all of this then you can't have the electrical/electronic part.

People are flip these days about popular themes like "the electrification of everything" or "no more oil" without putting a second's worth of thought into where all of this stuff that will be needed to "electrify" everything or replace petroleum is going to come from. When Biden reeled off his declaration that by 2030, half of vehicles on America's highways will be EVs, he wasn't giving permission to our mining industry to produce five times as much copper as we're producing today in order to meet his 2030 mandate. Instead, he's killing copper mining projects in America. His very first act as POTUS was to place a 100-day moratorium on review of all development projects on federal lands. It's been a slow drip of approvals since then. A federal court had to actually order the Biden admin to conduct a lease sale, that it had been sitting on, thereby obstructing law. Government dysfunction has never been worse.

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Hear, Hear!

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Oh, how I wish I had time to sit and read all of these articles, however I have other things I must attend to. I hope TheFP is hiring narrators so that we can ingest the tsunamis of wisdom whilst attending to our lives.

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I point to Palestinians being accepted before in Jordan and Egypt and doing little but fermenting trouble. Egypt has outlawed Muslim Brotherhood so little chance of them being welcome. People can change but they must have institutions to provide assistance and a means to address grievances. The current leadership in Gaza and the PLO have no interest in doing that. It’s normally expected to take approximately 25 years to build governance that helps people. Unfortunately all the funds given to do that only was used to build and expand the terrorists capabilities. So little to no chance of change without getting the current people out and maybe a multinational government to make changes might help. But Hamas would fight that with bombings and killings, so what’s the answer?

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Personally I believe the AI at OpenAI had Sam Altman removed because he knew it was determined to take over the world!!!!! (Insert weird spooky laugh)

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The US government should recruit Altman TODAY to establish a board to guide government policies concerning AI. If it takes a few hundred $m salary as incentive, DC wastes more than that every day. A radical departure from DC’s standard operating procedure, this could be an opportunity that could be pivotal at what seems a critical juncture.

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Too late. Microsoft already snapped him up. I wouldn't trust the government anyhow. If the gov hires him it will be to use AI to set policies to invade your privacy, censor you, censor info, and control you.

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