If there's any justice in the world, Anthony Fauci will go down in history as a modern day Josef Mengele. His history for pushing AZT during the AIDS crisis that killed untold thousands, and now his involvement with COVID (both creation & treatment) is horribly unbelievable. I'm sure many in Nazi Germany saw Mengele as a hero to their nation, just as the COVID cultist view Fauci. God help us all if this guy isn't exposed more widely. RFK Jr.'s book "The Real Anthony Fauci" is a good place to start if you've not done any homework on Fauci's past and his cozy relationships with the Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex. Thank you David Zweig & TFP for having the courage to publish this story. No question you will feel some heat over it.

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THIS is why I will continue to subscribe to the Free Press. It is also these kinds of stories, and the total silence regarding them from mainstream media, that make me so worried for our collective future.

Why, in the face of such overwhelming evidence, do so many in the media, government, and general public continue to deny the near-certainty of the lab leak origin? Because admitting you're wrong about one thing in today's society, in which people choose a side and religiously believe that side's narrative on everything, means admitting you're wrong about everything, something almost none of us have the humility to stomach.

Is Fauci going to admit the lab leak after staking his entire reputation on refuting it? Will mainstream media call him out after parroting his messaging for the past three years? Will that clown Stephen Colbert admit he was wrong after doing song-and-dance sketches with Fauci? Of course not, for the same reason no one in the media or Democratic party will ever acknowledge Biden's brazen corruption or Obama's narcisim and emptiness on full display as he vacations on yachts with celebrities. It's Plato's allegory of the cave on full display, day after day. These people will refuse to face the cold light of day their entire lives They control the media and levers of power, so we increasingly scream at the top of our lungs that the emperor has no clothes, and they further dismiss us because of it. Depressing.

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I think the lesson to be learned is that politically funded scientific research will inevitably be more political than scientific. Who controls the funding directs the outcome.

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You know what's so crazy? I, like many others, were writing articles in 2020 and 2021 saying that something's fishy with this whole Fauci, Wuhan, lab theory.

Making statements like that was the "unpopular opinion" and it got me banned and censored.

Now, it's the hottest new thing to talk about...


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Goddamn it is so frustrating that TFP insists on repeating the "problem with our lack of trust in institutions" rather than "the problem with our untrustworthy and incompetent institutions."

We're not the problem, Bari. THEY are the problem.

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It’s been obvious that this was a lab leak for some time. Our government is full of corrupt, evil, lying fools. We need to protect our country from this government.

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My democrat friends trusted him implicitly, finding you a conspiracy theorist if you even looked sideways at his proclamations. I always found that baffling because Wuhan had a lab for virology research right across the street from patient zero. I was racist and xenophobic for even suggesting a connection. Another mail in the coffin for democrat fascists.

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Fauci is the most depraved human living on the earth today. If there is any justice, he will spend the rest of his life in a deep dark hole.

He hates humanity, just like most liberals do:


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Deception, misinformation, and outright lies continue from the Biden administration, the unelected bureaucrats, and their powerful media buddies. It’s why independent thinkers, those who are not completely duped by the “mainstream media,” have so little trust in the Biden administration, the media, the various government agencies, and the DNC. Republican-led congressional committees are discovering a lot, but the media won’t cover them, instead they criticize, mock, and disparage them. And the state lies and deceptions continue.

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I an trying to understand the position of the Fauci supporters. Do they read these emails and think they are deep fakes to discredit Fauci? Or do they acknowledge that they are authentic but think this duplicitous behavior is good and valid? It is hard to find anyone on the Pro Fauci side writing and or discussing the emails at all? These are not stupid people, what is this really about? Can TFP find a pro Fauci person to explain their thoughts on the emails and testimonies to Congress and the nation on countless interviews?

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Yet another example of why no one should ever trust the government.

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Winston Churchill once said: “expert knowledge is limited knowledge“. We need to be mindful, and very skeptical, of anything that smacks of free-speech suppression like we experienced during the pandemic. Yes, there are reasons to get a nation on the same page regarding responses to a highly contagious virus. But those do not, in any way, allow us to lie or deceive with the authority of the state. Nor, as exemplified by Sam Harris, can we use whatever means are available to take down a candidate like Donald Trump, knowing that we are doing so using lies and misleading statements.

We either need to be on the side of the pursuit of truth or we are surrendering the ability to use language to communicate anything that can be trusted. Manipulating the meanings of words is a very dangerous precedent, as we are currently doing in the conflation of the terms sex and gender, from which the normal recovery of human interaction is lost.

If we are unwilling to believe in objective truth, we need to be very honest about the fact that we are giving up the bed rock firmament upon which Western civilization was built.

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It seems obvious Fauci had to lie and coverup because he was complicit in the work at Wuhan. I can’t understand how he could imagine he would not be caught.

How will he pay for his massive errors in judgment and lies? He probably won’t. Dostoyevsky was right. People like Napoleon who are responsible for killing thousands or millions don’t ever pay, they are viewed as great men. The guy on the subway subduing a crazy guy is charged with a crime.

I think it’s time we bring back tar and feathers.

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Do a photo search of 1980s AIDS activists protesting in the front of the NIH…There is a great photo of a protest sign saying “Dr Fauci You are Killing US” It is really priceless. This man held his position of power for 40 plus years…controlling who got NIH grants (with our money) and thereby controlling academics and the “science”. I find him condescending and contemptible.

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Great article that only tells many of us what we already knew. The US Government and China were playing with science and everybody worldwide paid the price. Fauci if anyone has been paying attention is truly an evil, greedy, conceded, self-serving troll who definitely has that Napoleon complex. He has gotten exceedingly rich off all of this and other sweet heart deals. The woke liberals fell at his feet for his wisdom and knowledge, all the while he was one of the main conduits for the research. His wife has been paid very well for her job and I am sure it was her talent? This guy has definitely been reading the Biden corruption handbook and is a star pupil of corruption and lies.

Yet we all know, much like Hunter and his bought and paid for father, none of them will ever pay for their crimes. Fauci will plead the 5th now that he is retired and Congress and especially the DOJ will do nothing other than posture and try and use all of it for the next election. So rich little man retires with millions and families worldwide bury loved ones. Yet our absolutely corrupt and knowingly ignorant press and news will continue to cover for all of them. They will ignore, redirect, and as a last resort. Remember!!!! TRUMP!

That is the only news and the only concern of DOJ. Not that illegal research lab in California. No the press has buried that story. Who funded that and why isn't someone in a cell for it? We have ruined true experts lives, killed how many, and promoted the charlatans and grifters and it is truly thanks to the liberal, ignorant, apologizing, sorry I am white, please let me be part of your crowd people who we have to thank for this entire Fing mess. It's only getting worse folks and the liberals are doing 90 in a 25 zone to destroy the country.

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It's also frustrating to consider that US tax dollars, funneled through the NIH, were supporting the scary "research" being performed in Wuhan, China. So in a roundabout way, Covid was sort of like the signs you sometimes see next to highway construction projects -- "your tax dollars at work".

My wife is a medical researcher (although not related to pharma in any way), and like many university-based scientists in the US, her livelihood depends in-part on receiving research grants. Under the current federal administration, the NIH has become even more of a nightmare to deal with than ever before. Every grant application is required to include substantial DIA documentation; or it's essentially thrown directly on the scrap heap without being given serious consideration. And if you want to receive funding - for anything - the research has to have an angle related to today's left-driven narratives such as transgender or racially-based areas. As an example, a study to research some aspect of cancer needs, at a minimum, to include some consideration about cancer in transgender and/or inner-city black patients in order to be funded.

Yet, somehow, NIH funding was/is going to Wuhan, China to support these scary virology studies. As noted earlier - your tax dollars at work. No wonder Fauci lied.

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