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If they need a French teacher and don't mind hiring a non-Jew, I know where they can find one in the Upper East Side. I wonder if Anne Protopappas could apply for a job.

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Yay Emet Classical Academy. A different, but continuing trend in the Western Civilization rebirth. These future leaders give me hope.

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As an aside, one of the founders of the synagogue was Bernard Hart—the grandfather of the author Bret Harte. Both would be delighted.

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This sounds like a wonderful school. May God bless you with community, learning, and success.

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"But contemporary American culture—which feels desiccated and hollowed out and unsure of what it is and, more importantly, what it is supposed to be—can no longer be depended on to generate consistently excellent teachers who worry about cultivating our children’s souls."

This line is a little confusing. I thought the whole point of this was to be anti-ideological. Frankly, I do not want any teachers focusing on the cultivation of my child's soul. I want them to teach my kid how to read and write, particularly in elementary school.

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A mother wrote why this school could not have arrived at a better time at Families for NY

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What is Emet's policy on grade inflation? The gold standard is that only ten percent of the students in a class can receive an A grade. Sad fact: not all the students who can afford private school have the intellect or discipline for a first class education.

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Maybe the readers of this site can afford the $46,000 tuition. I hope there are scholarships and other funding for the kind of family I came from. Had I school age kid...I'd consider this. I look at Holy Cross College in Worcester, Mass ....for curiosity, to see if a Jewish student could find this an alternative to the Jew Hate ivy league. MuslimStudent Assoc. No Jewish one....No Jews? I hope aside from beethoven they'll introduce kids the sephardic synagogue no less...the music heritage of the Jews of the Mid EASt.....It'd be nice for Jews who are not from that hear this. And Today's kids need to her chazunut and Yiddish art songs too. latin and Greek...okay....I went o public hs...the Greek kids studied ancient greek....they all spoke the contemporary....some Jews like me took Modern Israeli Hebrew class as a senior elective. Hebrew School provided little Jewish education other than rote readings in the wonder kids acted up. Too bad....all my teachers were young, personable men.

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So glad to learn of this school and its marvelous principals. What a beautiful story.

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See for information not necessarily mentioned in the article. Anything wrong with the fancy Yeshiva high schools like Ramaz or Flatbush which place their graduates in top-notch universities? Or are they too "religious" for a preparatory school? Emet is supposed to teach "Torah" but it is not clear what is meant by that, but I suppose they do not want to frighten away potential prep school refugees. A student will study Hebrew and either Greek or Latin and perhaps a modern language, but I can tell them from experience that this may be problematical. Good luck on 6th graders doing Hebrew and Greek. Time will tell whether the school is necessary or successful. As for Tikveh, there are many more and suntry Jewish "plebian" endeavors which are far more worthy of help and support.

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One prof for Jewish and Zionist history. I hope she's not giving the "woke" version. I always wonder if Ramaz now has its own execrable "Jewish" voice of peace" club. or who knows...what else for anti Zionism...? pro hamas? After all it's a Jewish school. so is Jewish pride allowed or that too is chauvanist and racist? No one from a Sephardi or Mizrahi background at a school housed at Spanish Portugese synagogue? That wouldn't be so bad. I looked at the link you provided.

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Sep 20
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Undoubtedly. I was writing from the perspective of the parents and the school trying to recruit students.

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The article also mentioned Tikvah Fund. Tikvah has outstanding education opportunities for smart Jewish students to learn about American exceptionalism, Zionism, and western values. Highly recommend!

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Am only sorry that am way to old to start anew.

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I know where they can get a great French teacher…

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I had the same thought!

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Great reply!

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I'd swap out the Krav Maga for Brazilian jiujitsu, but otherwise great curriculum.

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after Lu Lu I'll stick with something original from the Jews.

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As a Jewish woman, a retired teacher and a mother of 2 very high achieving and empathetic young professionals, I can argue the idea of Jewish story exceptionality. There are many stories besides the Jewish story.

Having said that, I am very impressed by the price of this school tuition.

And yet, I absolutely understand and share frustration of the public with public education that absolutely failed to support good teachers and teaching practices and is incapable to get rid of useless and lazy union members calling themselves teachers.

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What a beautiful place! And I don't even know what it looks like.

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