Surprised to see hate originating from educated people??

The mistake is confusing educated and enlightened with the manipulation and indoctrination that passes for higher education today.

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"When Asian Americans were discriminated against, did you see their cause as being essential to our own? When American doctors were censored for questioning the efficacy of lockdowns, were you as outraged about this as you were about people who refused to wear masks in March 2020? When, just across town, a statue of Teddy Roosevelt was removed from outside the American Museum of Natural History, did you protest?"

80%+ of the New Yorkers you addressed would answer NO. They were also fine with forcing the unclean to show papers in order to keep their jobs or enter restaurants. Will they ever change their minds or vote and act differently? We are running out of time before the red guards tear down what’s left of western civilization. Teddy's statue is one of many torn down over the past decade: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/founding-fathers-statues-monuments-removed

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Bari, I love you. I’ve had so many truly awful arguments with people I love and have known for decades since October 2023. Bring up the go-pro videos of Hamas and I get shouted down by “30,000 dead Palestinian children”. Ask what a proportionate Israeli response is and I get “Netanyahu is a criminal”. Ask about the hostages and I get 30,000 dead Palestinian children. It never stops and it never will. Anti semitism has hijacked the western progressive thought makers and media. The NYT are complicit in this and my heart breaks for us. However considering the NYT denied the Ukrainian Holodomyr nearly 100 years ago should tell us about their reporting

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The world is a better place with moderate and courageous voices like yours. You could have kept your head down at the NYT, spouting meaningless aphorisms to get the lunatics off your back, but at great personal and professional risk you struck out on your own.

It's insane that we've reached a point where moderate voices are controversial, but we need leaders like you to re-right the ship. You're continuing to take huge risks and I am proud of you. Chutzpah. Thank you.

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We really need to stop immigration for a period of assimilation. This is not without precedent. The fact that there are enough supporters of terrorist in the USA to have political clout says that immigration is broken to a point it puts our nation at risk. Even some of our elected leaders in congress are not supporters of our constitution and are allowed to violate their oath. Bari, I appreciate your honest and loud voice fro truth in America. We can save this nation with voices like yours. I am pro immigration but we need people that believe in our constitution , judo-christian values and the dream of America and freedom.

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Wonderfully done Bari. Although you state "[o]ur American idols are prestige, power, social acceptance, popularity, elite opinion, and the Ivy League—but I repeat myself. Our idols are the coveted board seat. The best tables. Relationships with the pretty people." Isn't it long past time to recognize that the true "golden calf" of too many of modern American Jewry is the Democrat Party. Which has now devolved into a power mad, divisive bunch of totalitarians who are perverting the rule of law and allowing the very madness you deplore.

Oh and btw had the 92nd St Y event been better publicized, we would have been there to support you and stand up to the barbarians at the gates.

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Bari Weiss - one of the best journalists of our modern era. Always thankful for your perspective, Bari, and in this case, exceptionally grateful I am ably “free” to say so.

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Bari- You need to deliver this speech to Congress / Senate as they have forgotten what it means to choose freedom over oppression and conformity. Unchecked and uneducated colonization by untold nationalities that only want but don’t want to become American are destroying us. They want to turn America into the same shit holes they left.

Israel I admire for their courage and determination and should never have to sacrifice security to any made up population that was expelled by their neighbors or chose hostility over peace.

Our so called leaders have become cowards and life long political grifters. They truly need to be reminded that freedom and democracy can disappear quickly. Long live Israel!

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Thank you, Bari, for your courageous words.

I live part-time in the East Bay, 30 miles from UC Berkeley.. It is done. Gone. Over. The law school Boalt School of Law has been renamed. The law school is churning out radicals faster than rabbits and crazier and dumber than wild turkeys. The school and community are liberal cesspools. I would never reference UC Berkeley again. It stinks. It has always been this way but now, with the current national political climate, it is emboldened. Berkeley Police are an oxymoron.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29


It was an honor to invite you to speak and preach at 92NY. Can't wait to have you with us again soon.

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You speak of American exceptionalism and how we lost that idea. You are exactly right, and the loss of the exceptional idea of America and the type of freedom it embodied is the cause of so much that is wrong with our country, and the world, today. I think it is important to call out when, exactly, we lost it. I recall a President who criticized and mocked the idea of American exceptionalism and was widely praised by all the newspapers and widely loved by many people. When he took office he noted that now America would be transformed. That was President Obama and we are living the fruits of his policies and ideology.

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Feb 29·edited Mar 1

Who knew that when Tucker Carlson went to Russia to interview Putin he’d be described as a “rightist who glorifies tyrants” and a “demagogue” for pointing out that Moscow has nice supermarkets and impressive subways? This is a distortion of context, and a false moral equivalence in spades.

Other than that, another sublime effort by Bari Weiss! Let me be the first to nominate her as our ambassador to Israel in the next Trump administration; provided, of course, that she has the courage to vote her brilliantly expounded convictions and support the man responsible for the Abraham Accords.

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I liked that speech. We disagree on some things—which I have certainly not been hesitant to point out—but if these words were sincere, I am glad to call you fellow American.

And it was never difficult for me supporting Israel, or for that matter being censored everywhere continually for bucking the idiotic and indefensible lies told during COVID, because to me truth and courage and wisdom are all that matter, and I have structured my life for maximal freedom of the sort you describe.

I have been hurt many times, in many ways, but I have a clear conscience and can honestly say I work daily to soeak the truth, do what is right as I see it, and grow as a person. I really believe this is all God asks of us.

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Vote for the candidates who promote freedom of thought , freedom of expression , equality of opportunity but recognize certain marginalized populations need some additional help . Vote for the candidates that will enforce the law , support the police , secure the border and increase legal immigration . Support those who are anti , anti-racist . Those who will tax college endowments , limit deductibility on donations to university to 5k max .

Most important - we need leaders who are not afraid of the far left or far right. And it means Jews need to be free agents in this election. Can’t vote for party - sadly, if you are a traditional liberal voting for a dem who will not stand up to the mob is the worse outcome

And to liberal Jewish leadership - ADL , URJ etc , you might be surprised that you will have better success /impact with open minded conservatives (not far right ) than you will EVER have convincing far left dems and the DSA that Israel is not a colonial apartheid state .

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This was a truly spectacular speech. I'm I guess what's called a secular Jew I recently realized I have been letting ppl know I'm Jewish when I meet them bc I want to prevent them from making any anti-Semitic remarks. It's not that I hang out with ppl who I think may be anti-Semitic it's just now I don't know. It's a lot more prevalent than I realized. I mention it as some sort of defense mechanism I use to preclude any awkwardness. I think ppl are conflating the defense of Palestinians with a prejudice toward all Jews. This is not an excuse in any way. A lot of it is propaganda. Social media bears a lot of responsibility. Do you hear that Mark Zuckerberg? I do believe in free speech unless it calls for violence. Calling for the genocide of Jews certainly falls into that category. We are only 7 million out of 350m ppl in this country. We must stand strong not just for Jews, but for any group that feels bullied or threatened. Thank you Bari for all that you do and keep doing it! Sabrinalabow.substack.com

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This was brilliant and unsettling. I heard the mob as I came east on my street from the UWS and a chamber music salon. I just knew the mob was screaming against something good going on at the Y. The Y and the NYPD protected the speakers. At U Cal Berkeley, they cancelled the event. No more money for Cornell, Columbia, the Met Museum, MOMA. Yes and thank you, University of Chicago. Like Bari, I have quit the Times -- no subscription. I followed her here.

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