Maybe this is mostly just in London? There's a lot more to the U.K. than London. I lived in rural Leicestershire for a while, and got to know a lot of indigenous English people. You know, the original Anglos. Everyone respected the police - despite the fact that they're mostly all unarmed - and more importantly, most people bought into the big social contract idea. Example: one week there was a highly unusual snowfall, which closed schools and stalled traffic everyone. The police issued a bulletin reminding everyone that "snowballing is an anti-social behavior which can result in injury." And another big difference in the U.K. - poor whites are at the bottom of the social hierarchy, and have always borne the brunt of police scrutiny.

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I am an Anglophile they gave us C. S. Lewis, George Orwell, J.R.R. Tolkien and now this??

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We are always talking about China as the biggest "threat", or alternatively "Russia". To me, by far the biggest threat is Islam, which in its current form is not a religion but a hostile totalitarian political system bent on taking over the West, including America.

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How difficult is it to identify the protest leaders, wait a couple of days, and then knock on their doors? Aren't there closed-circuit television cameras on every street corner in London?

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British leadership (like American leadership) is in the toilet. Time to flush. That the coppers can arrest people for making understandably annoyed commentary about Islamic hate mobs and ignore the true villains shows that the woke rot infecting U.S. universities and other institutions has captured the British police. Stand up, lads and lassies, and take back your country!

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Walk down the streets of London. The populace and the police force ARE Muslim, why do you expect them to act contrary to the religion?

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This how it starts , grassroots radicalisms , get the local police on board ,then it starts to get easier to put your agenda forward

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The intense focus on the pro Palestinian protests while completely ignoring the 6000! people killed by Israel in retaliation does not give the TPF the right to claim unbiased reporting. Utterly shameful.

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"We need to check your thinking"

Wow, Britain turned fascist real quick.

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In general, I love the police, as an entity, but I have to conclude, the current crop of police, in America and Europe, are becoming p-----s.

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This reminds me of a book I read years ago called America Alone by Mark Steyn. If I remember correctly he basically foretold all this happening due to Muslim birth rates and having them spread themselves across the globe.

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Western countries need "Muslim bans". Many of these people (not all, etc.) are just too horrible to assimilate in large quantities. It's so sad to see the things they can ruin.

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And.....they fired Suella Braverman.

Britain is truly f**ked. And given that on Saturday, there were more people at the "Death to the Jews" rally than there are Jews in Britain, it is time for the Jews of the UK to give Britain another 1290 - Judenrein UK - this time, of the Jews' own decision making.

The Brits will no doubt enjoy Sharia Law...because, hey....the evil Jews will be gone.

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It is pretty clear now that one of the differences between Canada and the US and Britain and the US is our right to free speech. Although it gets shaky here, it is embodied in our Constitutional rights...the same cannot be said for England and Canada.

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Nov 12, 2023·edited Nov 12, 2023

Reading about what happened to the man taking pictures of Palestinian flags makes me want to get on my knees and thank God for blessing us with James Madison. None of the British laws described meant to "keep order" would seem to apply to his situation. In the U.S. we've managed to outlaw child pornography, trafficking, depiction of animal cruelty, and blocking traffic without punishing thought. This article is chilling. I spent a good amount of time in London 12 years ago and thought it a wonderful country. But reading and seeing the things I am now makes me hesitant to return, and very sad.

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I realized a long time ago that most of my left of center friends had great advice on nurturing close personal relationships. Their massive dangerous error is to apply the same mental model to large groups or nations.

For instance, if I show you patience, forgiveness or grace, you will likely respond by granting me the same. In large group, dynamics or international dynamics, this is lost. It is seen as lack of will or weakness. They err in anthropomorphizing large groups of people or nations. A very dangerous error.

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