There seem to be different categories of products harmful to one’s health. Tobacco is on the black list of government control groups. Their emerging dilemma is the contradiction between marijuana and cigarettes. The tobacco antagonists have labored to prohibit producing smoke everywhere, but have encountered the dilemma because of its collision with legal marijuana smoke.

While non-tobacco drugs and substances are becoming legalized and decriminalized, anything remotely connected to tobacco is hounded by its enemies.

While millions turn out to support the right to kill a viable fetus, anything with the scent of tobacco is demonized.

When I was a pre-teen I and my friends had cap pistols and carbines. We ‘smoked’ candy cigarettes. We are now grandparents and understand the need for people to make and take responsibility for their behavior.

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Oh let me clutch my pearls...it's the children...we have to protect the children...r-e-a-l-l-y???

These are the same people who are all for children making decisions about their gender and allowing them to take puberty blockers and life altering surgeries. These are the same people who support pot decriminalization and use. These are the same people who will take your children away from you if you refuse to use their preferred pronouns. These are the same people who are indoctrinating your children into thinking Marxian socialism would be a fabulous replacement for representative democracy. These are the same people who will do NOTHING to counter the violence in the inner cities that is destroying black children who are murdering each other at an alarming rate. These are the same people who support unlimited abortion which kills children in the womb.

Cry me a River...the D's are users...they use people, and especially children, to justify their pursuit of their Marxian fever dreams of a society that is subject to their every whim.

I am sick of them and their anti-American nonsense...g.

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ok I'm the only old Boomer who has heard of people taking nicotine as a supplement to protect you from Covid....google it for crying out loud!!!

My daughters 'partner' gives nicotine to my grandkids with a vape pen for the same reason so it's not just a crazy right-wing idea.

This may partly explain the product popularity ....you're welcome .

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How very clever to market using a product to be a statement for freedom. Stay on your couch and do Zyn to be patriot and protect freedom...anything else would be as "extremely stressful" as having a job.

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Chuck is an imbecilic leftist cuck. The poster turd for everything wrong with allowing leftists the unfettered ability to range freely.

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This is so great. Chuck can be so scary too. I'm sure the delivery was flawless. If I saw the video of his above quotes and had a Zyn in, I may wonder if I was dead already.. should I just go to the casino and put it all on black because this party is coming to a close in short order?

Even when I know he's lying through his teeth I have to hand it to him, he's a good fear-peddler.

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Oh my God. It has been politicized beyond any reasonable boundaries. Made me lough..

Don't Schumer has more complex and serious issues to deal with.!?

Genetic predisposition, personal hygiene, total daily or timely intake are the main drivers for overall health of smokers. It has been known for years...

Looks like toilet paper should be considered as well. It is scratching the ass(es) while may carry deceases we are unaware about. Do not want o even think about coffee and alcohols..

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Zyncredible. Zynfidels!

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17

Sad to hear, I’ll occasionally vape to go to social events I’d rather not do. Probably like once a month but it’s highly effective

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The FDA continues to apply the same rules to nicotine pouches and heated/electronic delivery devices as they do burning, inhaled tobacco products. This despite the obviously different effects on the lungs. Oh, and don’t even ask about legalized marijuana.

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This is very popular among 20- and 30-something young men in my circles. The occasional woman too. Many were vapers but have switched to Zyn. Obviously there are always politics around substance use and abuse but I would have liked to see some studies on nicotine referenced here. Sure, adults can decide what goes in their bodies, but I’m not convinced Zyn (and other products like it) is as harm-free as folks (usually the ones who use it) want to believe and it seems like that should be clear to anyone who wants to partake. Lol yeah, we know anything can kill us or will eventually, but it would be nice to know if something will speed up the process or have potentially bad side effects we should know about.

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Naval aviation pretty much runs on Zyn to the point where banning it would jeopardize national security.

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“We need nicotine to cope with our jobs because they are extremely stressful,”

Eat real food. Drink lots of water. Move your body. Get sufficient sleep.

You will find your "need" to put crap in your body magically trickling away.

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The biggest killer in our society is our diet. And nobody is restricting fast food joints or added sugars.

It is fascinating what is normalized as a right in this country and what the government seeks to restrict. My body, my choice, right? Or I guess that only applies to…..certain things.

Maybe big tobacco should coin a catchy slogan (akin to “reproductive rights”). All hail the pharmaceutical conglomerate and lobby groups.

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Does this mean the Dems have moved on from coming after me for my gas burning stoves?

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Not at all an advocate for government intervention, but why is it that there are so many poisons being introduced to society? OxyContin, fentanyl, meth, growth hormones in our meat, pesticides on our vegetables, ethanol in a multitude of forms, medications with adverse effects and weak evidence for their purported benefits, the list is endless. Combine that with a healthcare system that fails to properly treat or prevent most chronic diseases and yet is fabulously expensive. I really and truly hope, for the love of humanity, that people take care of themselves and guard their health.

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This is a story more about the idiocy of people like Chuck Schumer. As for Zyn … enjoy it young people !

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