shalom shalom, bari! i haven't read this one yet but couldn't wait to tell you: 1. how much the world needs you (immeasurable!); 2. how much i (and my husband) appreciated your clear thinking at ajc's global forum last night (immeasurable!). you'd never know because you could see us. know that you represent masses. we hear you. we see you. we are rooting for you. and we thank god for you every day.

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My daughter saw this exact same thing happen last year to a musician. He'd gotten a job for a prestigious symphony and a post surfaced from when he was sixteen. Apologies were demanded and not accepted. They got him fired and his career wrecked. A few people defended him and spoke out against the over the top attacks and they were attacked in turn.

From what I've experienced, no one can be more intolerant and vindictive than the far left. Its the Mao era stuff. It really bothers me because my beliefs are definitely more on the left.

Most of the older liberals I know are very dismayed at what we see. Their arrogance is going to guarantee a return of Trump. Rich, young "liberals" are a small minority, no matter how "woke and right" they are.

There are real things to worry about like a crash in insect populations, spring coming three weeks early and the hummingbirds missed most of the flowers, the driest year in record. Instead they focus on crimes against verbiage. Its easier to attack the words of a stupid sixteen year old from ten years ago.

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A tweet by a fourteen year old should be seen in the context of a fourteen year old brain, not close to fully formed and designed, in many cases, to test and cross boundaries.

I shudder to think what would have happened to me If I'd had social media available to me at that age.

This is an extremely disturbing story of cancel culture run amok.

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Since I first became aware of "cancel culture" (a term, btw, which is grotesquely inadequate to describe the personal destruction and horror involved), I was struck by the following: these "mobs" actually have no real power. They would be very easy to dismiss, especially since the "outrage" lasts from a few hours to a few days, and then they're on to something else. No, the real danger comes from the authorities: college administrators, HR departments, business leaders, etc. It is the "leaders" FAILURE OF LEADERSHIP that has given rise to this horror. Until there are real civil ane even criminal consequences for destroying people's lives, nothing can possibly change, because there are no consequences for the bad actors. This is going to require serious legislation, lawsuits, and harsh enforcement, to bring this societal disaster to heel.

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A terrific podcast, keep up the great work.

I am not so sure that old bad behavior always carries a life sentence. Joe Biden for example groped young girls, claimed he didn't want his kids to go to school in a racial jungle, and bragged that his state fought for the South in the Civil War, all of which are as reprehensible as a 16 year old's ignorant tweets, but now he is President. The social media mob chooses its targets.

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This is sick. Puritanism without grace or forgiveness. Bullying. This “justice” is unequally applied in severity and who gets it. Biden’s “mentor” Robert Byrd was in the KKK. Crickets. Hunter tosses around foul epithets including the N Word. Crickets.

We must continually fight against this evil totalitarian philosophy.

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Any chance of there being podcast transcripts anytime soon? I know that seems like missing the point for some, but I can read a lot faster than I can listen.

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I don't think he should have fired his daughter. She clearly doesn't have those feelings anymore and has apologized. Kids do stupid stuff, ridiculous to drag down a business and ppl who depended on it, but that's the woke culture leftists have created and centrist Democrats have allowed to ferment. Conservatives have been the victims of, and against this, for years, tho ignored, if not celebrated, by Democrats.

Leftists are starting to eat their own.

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Thank you for this excellent podcast. 

While I sympathize with the Wadis, I can't help feeling that the daughter,  young as she was when she made those racist, antisemitic, homophobic tweets, had to learn those opinions from somewhere.  And frankly that somewhere is very likely from her family. After all as you well know, the vile sentiments she disseminated are very prevalent in Palestinian Muslim culture. 

So color me skeptical with regard to Mr. Wadi's tolerance. He also chose to place his business in line with BLM which is not exactly a Jew/Israel-friendly group. I, as a Jew, would boycott his products as well. That said, may I speculate that it wasn't the Jews who were going to throw Molotov cocktails into his stores but the BLM gang whose banners of support he hung in his stores' windows.

Maybe, now that Mr. Madi is suffering, he sees the light. I hope so. 

My greatest sympathies lie with the employees whose jobs were lost. Collateral damage in BLM and leftists' war on American convention and anyone they choose to blame their misery on. America's Palestinians.

I am happy to be a paid subscriber and I thank you for your excellent non-agenda-driven work.

Perry Birman

Boca Raton, FL

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democrats eating democrats in this case. I bet the family would still get on their knees for the BLMarxist terrorists. Bet they still vote for the party of racism and identity politics. The young lady was no doubt a solid democrat when making her hate tweet— were Jews at the top? #SquadApproved.

Wonder if they were outraged when the leftist mob (Weiss—were you in on that ? ) tried to cancel Kavanaugh? How did listening to one crazy, partisan liar work out ? You say there were more ? What happened to them ? Michael Avenatti? What’s he up to now. LoL!!! He was the democrat Hero/Trump Slayer.

The legitimate issues Weiss raises in this podcast are overwhelmingly the making of the democrat party and the left. You all need to own it and fix it.

Lord knows the GOP is destroying the USA—just much, much more slowly the democrats. It takes talent to destroy what was once the middle class paradise —California.

I completely support Weiss’ call for reason and fairness. And I will support her journalistic endeavors as I do Greenwald’s. They are amazing people and making a difference.

I will not give them a pass on their role in creating the left’s cancel mob.

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I listened to the podcast with great interest, admiration and sympathy for Mr. Wadi. That said, I couldn’t imagine my own daughters who are a few years older than his tweeting or saying what she said. It made me wonder about the conversations this family had at home because that’s where children develop their moral compass.

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What Target and Costco did was shameful.

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I could weep with gratitude for this story. It was EXCELLENT. The values you and Majdi described- the American dream, our freedoms, our privileges, our ability to disagree without enmity - they are worth speaking up for! Thank you for your voice.

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Wow! Your podcast is out of the gate with a bang! That is such a powerful (and frustrating) story. Everyone needs to hear it. There are many things we can learn from this podcast, but one thing stood out for me: Don't cave to the mob; it won't stop them. I say this without knowing any of the behind the scene decision-making process and definitely without criticism - but it seems to me that Mr. Wadi made a mistake to fire his daughter.

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I love it Bari. If you keep this format I will definitely be coming back for each one. 30 minutes is a healthy length when there is so much being produced these days, and I like the documentarian approach.

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Majdi comes across as a stand-up guy, and maybe he is. Maybe his daughter no longer believes those things she tweeted.

But there's a good chance that she still does and that he would consider himself my enemy -- in which case that's what he'd be.

It doesn't matter.

This should never have been done to his daughter, to him, to his business or to his employees, and those who did it bear a heavy burden of guilt.

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