Apr 18·edited Apr 18

As a depressing followup to yesterday's comment, here is the top comment on the Washington Post article on Berliner's firing:

"We're at the point where NPR, which I would characterize as pretty objective for the most part at the national level, is being presented as this flag-burning, far-leftist institution. What were considered moderate stances a few years ago are considered liberal now. The media bias has shifted so far right."

Imagine being so ensconced in your bubble that you think national media is shifting to the right. Imagine thinking sex-change surgeries on demand for minors and open borders are moderate stances.

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Immense respect to the Free Press and Bari Weiss and the absolutely courageous and important work the people here are doing. It’s good to see that courageous is contagious.

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And the huge breaking news out of Scotland is that the Scottish NHS is falling in line with NHS England in the wake of the Cass Review. They are banning Puberty Blockers and will no longer prescribe cross sex hormones (gender-affirming hormones) to those under 18. This is the Sandyford's actual announcement https://www.sandyford.scot/sexual-health-services/gender-service-at-sandyford/gender-young-people-service/

The BBC (and others) appear to have missed the 2nd paragraph. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-68844119

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I’m so torn on the Chicago story. On one hand, these people seem like they should be first in line to be deported out of our country at the first opportunity. Chanting “Death to America” should be an automatic forfeiture of citizenship.

On the other hand, Dems have sown the wind and will reap the whirlwind, and I’m here for it. The idiocy of having the DNC in Chicago is just too perfect. I’m looking forward to massive disruptions. I’m still not sure if the Democrats will try to mollify and court the votes of these disgusting people, or if they will try to crack down and J6 them as threats to their power.

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If the president of Columbia admits that its students are deficient even in spelling, why would any sentient parent waste almost $100 grand per year?

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So we see those that hate Israel, hate the US. Shocked I say, I am just shocked...

"Ashkenormativity" is a thing btw...it's practiced by antisemites-antizionsist saying that Israel is a colonial settler state created by white Jews from Europe ignoring that more than half of Israeli Jews are mizrachi (also generally ignoring that all Jews genetically are middle eastern, but that's a different issue). It is the antizionst-antisemite who laments that they should have used Yiddish as the language of Israel instead of Hebrew, because that was the familiar Jewish language. It is the antizionst-antisemite who thinks that all Jewish food is brisket and kugel. It is the antizionist-antisemite who thinks that the only Jewish history that is important resolves around the Jews of Europe and they couldn't tell you what the farhud was or how many Jews were expelled from Arab lands . It is the antiziojnist-antisemite who thinks that living as a dhimmis was better than living in enlightenment europe for Jews.

Using the term folx, I am going to assume (yes I know the joke), is the same as using the term latinx. It shows an extreme mental disorder.

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Mr. Berliner, best wishes to him, says, "I respect the integrity of my colleagues," but that seems kind of aspirational. Perhaps "integrity" is a word carefully chosen to denote that, in a way, intense commitment to the cause they believe is righteous - to the point of prioritizing it over what was supposed to be news reporting - is admirable.

Of a man who believes he can fly, we might say, in the interval between the jump and the splat, "I respect his integrity."

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2004 attended 2 day Conf at Columbia related to film Columbia Unbecoming which was NOT made as a documentary but as a sort of Diary for students dealing with anti Semitic/anti Zionist professors who had nowhere to turn when Jewish orgs like ADL were failing to understand anti Semitism coming from the LEFT.

20 years on full blown crisis w critical mass of Muslims controlling academia.

Columbia Unbecoming (2004) https://youtu.be/KLzfegav40U?si=lqP_wLZ49Duam7KQ

Would appreciate BW address this sordid history

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“I am resigning from NPR, a ONCE great American institution where I have worked for 25 years,” he said in his letter to CEO Katherine Maher.

There fixed it.

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If every company and university did the same as Google, the country would be in a much better place:

“Google terminated 28 employees Wednesday after a series of protests against the company’s contract to provide the Israeli government and military with cloud computing and artificial intelligence services. The news comes one day after nine Google workers were arrested after staging a sit-in at the company’s offices in New York and Sunnyvale, California.”

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Apr 18·edited Apr 18

Wait a minute, I remember dems hammering away on the topic of tariffs being terrible...terrible like Trump. Now I'm to believe that tariffs protect American workers and goods from being undermined by cheaper imports? Ok, thanks Joe.

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Shame on NPR.

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re: disrupt the DNC. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

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Uri Berliner's observations and the fallout makes top of mind for me something I have now wondered for several years: what is the need for a taxpayer-funded Corporation for Public Broadcasting and NPR in today's media environment? It began in 1967 but a lot has changed since then. NPR clearly does not provide unbiased and balanced information (which would add real value), so what sets it apart from all of the privately held and biased news and information sources we have today to the extent we all should pay for it through taxes? Asking seriously.

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Protest at the DNC. Hell yes!!! I am all for that. Chicago is already a crap hole and you might as well jump on the destroy Chicago bandwagon. After all, the people you might put out of work are the lower wage earners who need the job. But typical of the destroy because we hate it but have no idea of how to create anything better even close to what we have. Great plans, nothing like a room full of absolutely useless, stupid, cowards who are passing out masks, idiots being used by rich white dark funding people with their own agendas. Useful sheep and lemmings, nothing more.

NPR seriously needs to go. Uri has told the truth, but now our useless cowards in Congress will do nothing and keep funding PRAVDA, ops, I mean NPR.

Omar would quickly recognize Liquid Ass, after all it is pretty close to the perfume she uses. Said a friend.

Let's say Donald had an affair with Stormy. So he would have paid a pro versus a street walker under the control of drugs or a pimp. Clinton can be a perv and Joe and so many others, but, if, if Donald paid a pro, who the Hell cares? The real story is the perversion of the Justice Departments in America becoming the strike force for the Left. Yet there is so little talk about that.

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I hope that Berliner's resignation will be a wake up call for all those who tune into NPR.

But why did it take him so long to do this. He was past of it. Does anyone remember Juan Willians? Review what happened to him for uttering a few unapproved of words.

Let's not make a hero of Berliner. Twenty-five years is a long time to figure out the truth and then finally have the balls to admit and leave.

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