
Big sigh...

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I really think you need a full story on Tik Tok.

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I’m not a hater … but … David Mamet is not a funny or illuminating cartoonist. (Sorry, David. I adored “About Last Night.”) Nellie, please bring back Charles Addams or even Peanuts. I miss The Great Pumpkin. And that great piano theme song.

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"Gallagher argues that the Chinese-owned social media platform is distorting the debate about Israel here in the U.S." -- Um, no, that would be the government-controlled legacy media.

"Perhaps that’s why one recent poll found that 51 percent of Americans ages 18–24 believe Hamas was justified in its brutal terrorist attacks on innocent Israelis." -- Again, no. TikTok is as responsible for that sentiment as Russian "disinformation" was responsible for Hillary's 2016 loss to Trump.

It's time to take off the Israel-colored glasses to see that the REAL reason there's so much support for the Palestinians (NOT Hamas!) is because people realize the Zionist government of Israel is the Goliath to the Palestinians' David.

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WW3 has started

Wake up

I see no white flag in Gaza

I see no armed resistance

So the universities which allow Jew hate have already been bought and paid for with Muslim money...

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It's been at least 45 years since I last read the Book of Joshua (the conquest of Canaan/entry into the Promised Land). I leafed through it the other day: The weapons are different but the level of blood lust and dehumanization remains the same. Sigh.

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“The upshot: the president has a limited supply of political capital and a palpable enthusiasm problem ahead of a reelection bid. And he leads a party at war with itself over arguably the most acute geopolitical crisis of his presidency.”

This would not be such a problem if the GOP was a viable alternative but they are not -- have you paid any attention to what the GOP candidates and Trump are saying?

There is nothing in the world that could be worse for progressives or the country than a Trump presidency. The holds doubly true for anyone who professes to withhold a vote because they care about Palestinian issues.

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2017 - 2021: there was peace. 2021 - 2023: mounting war, chaos, and death.

Peace through strength is the only way. When we project weakness, bad actors fill the void. I think that the destruction of our institutions and our borders, and our universities has been noted by the rest of the world; they have also noted the chaos on Capitol Hill. This makes us weak as a nation, and does not allow us the influence that we had in the past.

Biden may be in the right place regarding some aspects of the social equation, but overall he has come off as a hawk, obviously provoking Russia. He came out strong for Israel, and as a Jew, I am in favor of that. Regardless of my religion, I believe that terrorism must be squashed, wholly and completely.

It’s time to realize that the Pax Americana has ended. The West has lost its moorings and cannot define its values. As long as that is the case, we will fall to those with conviction. We have lost belief in ourselves and our nations. We started with fairness and diversity, and then degenerated into self-hate and self-flagellation. It’s not going well.

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I’m 62 - I have heard this from the right in every election since I was able to vote. World events are just not that simple, and Amercia hasn’t lost anything.

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Does Israel need our aid from a financial standpoint?

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Talib and Omar aren’t a fringe. That’s the DSA and for Democrats to have allowed them to run on their ticket is tantamount to approval. And that approval of socialists in Congress is what, exactly? Imagine Nazis or the KKK running on a real party ticket. NFW. So it must be for the democrats. Now, since Torres wants to spin instead of tackling the DSA openly socialist and now clearly pro-genocide elephant in the room that makes him stupid or a liar.

Since he’s obviously smart, well....

Call him on it, TFP.

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Gavin Newsom photo op in China was disgusting. He repeatedly proves he’s just another narcissist! Explains WHY he can’t put the hair gel & comb down and step away from the mirror.

California is in a terrible decline with people (who can afford it) and businesses fleeing the TOO high taxes, crime ridden streets and a homeless population that is making CA. look like a 3rd World Country!

Has Newsome no shame? Let me answer that. NO!

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Awake. It’s like woke, but real. Welcome, sleepers.

And remember, violence is actually violence, words are just words, and utopia is free candy from a sketchy white work van.

Happy WWIII everybody.

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"CIA Director William J. Burns, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and our intelligence chiefs have all warned about the national security threat posed by TikTok. These warnings, combined with the rampant pro-Hamas propaganda on the app, should serve as a wake-up call for Americans."

"→ Why aren’t the American hostages receiving more attention? Over at Marginal Revolution, Tyler Cowen asks a good question: "

The enemy's inside the gate

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Is it too much to ask for one or two stories that are critical of the Israeli response? Or their entire approach with Palestinians? Or at least a balanced review?

Will the next article will tell me that if I don't support increased military aid to Israel well in excess of 3x our normal aid, then I must be an antisemite?

Reading The Free Press in the past four weeks has been like watching 4 consecutive weeks of the wildest "smoking gun!" Rachel Maddow Russia-gate histrionics on MSNBC.

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You cannot be that stupid

The hamas charter calls to kill all Jews

This has been a 75 year war against a state the UN created

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It's a colony, established by the US and UK.

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The U N passed resolution in 1947 creating 2 states

Israel and Arab state

Look it up

Actually the US made it a felony to help the new state of Israel and when the UK left they left their weapons tanks and guns for the Arabs to attack the new state of isreal

So please stop with the fake information at least do. Some research

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The Liberal Patriot has some interesting stats that show a little better view for young voters and their support for Israel and Biden. We all need some positive take now. I hope it’s true.

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The pro-Palestinian youth are very loud, they don’t know history, and they are coastal and educated - if you can call it that. I think young progressives are looking for community in joining just about any cause that comes along. The institutions that used to give us community have fallen. If our young progressives were living in the neighborhoods of pogroms and butchery, they might be finding different outlets for their need to fight the system.

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"Biden’s rhetorical support for Israel since October 7 has been unwavering".

Uh, uh, uhhh, not so fast. Just yesterday, the President called for a "pause" in Israel's response to the October 7th attack. Biden, who, in the words of Obama's SecDef, Bob Gates, "...has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades," is solely reacting to 10/7 as the cheap, crass politician that he is.

Prediction: with perhaps a few notable exceptions, the Left's current self-cannibalism will be short-lived. The vast majority of its adherents, and the politicians who depend on their support, will revert back to form well before Israel's current military response has concluded.

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I heard someone on the radio yesterday liken Gavin Newsom to Patrick Bateman of American Psycho. And now I can't get the resemblance out of my head (and don't see why I should).

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