
Lately, I’ve thought “Is it just me who sees this insanity that seems to be sweeping academia, government, business and media?” So….I’m delighted to see that it’s not just me and that there is beginning to be pushback against these destructive ideas. Thanks Tara for having the courage to walk away from CBC. (I too used to be a CBC lover. I called it “intelligent radio “. Now I can’t stand to listen to it and my name for it now is “victim radio.”

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Free thought is just that, case closed.

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There is a conservative ship, it is manned with a well trained regimented competent crew. The ship is strong, sturdy and has a strong rudder. The problem is the conservative ship has no sails so they never leave port forever sentenced to never move forward. The leftwing ship has a chaotic crew that is mired by infighting and recklessness. The ship is strong with powerful sails that push the ship across vast oceans at break neck speed. However, the ship has no rudder and eventually the leftwing ship will end up crashed on the rocks.

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Looking forward to more articles!

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Om glad that some liberals are finally catching on.

But conservatives should get our "I told you so" moment. Trump was an open rejection of all of this, technocracy, elitism, ect. The whole point of Trump was to throw a massive unpleasant wrench into the woke big government machine and to expose the regime for what it truly is, incompetent, illiberal, and undemocratic.

These liberals could never bring themselves to tolerate Trump so they chose to stay on their sinking ships until he was gone. I wonder what they will do when he comes back, flee back to NYT and CBC?

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I wonder if, for whatever reason, all of this massive shift in what is deemed important has more to do with corporate allegiance than actual ideology. Can Twitter and Facebook truly be such monolithic representations of the larger accepted ideas of common people OR is it allegiance to one particular politic that garners them the most money and protection? I am beginning to realise, whether I am right or not, that the actual answers to such societal conundrums are far more simple than complicated.

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Just what we need, more Canadians! At what point Barri do you start pulling in voices other than self-flagellating white people? Tara is talented and will do just fine. But FAIR and Coming Sense is quickly becoming just another dumping ground for coastal elites. A little less soy and Tufu and a bit more beef. Other than that, great article and I look forward to Tara's continued success.

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Go Tara.

You’ll make more and be happier.

Bon courage.

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In the early 2000’s I watch the CBC regularly I was fairly left leaning at that time, there was a CBC new show on the Wash DC neocons (Wolfowitz, Pearle Wolsey etc) at that time I saw it as a good picture of that groups over eagerness to show the world USA’s military strength and global dominance, shortly after Iraq was invaded, some of my biases were confirmed. The CBC has always been quite left of center but since then until now they have gone much more extreme…..or have they? I found that NeoCon CBC show I watched back then and heard many points that I agree with now that I didn’t/wouldn’t 20 years ago. My views are more right of centre now yes we change with age and wisdom the CBC is way worse now but how much is us changing to.

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Tara - have you read the piece by Liel Leibovitz about "The Turn?"

I have several Very Leftist friends who - to my eye, at least - just cannot see how illiberal the Left has become. I never worry about being "cancelled," though. Fortunately I am as thoroughly immune to the need for others' approval as is humanly possible; however, I DO value their friendships (Joe is my best friend from second grade) and am very careful how vociferously I attack the craziness. I wonder, though, how one might gently lift the scales from their eyes ....

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Thank you, Tara Henley, for contributing, no pun intended, to common sense thinking. How rare: a journalist who wants to pursue stories unencumbered by ideology. Actually, maybe it's not so rare. Maybe the Leftist allergy to open thought will drive more reasonable journalists out of the legacy press and into the mainstream of, here we go again, common sense!

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I stopped having any regard for the CBC many years ago and long considered it merely an outpost cousin of the BBC which followed the same descent to nothingness. This writing is particularly apt but I do wonder why Tara chose to remain there for so long.

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Some of these departures may be smart careerism, not heroic independence. When one type of company is sinking fast and another type is growing fast, smart people move to the latter.

But this is still a good sign, even if it's not quite heroic. In this case the losing companies richly deserve to lose the best talent.

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I hope the non-binary Filipinos got everything squared away. I couldn't have dreamed up a world this crazy if I had tried.

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This kind of stuff has been going on for a long time, just not to this degree.

So...why wasn't the *lesser* degree enough of a pivot point for Bari and Tara, etc., to bolt?

If things hadn't become so viscerally perverted over the past [whatever; 18 months, 5 years], would everyone still be where they were before, willfully participating in and perpetuating the lesser evil of Leftist/Liberal corruption and dishonesty that was the alphabet legacy media's MO for so long?

Don't get me wrong, it's great that they left and struck out on their own. But I'm still a bit perturbed that it took them THIS long to figure out that they were working in, and contributing to, cancerous newsrooms.

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I would direct you to the parable of boiling the frog. When the heat is getting turned up very, very gradually, jumping out of the pot is a "better late than never" type of situation.

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But if the heat levels off high enough, but not too high, the frog cooks.

If the current level of perversity had leveled off a bit lower - such as where it was a decade ago, which was still cancerous and destructive, just not *this* bad - would Bari, Tara, Nellie, Alex, et al still be plying their trades and spreading the cancer from their prior perches?

I think so.

Better late than never, yes, but unless they examine critically WHY they were late given all of the evidence in existence all along, I wonder whether they'll simply revert to form if the current perversion abates.

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I think a decade ago, most centrist liberals were hoping the heat spike was a blip that would die down.

When it became clear that wasn't the case, and the heat was going to level off at best, or more likely keep rising, then it became time to jump.

I remember the days of hoping "the regressive left" would get their shit together on calling every criticism of Islam "Islamophobia". Eventually, you just run out of hope.

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So..the CBC comes from a country considerably more center-left than the US will ever be. As such, it is roughly (but not entirely) representative of Canadian politics and norms - which are ones of eternal compromise, minority rights and the occasional subjugation of personal liberties for the sake of the greater good. I respect Tara's position, but her previous employer was progressive long before her resignation, and long before she was hired. I know, because I have listened to it for over forty years. The New York Times, Bari Weiss's ex employer, is only now embarking on its leftward march at the expense of even handed neutrality. The CBC has been there for decades.

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“The NYT is only now embarking on its leftward march” is the least accurate thing I’ve ever read.

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Considering some of the nonsense I've been reading in these comments these past few weeks - I'll take that as a left handed compliment (pun intended).

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I agree that the CBC has long been left - but not that it reflects most Canadians. Go to small town Canada and you will be quickly disabused of our hokey international image. The CBC reflects downtown Toronto progressives. However the CBC did take a dramatic turn to being full on woke all the time several years ago. As a conservative I used to listen to CBC radio most mornings and while they occasionally pissed me off (remember - my tax dollars) it was still good. About two years ago I just stopped listening at all. Their programming just became and endless promulgation of progressive causes. On the odd occasion my wife listens it is almost comically bad - like an episode of Portlandia come to life.

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You have described my progression from active NPR listener and contributor to someone who refuses to listen to it.

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