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Conservatives celebrate success through effort. Liberals thrive on misery and the attention given to those who suffer.

Modern day liberalism is Munchausen's by proxy as politics. Without the anguish of the groups they purport to represent, Democrats would have nothing.

It beggars belief that there are still so many deluded liberals in America...

The Democratic Party of America, DELENDA EST!

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Liked, but I do need occasionally to note that there is very little left of liberalism in this country. The progressive left wing embraces no liberal principles - they don't believe in self-determination, they are disgusted by free speech, they want to restrict mobiliy, impose dietary choices, disallow unruly preferences of any sort - most especially if those preferences tend toward what the vast majority of people "orient" to - i.e., heterosexuality, independence of thought, and what Dr. King dreamt of - judging people based on the content of their character - which is illustrated by behavioral choices.

Progressivism (i.e., governance by "experts") requires the imposition of a death-cult for humanity - rich men (mostly white) take private jets to luxury retreats to dine on flown-in delicacies from around the globe and pontificate on the best way to ensure the masses - i.e., the non-rich - keep their homes at uncomfortable temperatures, stay in place and not move about (reducing our consumption of the fossil fuels they expend so freely), eat insects (instead of the red meat and shellfish they love and have no intention of foregoing), not add to the population (especially not add more white people). not to ask questions, and altogether to do as we're told.

That is utterly incompatible with liberalism.

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Great comment, particularly, "Modern day liberalism is Munchausen's by proxy as politics".

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Pay attention Reingold. There is a uniparty. If (D) they're nutsack insane extremists. If (R) they're socialists. There. Are. No. Conservatives. If there were the uniparty would round them up into reeducation camps.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

I like that Olivia just talks to people and then reports. I have no idea how she votes and that’s as it should be.

If Jesus were walking around today, he’d probably be friends with some onlyfans models, and like 2000 years ago, the religious people wouldn’t like it. I say, let’s make the tent bigger. There’s plenty of room inside to make common cause on what matters to most of us.

“In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; in all things, charity.”

- St. Augustine

(which by the way is the patron saint JD Vance took when he was baptized into the Catholic Church five years ago).

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All you have to do is stop believing the MSM narratives. Such as Biden is fit as a fiddle!

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Watching Amber Rose with all those tattoos speak at the RNC was so weird. And she shows off her body online too? I can picture the fainting fits of old school fire and brimstone conservatives. Change or die I guess.

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Amber Rose is exactly the type of person we need to welcome into the fold. Forget the tattoos, I'm covered in tats and a lot of the good ole' boys I know are, too. But, seeing more people of color stand up to the establishment/Left is like a breath of fresh air. No one is coming to save any minority communities - that's the 'white savior' leftist point of view. The black and brown communities of this nation need a political revolution, and I'm happy to see more and more join that fight arm-in-arm with us fellow white boys.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

Republicans continue to miss the opportunity ---- to remind us that INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS is at the foundation of the system here. Not only is Trump not interested in IDEAS nor PRINCIPLES as such, he is militantly uninterested in the principle of INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS and their role in plotting a better future.

The "way we think about" current events issues is largely devoid of any focus on the Big Picture.

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There is no room for personal liberty in the uniparty.

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Please explain how Trump is "militantly uninterested in the principle of INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS". Not saying you're wrong, I just don't know what you're talking about.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

When confronted by a reporter with an obvious lie that Trump had told, Trump responded “It WORKED, didn’t it?” He was uninterested in grasping any causality involved; he was uninterested in grasping the principles at play.


In his famous “I could shoot someone on 5th Ave and they’d still vote for me” remark, he was (a)totally evading the individual rights context; and also (b)evading the entire type of thinking that essentializes or uses guiding principles.


Trump has made it acceptable to be non-conceptual; to be whim-driven; to determine right/wrong based on what Trump wants. It’s not that Trump lies, it’s that he doesn’t care what might be true or not. He doesn’t seem to care about how principles integrate the concretes being discussed. The scary thing is that this mental process seems to be contagious.


He's not just uninterested in Individual Rights; he’s uninterested in any rigorous conceptualizations.

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On the backdrop of the revelations of the last month & the questions being asked of the Free Press, again another drop of nonsensical articles - how is this latest INFORMING us???

Janice Joplin’s “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”

Yes, **PRINCIPLES** are what is missing from those running our country - especially those running it who were not elected, or our constitution said could NO longer govern.

Sadly, *PRINCIPLES* are what seem to be grossly lacking in the bulk of who is doing the reporting.

Where oh were Woodstein?

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The last four lines. Yes.

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Welcome to a watered-down party that is embracing the lowest common denominator, economics. Minimized are the principles that actually made America great: belief in a Creator, Protestant work ethic, traditional morality, personal responsibility, a rich sense of the common good. It's now moving toward hyper-individualism, and the worship of the Almighty dollar. I understand why, especially in the face of that secular religion called DEI, but I don't have to be happy about it.

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Jul 18·edited Jul 18

It was only a matter of time before people of all races got fed up with the scolding tyrrany of neurotic AWFLs.

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Sorry, but the Left is the most racist movement in America - period. I'm not saying the Right doesn't have its share of racists. But the massive difference is the Left has the national media to block and tackle for them, so racists on the Right are constantly elevated and platformed while racists on the Left are buried instantly from news cycle to news cycle. Just look at Biden, the guy literally spent decades palling around with segregationists, said "if you don't vote for me you ain't black", and "poor kids are just as smart as white kids" (among dozens of other blatantly racist examples). Yet, he's still polling to win the vast majority of the black vote.

The tide is turning. I think more and more black and brown folks are waking up. And the continuing "browning" of the Right is a great sight to see. But, it's still just so sad to see so many people blinded by the lies of a corrupt media and the bigotries of low expectations from their "leaders".

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Woke politics are intensely rigid and dogmatic. They demand total conformity and will relentless attack you for failing to obey. By their very nature woke liberals made themselves something for young people to rebel against.

I think the left wants to see today as the 2nd coming of the 1960’s where they are fighting for civil rights and will be seen as heroes. But in reality they are Nixon and Republican Gen Z’ers are the free thinking renegades.

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They are also ever-changing. You are OK one day, but you can be kicked out and hounded for heresy the next.

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Absolutely. Don't catch a subtle change in ideology? You will find yourself on the receiving end of some serious cyber bullying.

Its so damn exhausting that even the generation that used to live bit are now reeling against such rigid dogma.

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Fighting for the Establishment and the Powers That Be is NOT punk.

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The backlash against Woke hegemony in kindergarten through university education was inevitable. I genuinely believe it was the political apathy of a significant chunk of Gen Zers (my stepdaughters come to mind) who were too busy with school and part-time jobs to indulge in the passionate stupidity of their peers that made it happen. The hysterical anti-capitalist-free Palestine-Trans-rights majority has slowly become a niche sub-culture and their influence has subsequently waned. As soon as the first kid crossed over and wasn't destroyed by mob, the game was over.

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It's almost like folks don't want to be constantly scolded.

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Not sure the reference to the elimination of cash bail supports Olivia’s point that these policies are hurting poor people in Illinois.

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It hurts poor people because the criminals who terrorize them are back out on the streets before the police are even finished with their reports. It hurts the poor because the middle-upper middle class are able to leave the crime infested areas of a city. The poor are not.

So, the thugs who rob, rape, and murder the poor in their neighborhoods are easily released back into said neighborhood to continue in their behavior. Oh and, also punish those who talked to the police...With impunity.

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Illinois is a shit hole , I live there . Is cash bail causing this sure along with the ending of COVID cash and the liberal law makers , it's going bankrupt fast and thus the hole it has dug, Illinois biggest industry is abortion , ya that's a future to hell .

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"Reagan is laughing his ass off in hell"

- Huey Freeman probably

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